Why it never ends

Chapter 385 Plan

Chapter 385 Plan
Hesta stared at Anna's back with all her heart, while Rico's words went straight into her left ear and out of her right ear—even though she didn't listen to what Rico said at all, she still realized from the rising tone of his voice that Rico was throwing at her. There is a problem.

"...What?" Hesta raised his head, "I was just distracted."

"It's nothing," Li Ke raised his eyebrows, "It's useless to ask you anything now, huh?"

"Sorry, I just..." Hesta's throat moved, "I was thinking about something else."


"Officer Su Lei, are you inside?"

Outside the Grace Theater, Su Lei, who was searching for clues alone in this area, suddenly heard a familiar voice.

She looked in the shadows for the source of the sound, the silhouette of a young girl at the door of the theater.

"Agnes?" Su Lei took the initiative to walk under the light, "Why are you here?"

"Is it convenient to talk, I have... very important things to tell you."

"Talking here?"

"It would be better," Agnes whispered, "everyone is outside now, I'm... sneaking here."


Su Lei walked towards Agnes, rows of seats blocked her lower body, Su Lei instinctively touched the guns on his waist—they were all hanging there properly.

"How do you know I'm here?" Si Lei asked.

"I was also at Bishop's restaurant just now. I saw you coming in this direction, so I came to try my luck..." Agnes approached Su Lei with small steps, and the light behind her drew a long line on the ground. Long black shadow, "Do you know where the black-haired mercury needle is? I remember her name is... Qianye?"

"Her work is always a secret, I can't possibly know, what do you want her to do?"

"The linguist she is in charge of escorting... is in danger tonight."

Su Lei was taken aback, and she finally remembered to look down at the time—it was almost seven o'clock, and she was supposed to rush back to Hesta's room at 05:30 to take over with Lico.

Si Lei was in a bad mood, she had to go back and have a look as soon as possible.

"...Keep talking," Su Lei looked up, "What danger?"

"Gobelin issued weapons to everyone... did you know that?"

"I know, he informed me beforehand," Su Lei sighed and looked away, "I've already told him that this is the worst idea I've ever heard. Self-protection before danger will only lead to unnecessary bloodshed..."

Si Lei's words came to an abrupt end, thinking of Agnes' last sentence, she frowned, "...What do you mean, your people are going to attack Bo Shanfu tonight?"

"...It should be like this. I'm not a core member of the operation team, so I know very little." Agnes whispered, "If Bo Shanfu is seriously injured, Ms. Qianye should find a way to bring the ship to shore... ...Gobelin said so."

"Wishful thinking!" Su Lei's voice suddenly increased, "Is Gobelin himself in that action team? Does he know what it means to point a gun at Qianye!"

"No, no, of course they won't force their way in directly. They have their own plan. As far as I know, they don't want to have a confrontation with Ms. Chiba..."

"Where is Gobelin?"

"I don't know," Agnes replied in a low voice, "I came to tell you this because I want you to tell Ms. Chiba so that she has time to prepare in advance...I don't want anything to happen to that linguist, and I don't want our people to have an accident, I believe Ms. Chiba must have a way to do this."

Agnes was silent for a moment, she observed Si Lei's expression, and tentatively said, "For example, take Bo Shanfu to find a safe place to stay tonight, no matter what happens outside, don't be fooled, don't leave -"

"...You said it lightly," Su Lei pressed his forehead, "Shall I tell Qianye? I don't think Gobelin will survive tonight whether I tell Qianye or not."

"Is there... is there no other way?"

"Who made him want to trouble Qianye, he deserves it!" Si Lei put his hands on his back, pacing and thinking, "...is it just this matter?"


"...Thank you for telling me this. Let me think about what else I can do," Su Lei said softly. She took off the disposable rubber gloves and stuffed them into a ball in her coat pocket. "By the way, I will I seem to have seen Bree trouble you earlier? Is it because of what happened yesterday?"

Agnes nodded, "Yes...but don't worry, the explanation you gave this morning is perfect, they won't know what I said to Ms. Rico and the others last night."

"If Bree troubles you again later, you tell him 'Su Lei will know', and he will restrain himself."

Agnes was a little surprised: "...Okay, thank you."

"Then I'll go out for a while, and you should hurry up and do your own thing."

Agnes stood on the spot and watched Si Lei leave. She didn't turn around until Si Lei's back completely disappeared in the corridor, and walked deeper into the theater.


In the captain's cabin on the seventh deck, Gobelin sat alone in the unoccupied office. The sun in the distant sky was about to set, and there were shadows everywhere.He didn't turn on the light, and three landline phones were in his hand. Suddenly, the incoming call indicator light of one of them lit up red.

Gobelin picked up the phone.

"Hello? Well, it's me."

"No, you did a good job, yes, that's enough."

"Don't worry that Mercury Needle will strike first. If she dares to do so, when the ship docks, the AHgAs headquarters will be the first to arrest her... Yes, that's it, you understand it right."

"No, you don't need to go back to the cabin, Hesta and Rico are not in the room now."

Gobelin looked out the window.

"They're all supposed to be in the Aviation Museum by now—Hesta, Rico, and the woman in the wheelchair."

"No, you don't need to go there now. There is still one person who hasn't been found. You should stay where you are now and don't move. I will tell you the next move after I confirm the location of that person."


After hanging up the phone, Agnes breathed a sigh of relief.

The backstage of the Grace Theater was also not turned on at the moment, and it was pitch black, with only a faint light cast from the sealed glass wall windows, and the whole room presented a pre-dawn gray-blue color.

Agnes looked at the dust scattered in the air in a daze, and suddenly, an unusual noise woke her up from her contemplation.

"Who's there!" She quickly drew her gun behind her, "Come out!"

Everything remained unusually quiet until the sound came again - a white cat jumped to the ground from a box not far away, and sat down facing Agnes.

Some cold sweat broke out on Agnes's back, she took a breath slowly, and gradually lowered the muzzle of the gun.

The white cat has a pair of very beautiful upright ears. It sits there reservedly, its tail coiled gracefully in front of its body, and its eyes glow in the dark like gems.

Agnes put away her gun.

"Meow." In the darkness, she waved to the cat, "Meow, come here."

(End of this chapter)

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