Why it never ends

Chapter 379 Cooperation

Chapter 379 Cooperation
"Miss Chiba!"

Before Chiba left with the computer in her arms, Hesta stopped her.

"what happened?"

"When do you have time...I want to chat with you alone."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"When, you are not busy, you can tell me."

Qianye glanced at her watch, and an unhappy expression flashed across her face, but she still nodded, "Okay."

After Chiba left, Li Ke locked the door from the room.

"Where have you been?" asked Hesta.

"There is a safety cabin on the seventh deck. I went there to spend the limited time," Lico said softly, and she sat down beside Hesta, "Jane, you took your medicine in front of many people this morning. ?"

Hesta thought about it for a moment, "I don't remember clearly...it seems to be, in Bishop's Restaurant?"

"Qianye didn't stop me?"

"what happened?"

"I ran into Gobelin outside the safety cabin, the secretary who came to strike up a conversation last night." Lico looked at Hesta, "He suddenly came to care about your health and said that you seem to be looking at the medicine box every day. Need to take a lot of drugs."

"...he came to talk to us in the morning." Hesta recalled, "but it didn't seem to be a very pleasant conversation."

"What did you say?"

Hesta was silent for a long time. After a futile recollection, she found that she could not recall the conversation between the two at that time—she was eating a muffin covered with honey wholeheartedly, and her only impression seemed to be Only Ms. Chiba said that she had been on the Shengming once when she was a teenager, and it was very lively.

Seeing Hesta's embarrassed expression, Li Ke didn't insist anymore, she got up and took off her coat, "Forget it, I'll ask Chiba later. I don't understand what she's doing..."

"Did Gobelin tell you anything else?"

"He knew you went to Anna's place this morning, and he seemed very envious," Lico said softly, "He said that Anna brought half a museum on board, is it true?"

"Really," Hesta turned the wheelchair, "specifically speaking."

"...Where are you going?"

"Go to the medical room," Hesta replied, "I have to get back that "Male Awakening" quickly..."


Outside the medical room, Su Lei was pacing in the corridor. After inspecting Fritz Grüning's room, she planned to talk to Bree, especially about the "confession" mentioned in Dietrich's diary. Something, Bree must have known what it was.

However, she had just walked to this place when she heard Bree's continuous screams and groans, and the side door of the medical room was closed tightly, as if there were other people inside.After waiting in the corridor for a while, Su Lei decided to go in and have a look.

After a while, one of the ship's doctors came out.

"Hello, policeman." Su Lei stepped forward to show his ID.

"Hello, hello," the doctor took off his mask and shook Su Lei's hand, "I know you, are you Police Officer Su Lei?"

"Yes, what's the matter with Mr Bree?"

"He... was burnt by concentrated sulfuric acid, but fortunately he was discovered in time. The wound is not serious so far, only hurting some areas of his hands, cheeks and back... um, and the scalp."

"Concentrated sulfuric acid? Where did you get the concentrated sulfuric acid?" Su Lei was surprised, "When he was just lifted out of the elevator, he was fine—"

"I've heard from Mr. Bree's friends." The doctor made a soothing gesture to Su Lei. "It was indeed a concentrated sulfuric acid burn. There is no mistake about that. When he first arrived here, he was wet and delirious. He was not sober either, I suspected that those were dilute sulfuric acid solutions, so he immediately rinsed his whole body with water, but the water in some places evaporated quickly, causing damage..."

Su Lei suddenly recalled the strange scene in the elevator not long ago, the blood all over the floor and the water jetting down from the elevator.

"...Is that dilute sulfuric acid?" Su Lei murmured.

"Yes, dilute sulfuric acid itself is not dangerous. It is neither volatile nor highly corrosive. If it is stained, it will be fine if you rinse it with water. into concentrated sulfuric acid."

Before the doctor finished speaking, Bree wailed in pain again.

She turned her head and glanced in Bree's direction: "I guess everyone might have been attracted by the smell of blood at that time, and didn't pay attention to anything else. I have already notified other mechanics to come over and check. At present, everyone's daily protection is in place. Although a few people had burnt holes in their gloves, everyone was fine."

The doctor shrugged slightly, "So...you don't have to worry."

"Can I go in and see him?"

"Are you his friend, or do you have a question for him?"

Just as Si Lei was about to answer, the doctor had already continued, "I don't recommend going in now, no matter what it is, as you can tell, he is in a very bad condition now—"

"Is it a sterile room inside?"


"Where do I sterilize and change into sterile gowns?"

"...Uh, this way." The doctor pointed to the metal door on the other side of the medical room, and as Su Lei's figure disappeared behind the door, she glanced sympathetically in Bree's direction.

As soon as the door over there was closed, there was another knock on the door leading to the corridor.

"Please come in."

Rico pushed Hesta and walked in.

"Ah, Ms. Rico," the doctor recognized the person again, "are you also here to visit the wounded?"

"Injured?" Li Ke frowned, "Oh, no, my friend is fed up, so I'll prescribe some stomach medicine for her."

"No, I don't think it's as simple as eating enough..." Hesta had a painful expression on his face, "It must be a gastric ulcer. I need to have an examination."

"Don't worry, take your time, why is it uncomfortable?"

"After lunch, I had pain in my left upper abdomen, sternum and behind the xiphoid process," Hesta pressed his upper abdomen, "it's a dull pain, a dull pain."

"...What did you study?"

"A few years ago, I had a gastric ulcer for a period of time, and it got better later." Hesta whispered, "Maybe it's because I'm not used to eating these days, so..."

"Is it convenient for you to change the place?" The doctor pointed to the examination table not far away. "It's best to lie there."

"Okay." Hesta supported the doctor's hand and slowly stood up from the wheelchair. "Do I still have to untie my shirt?"

"Of course, need to do an abdominal palpation first... Are you hiccupping acid regurgitation now?"

Following the consultation, the doctor pulled up the curtain next to the examination table, and Hesta talked with her behind the curtain, while Rico took the opportunity to look for the target.After looking around for a week, she quickly found a coat piled up in the corner, which was exactly what Bree was wearing this morning.

Just as Li Ke was about to check, several nurses came out of the sterile room. She turned her arms naturally, pretending to be waiting for a friend to check. After nodding with the nurses, Li Ke He watched them leave and locked the door behind him.

She quickly stepped forward to pick up the clothes to check - there was nothing underneath.

(End of this chapter)

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