Rob looked at Hesta again, "You don't seem like someone who would be interested in this kind of topic, why ask this?"

"If your Excellency has already concluded that I am not interested in this kind of topic, then why did you interrupt Ms. Anna's words and throw out that topic?"

Rob laughed. "It's just a corrective instinct, because what she said was so wrong!"

"But that's how fairy tales are told—"

"That's a misinterpretation! It's a very typical misinterpretation!" Rob's voice became excited again, but then he sat back on the bed, "It's too late, what are you talking about, rest."

Rob pulled up the covers and turned his back on Hesta.

Hesta laughed suddenly: "Your Excellency really trusts me, how long has it been since you dare to turn your back on me?"

Rob shuddered, turned over and sat up again, "Are you finished with your mercury needle?"

"I think it is necessary to revise the mythology. After all, people are born to like stories." Hesta's eyes lowered slightly. "It's a pity that your excellency has not grasped the essence."

"...Are you picking on me?"

"I can probably understand why Robeau Grier in the golden age made up such a story," Hesta tapped lightly on the wheelchair with his left hand, "As a pioneer who has abandoned the old human gender struggle, he is very I have long realized that even the concept of justice and equal rights cannot stop the tearing of concepts.

"Because according to his theory, after the extreme patriarchy, as long as there is a civilization to establish order, there will inevitably be quite a lot of weak sex positions in society-these positions have average physical requirements, and they correspond to intelligence and human feelings. Activities. Every generation of society needs to educate their women, so that the vast majority of women will stop coveting these positions and return to their original roles...Obviously, in the eyes of Mr. Robeau Griller, these The energy spent on guarding against death is a huge waste.

"So, instead of downgrading the image of Alecto from an adult woman to a child, it is better to rewrite it directly as the story of a male Alec. After all, the story core of oppression and resistance has long been embedded in the history of patrilineal inheritance.

"This is the true meaning of turning Alecto into Alec—even the power of chaos is also a kind of power. Instead of weakening their achievements, it is better to erase their image directly. If it cannot be erased, Just cut off its inheritance. As long as this gender can be turned into a biological defect, then many issues will be self-evident.

"This approach is not original to Roborgrillet, and it has long been traced in history. Because in the ignorant age of patriarchal civilization, most of the philosophers did this, and its benefit is once and for all.

"However, this ingenious method was broken in the Silver Age. The ideological tool that was originally used to liberate the low-level human beings was used to illuminate gender issues, making some women begin to doubt whether the civilization in front of them was indeed built on their own. Gender exploitation—it’s really a, um, unwarranted disaster, but it’s also the price of technological and intellectual advancement.”

The air fell into a long silence.

Sitting on the bed, Rob Green didn't know which question to ask—the mercury needle in front of her was amazing. Not only did she know Rob Griller in the golden age, she knew the origin of Alec's story, but she could also clearly understand To draw out a subdivision of the history of thought.

"You..." Rob frowned, "I might have been a little arbitrary just now."

"It's nothing, I've experienced this kind of misunderstanding many times." Hesta laughed, "But for a person who wants to get closer to the truth, it's nothing."

"There are not many young people like you now." Rob put the round glasses back on with a solemn expression, "Where did you come into contact with these ideas?"

"I can't say." Hesta whispered, "But as your Excellency mentioned earlier, it's not surprising that a mercury needle has heard of Eden."

Rob nodded understandingly, "Indeed."

"It's not easy to uphold such a belief," Hesta suddenly sighed, "The most difficult thing is loneliness. Knowing that some words will not be understood, so I can only remain silent, but fortunately, every time I take the initiative to explore the pile of old papers , have brought me deep comfort...otherwise I might not be able to persist today."

"Oh..." Rob took a deep breath, "I understand too well, it's the same reason why I took 'Robe-Griller' as my name—"

"As if walking with Mr. Robeau Grillet?"


"But I don't think you have grasped the true meaning of Mr. Roborgrillet's 'separatism'," Hesta said ruthlessly, "I don't understand that there are women in your team."

"You should be the one who understands best," Rob stood up, "because you yourself—"

"Oh, don't confuse me with other women, I am different from most of the creatures in this inferior species, I will choose a more difficult path, and then live like a human being," Hesta looked away, saying Slowly, "A...real person."

"Hahaha..." Rob laughed, "It's too extreme for you to think so, Ms. Hesta!"

The old man stood up again.

"Everything is changing and needs to be viewed dialectically - we are not in a golden age right now, so many things should be adjusted, you admit that?"

"It seems so," said Hesta softly, "but so what?"

"Resolute separatism is not feasible, because our present is different from the golden age. If human beings want to reproduce, they cannot do without the gestation of women. However, the idea of ​​separatism must be persisted." Rob stood up, "Everyone in the world Things aren't black and white—"

Hesta frowned: "So you are an eclectic believer."

"Don't be so anxious to label me, listen to me—"

"I don't think it's necessary for us to continue communicating," Hesta said decisively, although her words were so merciless, her eyes were still filled with strong disappointment and gloom, "I thought I really met my companion ...I was too naive, thinking that Your Excellency would be a senior who could lead me the way."

Rob Green's throat moved, and he wanted to speak several times but couldn't speak, so he had to walk back and forth restlessly with his hands behind his back.

Hesta continued: "Tonight is my risk. If you are indeed a follower of Mr. Roboglier, I hope you can keep it a secret for me, and don't let anyone know what we are talking about here... Once Leak, and I face very serious ideological censorship—”

"You think too much," Rob interrupted Hesta's words eagerly, "No matter how you look at me, I think we are fellow travelers! Personally, I will always respect more radical practitioners, do you understand! "

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