Why it never ends

Chapter 152 It's Your Turn

Chapter 152 It's Your Turn
In the 16th second after the Aberrant alarm was issued, the second support Mercury Needle from AHgAs arrived; in the 23rd and 24th seconds, two more Mercury Needles who had participated in many critical battles flew over the sky of Tan Yi, Followed in the direction where Chiba disappeared.

Avinash stood in the Viscount's mansion, watching the news sent back from the front line by his subordinates.He quickly realized that after tonight, AHgAs must be deeply involved in this case.

But is the murderer mercury needles or chelates?
Avinash couldn't help but look sideways, looking at Viscount Rich who just fell asleep on the sofa at the moment—what did these nobles in the Habitable Land do to provoke such a terrible monster?

At four o'clock in the morning, everything was temporarily settled.

Avinash rushed to the police station with Viscount Rich and Earl Schmidt.

All relevant parties have finished recording their statements, and Chiba has also rushed back from the front line—she and the other quicksilver needles who rushed over failed to catch up with the murderer who was identified as a deformer by the radar.

Qianye, who reappeared in front of everyone, had already passed the restricted time, her hair was wet and loose, at this moment Qianye was wrapped in a long blanket, chatting with Su Lei on the sofa in the corner in a low voice.

Avinash sat down in the meeting room, waiting for tonight's conversation to start.

Most of the people staying in this meeting room at this moment have had a face-to-face encounter with the murderer, but almost no one has any specific impression of the "patrol team member who was injured and bled by the photo album"—except The captain who was the first to arrive at the scene.

Together with his subordinates, he supported the "injured" to rest on the side steps, and even had a brief conversation with this person. The attention was completely focused on the photo album that suddenly appeared and the criminal hiding on the second floor, the captain hardly looked at this person several times.

"Is it a woman?" Viscount Rich's face turned blue, "That person... must be a woman, right? A red-haired woman?"

"I'm not sure. His voice was very low at the time, and it was all from his throat. He couldn't hear a male or female voice, but I clearly remember that the person involved is blonde." The captain frowned and thought for a while, "Look at the figure, I think the killer is more like a man."

"What about height?" Avinash asked.

"Specifically... I'm not sure, because this person has been squatting, but he doesn't look small. Also, his shoulders are very broad and his legs are very long."

"If he appeared in front of you again, would you recognize this man?"

"..." The captain of the patrol team fell into a long silence. He pursed his lips several times, and finally looked at Pauler with guilt, and said in a low voice, "I'm not sure if I can recognize it. Didn't pay attention to..."

"What about the surveillance on the street?" Avinash looked at Paule.

Pauler's face looked like he had eaten a fly, "...the place where the incident happened was being monitored in a blind spot, and there was no direct footage. Our people have already started to manually screen all the nearby surveillance cameras. If there is any suspicious figure, a report will be sent."


"Can we take a look at tonight's photo album first?" Earl Schmidt, who was already gray at the temples, interrupted Avinash's inquiry. He looked at Paule, "I heard that I appeared in tonight's clues. Photo?"

"Ah, indeed..." Pauler's throat moved, and he pushed the photo album wrapped in plastic paper on the table to Earl Schmidt, "There are not only photos, but also a message for you."

All eyes are on Kim Schmidt, who is more than seventy years old.

Unlike the potbellied Paule, the old Inspector Schmidt was extremely dignified.His brows are always wrinkled, and there is a pair of deep eyes underneath, as if he is always thinking about some deep and serious issues.

Facing the photo album, Schmidt didn't flip through it right away. He stared at the dark cover of the photo album, wondering what he was thinking.

"...My lord," the viscount beside him was so weak that he could not sit still, he sobbed and begged Schmidt, "you should be overturned."

Count Schmidt opened the album.

The first page is a portrait of Viscount Richie: that was Richie about two weeks ago. On the screen, he was singing and dancing in the center of a dance floor. Richie's left hand was raised high, and his right hand was placed in front of his crotch. Laughing maniacally, he stuck out his long tongue, and looked at his female companion on the side rather unrulyly.

Rishi held his breath, "This...this will be...what does it mean? Isn't my whole body complete?"

"Aren't you covering your crotch with your right hand?" Chiba picked out her ear, "The meaning is quite obvious."

Rishi suddenly clamped his legs, he trembled slightly, as if thundering, after a short silence, Rishi suddenly laughed out loud, a fierce and disdainful expression crawled onto his face, he pushed hard With a table, the whole person stood up.

The fear of the past few days finally condensed into gushing anger at this moment. Rishi uttered the most vicious curse at the enemy that did not exist at the moment, and brought out many unspeakable obscenities, except for his servant was watching him worriedly, and everyone else ignored it.

Just as Rich was about to rush out the door, Avinash's men stopped him in time.

Earl Schmidt glanced at Richie speechlessly.

After a while, he took a deep breath and turned to the next page.

The person in the picture is himself, standing at an intersection with a cane, a circular billboard blocking his head.

"Beheading." Schmidt reported one of his death methods expressionlessly, "I guessed it."

Pauler lowered his head in grief, "This murderer... is too rampant!"

"Don't worry so much, Paule." Schmidt had a faint smile on his face, "As a policeman who protects public safety, death is always accompanied by the wind—how many vicious criminals want to take my head, Did they succeed?"

"Your mentality is still so good," Paule complimented.

"Of course. This is also based on the trust in our colleagues." Schmidt looked at Avinash, "I believe in your strength."

"That... There is still a message." Paule reminded at the right time.

Schmidt lowered his eyes and turned a page back again.

Sure enough, on the third page of the photo album, there was a white paper folded in half with the words "Regards, Old Superintendent Kim Schmidt".

Schmidt took out the white paper and unfolded it under the lamp. On it was a short message composed of many words and symbols cut out of old newspapers:
who am I?
I am a well-intentioned warner before things happen;
When things happen, I am the perpetrator who cannot control myself;
After the incident, I was a critic who hates iron and steel.

never trust me,
never offend me,
Never show your weakness to me.

From your birth to your death,
I'm always watching you,
I'm always looking for opportunities.

Dear Earl Kim Schmidt,
now you.

Red Velvet_Sincerely (1)


(1) The quote is adapted from the comment of Douban user "Yu Zhong Shan Guo Luo" in the group "Reddit Horror Stories" under the post "Real Version of Rules and Strange Talk", which has been authorized.

(End of this chapter)

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