Why it never ends

Notes to Chapter 472 "Application for Deposit of Prohibited and Restricted Items"

Notes to Chapter 472 "Application for Deposit of Prohibited and Restricted Items" (Additions)
"Thank you, no need for now."

Hesta also smiled. She patted the armrest of the wheelchair and looked up at Lico, "Let's go find Su Lei."

The two said goodbye to the bartender, and Rico pushed Hesta to walk out slowly.

"Why don't you listen to her? Do you know what she's going to say?"

"do not know."

"then you--"

"It feels like a hole," Hesta said in a low voice. "She is not willing to tell us what is considered polluted. If I still listen to her like a curious baby, I will be too stupid."

There was the sound of a man vomiting in the corridor. When Hesta and Rico came to the elevator, they saw René who was holding the trash can. His whole head was almost stuck in. Every time he vomited, René felt Blue veins popped up on the red neck.

Hesta and Rico looked at him motionless.

When his breathing finally eased, Si Lei handed over a napkin.

"Thank you..." Rene grabbed the napkin and wiped his mouth indiscriminately. Some vomit was still on the stubble of his upper lip. He didn't notice the two until he saw Hesta's feet out of the corner of his eye. is back.

Rene stood up quickly, "You—"

Hesta looked away, with a calm expression, as if a little bored.

René laughed a few times, and quickly wiped the corner of his mouth with his sleeve: "Today is a rare safety day...you know."

"Go and wash your face before talking."

Rene immediately headed in the direction of the bathroom.

The corridor fell silent, and Hesta heard a series of muffled curses coming from the bathroom.

When Rene reappeared, the originally ferocious face suddenly returned to a submissive look. He indeed looked much more awake than before. He walked up to Hesta with steady steps, his shoulders bent forward as always.

Hesta raised his hand and handed over the four invitation letters, "Take it back."

Rene took it with both hands. He didn't dare to check it on the spot, so he didn't linger on the invitation letter too much. Rene glanced at the bar not far away, and said with a low laugh: "...It's the first time I know the invitation letter. You can also come to the second floor, and there is a bar."

"This bar is not ordinary," Hesta looked at him. "You can ask Gustav about it, and he will tell you."

"Really, okay, thank you...then, you still need me—"

"Is it peaceful on board today?" Hesta looked at him, "Did anything unusual happen?"

"No, everything is—ah," Rene suddenly remembered something, "Philip, that boy who chased Tasia out this morning, two of his hamsters died."

Li Ke scratched his ears, "...you don't need to talk about such trivial matters."

"But his hamsters were poisoned," added René immediately, "because the pets were fine before he left last night, and when he came back to his room at noon this morning, he found the poor little things vomiting. Lots of blood, one of the limbs was still twitching, and he checked and found IV pinholes in both hamsters - so someone killed his pet while he was out of the room."

Hesta's expression was flat, obviously not very interested in this topic.

"Philip has been making trouble all afternoon, and he said he wants to watch the surveillance... But Police Officer Su Lei was not around at the time, so he can only make trouble." Rene looked at Su Lei, "He should come to you tomorrow of."

Si Lei was stunned for a moment—from last night until now, she never thought about going to check the surveillance again, and completely forgot about it.

With monitoring, many things can be sorted out in detail.

"However, during dinner today, Tasia kept comforting him," René showed an ambiguous smile, "He's been too ostentatious recently, and it's understandable that he would attract people's hatred, but this kind of thing is indeed a bit scary, After all, no one wants to—”

"Is Tasia all right?" Hesta asked.

René was stunned for a moment: "She...she should be fine. I haven't seen her today except for dinner. Why did you ask her?"

"I chatted with her for a while after the voting ended this morning," Hesta frowned, "I feel like she's someone I can chat with..."

René was thinking about the meaning of Hesta's words, when she heard her say: "The list given to you this morning, have you figured out who to fill in?"

"Ah... still, it will take some time." Rene smiled wryly, "The places are precious, and it takes a lot of brainpower to choose a few lucky ones..."

"It doesn't look like you are wasting your brain now."

René's expression was a bit ugly: "...I will definitely give you the list tomorrow morning."

"Okay." Hesta withdrew his gaze, "We're going back, and you should go back and rest earlier."

René took a step back and watched as Hesta and the others entered the elevator.


Returning to the fifth deck again, this time, Hesta wanted to take a look at the front desk, but when the three of them came to the big table that was always unattended, they found that there was nothing on the table.

"...There is nothing, here."

Hesta's hand touched the table lightly, "I don't remember wrongly, the things are gone, it can only be taken away by someone."

"Check the surveillance later?" Li Ke suggested.

"Yes." Hesta and Su Lei responded at the same time.

Back in the room, the three of them sat down again, and Hesta briefly recounted the conversation with the bartender just now—obviously, they still need to read the text carefully next time, I believe
Several people spread out all the documents in the portfolio again. This time, Su Lei saw one of the registration forms at a glance.

"I found it, here it is!"

Su Lei picked up the "Application for Storage of Prohibited and Restricted Items (*2)" and brought it directly in front of Hesta and Lico.

The structure of this form is simple, and only the name of the item, storage time, storage location, sponsor (*3), and guarantor (*4) are written on the header.

"What is this application form for..."

"That's not important, look at the bottom," Su Lei pointed to the note at the end of the form, "here is the explanation about 'safety check'."


*1 There is no original or backup of this application form, please make a certain number of copies for use before the first use;
*2 Prohibited and restricted items refer to items that are prohibited or restricted to be displayed, used, or discussed in public places within a certain period of time, usually utensils, weapons, chemicals, etc. that are dangerous or may cause major risk events among passengers. All rights belong to **Guarantor**;
*3 Any legally boarded passenger has the qualification to become a sponsor;
*4 The guarantor can only be served by **current adjudicator**;

*5 Shengming will conduct three types of safety inspections from time to time to ensure that there are no prohibited and restricted items that threaten navigation safety:
Class S: Triggered if and only when the adjudicator is facing a change of office, accidental death, or serious threat to life, and the scope of inspection includes all passenger activity areas;
Category A: When the accompanying passengers are in danger, the cruise security personnel will immediately check the target passengers and their surroundings;
Category D: mainly for crew violations, which will not be described in detail here;

(This chapter is an update for the students of "My Little Immortal in Heaven". You are welcome to actively find bugs, and you can exchange for additional updates when you ask for leave next time. And today I found that there was an extra boss last week. Be a little busy, the update for Lolia not playing lol will be issued next week.)
(End of this chapter)

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