Why it never ends

Chapter 461 Thinking of a way

Chapter 461 Thinking of a way
Tasia pondered for a moment, and suddenly realized something: "...I'm not for that chance to quit!"

"I know you're not, so why?"

Tasia lowered her eyes slightly and hesitated, "Maybe I shouldn't say these words, because..."

"Speak straight."

"...I don't trust René," Tasia glanced at Hesta very quickly, "you can also see that these days, not only has he been insulting Mr. Goebbels, but he has also secretly formed a clique to persecute Mr. We do what he wants, and if someone disobeys, he will use force...I know you seem to value him, but..."

"Rene is still using force?" Rico laughed. "Should you go to Bernhard for this kind of thing? Didn't he say that he was responsible for maintaining order?"

Tasia shook her head: "It's useless, most of Mr. Gobelin's instructions to us, René will still obey...but he will rob us. A box of jewelry from Ms. Jacqueline was stolen yesterday." He took it by force. Some people had approached the general before, but he didn't care about such trivial matters - two soldiers came and grabbed René by the collar, gave him a few verbal warnings to 'keep out of trouble', and it was over... ...In the end, it was the few people who complained to the general who were severely punished by René's subordinates."

"I can't see it," Rico glanced at Hesta, "Rene is quite fierce?"

Hesta raised his head: "You don't trust René, so when you see René running for 'Adjudicator', you decide to run as well...Is that so?"

"Yes, if someone like René becomes the 'judger', everyone's life will be really difficult. I think I should do something - at least, I should stand up and try, some things don't try How do you know?" Tasia gave a wry smile at this point, "I didn't know until I tried—"

"Public speaking is a skill that needs to be trained, and few people can do it well the first time." Hesta interrupted Tasia. "You need more practice."

Tasia was taken aback.

"I think this is a good attempt," Hesta said softly, "and I also remembered that your name is Tasia."

Eyes met, Tasia held her breath.

Looking into Hesta's eyes, Tasia felt intuitively that the girl in the wheelchair should be younger than herself, but her tone of voice, her eyes, her seemingly determined and casual attitude... were not like a girl at all. young people.

"...Thank you." Tasia murmured.

"People like René are not difficult to get along with," Hesta looked at her, "If you think about it again, think of a way?"

Rico quickly pushed Hesta away, and Tasia stood there watching the backs of the three leaving. She recalled Hesta's last words and forgot about other things for a while.

Think of a way?

...Is this something that can be solved by thinking of a way?
Perhaps for Hesta and the mercury needles, people like Rene have never been difficult to get along with, so she will feel that this matter is the same for other people, and she just needs to "find a way".

But even so, the feeling of taking it for granted is strange.

She tried to imagine Hesta's perspective, imagining her feeling when she said "people like René are not difficult to get along with", Tasia couldn't help showing a smile-it seems very strange to be pushed by someone like Hesta It is easy to cause people to have an illusion that even if they clearly see the gap between the two sides rationally, there is still a kind of enthusiasm that is aroused.

It's as if she said that "presentation is a skill that needs to be trained" and needs "more practice", and the same logic can be applied to people like Rene-

Just need to think of a way.

"What are you talking about, talking for so long!"

Philip's voice suddenly rang in her ears, and Tasia couldn't help but take a step back as if she had just woken up from a dream. The thin heels of her high-heeled shoes couldn't grip the ground firmly, and she lost her balance for a moment. Philip grabbed Tasia's shoulders.

"Are you okay?"

"It's okay..." Tasia pressed her heart and glanced at Philip, "...don't appear suddenly like this in the future, okay?"

"Sorry, but you are too nervous," Philip sighed with a smile. "Shall we go back and have something to eat? I'll take you back later."

"Thank you, but forget it." Tasia looked at the road ahead, and the three figures of Hesta had disappeared at the end of the road. Tasia looked away, "I'll go back first."

"Tasia!" Philip followed a few steps forward, "What are you going back for now?"

Tasia didn't look back: "I'll go back... find a way."


Hesta and Lico did not return to Chiba's room, and the two took Su Lei all the way back to their original residence.

"I really can't stand this door..." After entering the gate, Li Ge stared at the door panel that was slowly closing, "I have to wait so long every time!"

The door "clicked" and finally closed.

Su Lei had already walked to the door of Hesta's room, and helped her and Li Ke open the door.

Rico pushed the wheelchair and carefully pushed Hesta into the house.

Looking at the furnishings in the house, Su Lei felt that there were still many things missing—for example, the accordion box that was placed against the wall before was probably put away by Hesta again.

A metal cabinet door slammed, and Si Lei turned his head, seeing Li Ge standing in front of the safe and operating it, not knowing what he was doing.

"Can you let me have a look at the "Guide"..." Su Lei found a place to sit down, but when he looked up again, he saw that Hesta was empty-handed, "Where is your "Guide?"

"It's locked." Hesta pointed behind him.

"...Didn't you say it back? Why—"

Li Ke walked behind Hesta, "It's time to sleep, Officer Su Lei."

"Let me take a look at the "Guide" first, and I will rest right away."

"How long is it right now? It will definitely take another hour to study this thing," Li Ke put his hands on his hips, "And if you don't sleep, the two of us will sleep too. We stayed up all night last night, and if we don't sleep again, everyone will To be stupid."


"Lico has already set the timer, and the safe will not be opened until nine hours later," Hesta said softly, "Let's wait until the evening anyway, my current physical condition... really needs to rest."

"Sleep, sleep," Li Ge locked the door, "We will watch together when we wake up."

"...I've convinced you," Si Lei sighed, "Okay, I'll go wash up."

The sound of water coming from the bathroom, Rico looked at Hesta.

"Look at what I do?"

"...When did this broken safe have a timer function? You can find a not-so-obvious reason to prevaricate Su Lei. She came over and took a look and found out."

"You're right," Hesta laughed. "It's true that you'll be stupid if you don't sleep."

(End of this chapter)

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