Why it never ends

Chapter 355 Duties

Chapter 355 Duties
"What's not complete?"

"...that is," Hesta sighed, opening her eyes, "if I were the murderer, my actions wouldn't end there, otherwise the whole operation would be like an anticlimactic—"

"Have you, have you, received any additional leads?"

"I said it, no," Hesta couldn't argue, "I really just didn't think about it..."

"You swear you didn't lie to me?"

"I absolutely—"

"I really don't know whether I should trust you or not." Si Lei turned around, her voice lowered, "Victoria and the others also suspected you before, but you cleared up the suspicion very quickly... What are you? How do you manage to appear in two places at the same time?"

"...I can't say," Hesta held his forehead, "but I... I'm willing to use all my credibility here to guarantee that what happened today has nothing to do with me... Maybe I really shouldn't touch that handle, but I hope you can trust me."

The room was silent, save for the occasional flickering of cool white lamps.

After a moment of silence, Hesta stood up, "I think your question should be over?"

"Yes." Su Lei replied in a low voice.

Hesta could see that Su Lei was very depressed at the moment, but she didn't understand the reason.Hesta turned around and took a few steps towards the exit, then stopped again.

"Officer Su Lei," she turned her head, "can I ask you a question?"


"Why...why do you want to get involved?"

"it is my responsibility."

Hesta thought for a moment, "No, it's not."

"What's the point of arguing about this kind of issue—" Su Lei looked at her, and the moment his eyes met, Su Lei stopped talking, and she hesitated, because Hesta's expression seemed sad at the moment, and she rarely See this look on this girl.

"It's not your duty... The whole thing has nothing to do with you." Hesta said with difficulty, trying to make every sentence more coherent, "Although I don't know who the murderer is, this People must be very dangerous too...and all you have is a gun, you don't even have a mercury needle."

Hesta glanced at the camera on the table beside him. There were hundreds of live photos taken by Su Lei at the Grace Theater. On the desktop, there were already a dozen of conversation notes written by Su Lei...all of this , will be used as supplementary evidence and will be handed over to the corresponding police station for processing after the ship returns.

"Why...why do you do these things?"

"This is my duty." Su Lei replied again, looking at Hesta, her expression regained her composure, "My tone of voice to you was too aggressive, I shouldn't be like that—"

"That kind of thing... doesn't matter," Hesta frowned. "Let's talk about 'responsibility'..."

"Are you worried about me, Jane?"

"I just want to tell you... there is no benefit in doing these things." Hesta's throat moved, "A long time ago, I had a...friend——"

"Let me explain it again, sit down."

The corners of Su Lei's mouth sank slightly, and he pushed Hesta back onto the chair again.

"I didn't expect the atmosphere here to be like this before I got on this ship, and I didn't even know what Rob Griller was, what 'Briber Monk' was...but you also saw, these people, very bad."

Hesta nodded slightly in agreement.

"The Briar Monk itself is an organization with high internal recognition. They have their own slogans, logos, and even activity regulations. Robeau Grillet is considered half a social activist, and most of the remaining passengers are his followers, even if they are not , and also agree with his value to a certain extent, in other words, we are now in a small group with high homogeneity."


"At the same time, a long-distance passenger ship can basically be equivalent to an isolated island, because once the ship enters the high seas, it means losing contact with the entire outside world. If a vicious incident occurs at this time, the right to speak on the ship falls to those people , then what will happen next must be very scary... I am not scaremongering, this kind of thing has not happened before."

"But you don't have to worry at all...?" Hesta was very confused, "We will protect you, we... Lico, Miss Chiba... With them, let alone more than 30 ordinary passengers, even if they are all Armed—"

"Yes! You know that once the blood is flowing, the mercury needle must be the winner, but what about the others? Ordinary people?"

As soon as the words came out, Su Lei realized the anger in her words, and adjusted her tone again.

"Do you know, Jane, this is what I am most disappointed with you Mercury Needle. If Chiba Masaki can come out to host the situation at the first time tonight, there is no need for me to jump out at all, I will feel at ease by the side Cooperate with the investigation... But so many things have happened, what about the Chiba people?
"What I am most fortunate about now is that my police status still has some deterrence, allowing everyone to temporarily cooperate with my instructions, but this kind of thing will not last, and I am fully aware of this! As you said, I even It's not a mercury needle, but I tell you, if you don't stand up at this moment, if you don't take the responsibility you can bear, you can only bear the consequences created by others. It's too late to do anything!"

Hesta's eyes were half-open.

"...so you came out to take your responsibility," she murmured, almost to herself, "you think...that's your responsibility."

"It won't be too long." Su Lei breathed a sigh of relief, "With such a serious murder case, the return flight is a certainty, tonight at the earliest, and tomorrow morning at the latest."

Hesta closed his eyes again and was silent for a moment.

"...Then what else can I do for you during this time?"

"If you've been telling the truth before, it's gone."

"I actually hope that what I said was a lie." Hesta whispered, "If I am the murderer, or if I can influence the murderer's decision...then I can at least be sure that you are safe."

Su Lei laughed, and she patted Hesta on the shoulder.

"Thank you, I can't rely on others, I will be careful myself."


When Hesta left the room holding her cane, she saw Rico waiting for her outside.

They didn't go downstairs immediately, Hesta leaned against the fence, and together with Rico looked at the crowd downstairs in a daze.

Hesta looked in the direction of Rob Grier: "Do you know what they are talking about?"

"When I came up, I heard them talking about returning to the voyage. They were anxious to contact the captain, but they couldn't find anyone."

"Are they still insisting on going to District [-]?"

"How is it possible?" Li Ke held his face, "It all happened last night. I think Roborgrille can't wait for a helicopter to pick him up right away—they seem to be in contact. Are you afraid? Yet?"

Hesta didn't answer, she approached Rico and rested her head on the other's shoulder.

"...I hope the boat keeps going."

(End of this chapter)

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