Why it never ends

Chapter 552 The Edge

After a while, Rico returned—the hidden deck was empty, and there was no one there.Not only that, but the traces of destruction left by Bernhard's men on it last time have also disappeared.

"But I guessed it," Li Ke said in a low voice. "That night, Su Lei and I saw the hull of the ship healed like a living thing. Bernhard's people didn't even damage the load-bearing structure, so the recovery will only be easier. .”

"Philip won't really have an accident." Su Lei worried, "Should we first search for any new corpses on the ship?"

"Okay, but leave this matter to me and Rico," Hesta replied, "You go and stay with Tasia, I'm afraid something will happen to her."

Su Lei nodded, turned around and walked quickly to Tasia's residence.

"Su Lei!" Hesta yelled suddenly, and Su Lei who was not far away stopped in his tracks, "If Li Ke and I didn't go to Bishop's restaurant after nine o'clock today, you can preside over today's regular meeting for me. "

"What about the brooch?"

Hesta pondered for a moment, "...just drag it on first."

"it is good."

When Si Lei's figure disappeared from sight, Li Ge turned his head, "...are you trying to do something bad again?"

Hesta frowned puzzled, "Since when have I done something bad?"

"Then you suddenly sent Si Lei away to do this kind of work for yourself?"

Hesta immediately looked in the direction of the cabin. Fortunately, at this time, there was no one idle in the empty corridor.

"Okay..." Hesta turned to Rico, "Philip, he should not be dead."

Li Ge's expression changed slightly: "...Oh?"

Hesta pressed the elevator next to him, and the metal door opened again,

Lico quickly pushed her into the car, and as soon as the elevator door closed, Lico immediately asked, "What's going on, where is Philip now?"

"Should be the fourth deck?" Hesta replied, "Go and see first."


The news of Philip and Helen's disappearance quickly spread among all the passengers, and the fragile order that had just been established collapsed again, causing everyone to fall into pain again.

Apparently the so-called guardian system was not reliable, and what happened to Gustav the night before was probably just a moment of luck, otherwise it would not explain why Helen, who was the guardian, and Philip, who attended the banquet with the guardian, disappeared at the same time.

On this ship, disappearance was almost a harbinger of death.

Adams brought people to Bishop's restaurant early, determined to confront Hesta face-to-face, but only Su Lei, Tasia and Bernhard were having breakfast in the huge restaurant.

"Morning, Sergeant Sleigh." Adams passed by the three of them, his eyes glanced at the bacon on Bernhard's dinner plate, and he suddenly laughed, "Is it finally time to eat meat, General?"

Bernhard's face changed, he raised his head and stared at Adams, but was speechless again.

Adams was about to leave, but when Bernhard gave him such a stare, he got excited. He gently pushed aside his jacket, revealing the edge of the holster on his waist, "What's the matter, General, do you have anything to say?"

Si Lei put down the knife and fork in his hand, "Do you want to find fault?"

"Where is it, I dare not." Adams ran away with a smile.

After a while, he and a few others sat down next to Su Lei. From the moment they sat down, Su Lei and Tasia felt a certain kind of unfriendly aura at the same time.

Adams's dinner plate was piled with hills of bacon, sliced ​​ham and sauerkraut sausage. He quickly took out two boiled eggs from his pocket and smashed the eggshells in front of Bernhard with deliberate and flamboyant movements. .

"General, I have a question." Adams peeled the egg. "Didn't you say that you all boarded the ship directly without a ship card? Then how did you register as a risk passenger?"

Su Lei looked at him: "...Who told you that you must have a ship card to register for risky passengers?"

"Gustav." Adams replied with a smile, "Didn't Helen not come back after we went back last night, so we asked him about the specific situation - go to the medical room, bring the ship card, and you can register."

"Everyone knows?"

"It's almost... Haha," Adams leaned back in the chair, putting one hand on the other chair, "Is Officer Su Lei also a guardian now?"

"It's none of your business, let's have your breakfast." Su Lei said coldly.

Bernhard quietly ate everything on his plate, and he looked at the buffet table not far away from his corner of the eye.There was no one there yet, but if he went there now, the crew would probably come over again to remind him that the food was too much, just like when he first came this morning.

"Do you need anything else?" Si Lei asked beside him, "I can get it for you."

"Uh, if it's convenient for you..." Bernhard said in his lowest voice, "I want two more eggs—"

Adams on the opposite side suddenly laughed, and Bernhard's face flushed instantly. He angrily grabbed the knife and fork in his hand, brewing his anger in silence.

"You guys, go to another table to eat." Su Lei cut the ham on his plate, "Now, immediately."

"Why? There are so many empty seats here, everyone can sit—"

"You can fool your friends with a fake holster, but do you think you can fool me?" Si Lei raised his eyes slightly, "If you have the ability, take out your gun now, and I'll see what model it is. "

Adams laughed again, "Don't be really angry, I apologize if I disturbed you."

He stood up with the plate, "But at least I still have the freedom to walk around with an empty shell, haha."


Bernhard, who was full after eating, overturned the table and wrestled with Adams.Adams managed to catch the first few moves, but after that, he had to be beaten. Su Lei hurriedly stepped forward to stop him, but Bernhard had already knocked out two of his opponent's teeth.

Bernhard sat on the side panting, the sudden strenuous exercise made him feel a little uncomfortable - the huge mental pressure, bad sleep and bad food in the past two days almost drove him to a corner. Now he calmed down, and he immediately Watch the reactions of the surrounding crew.

Fortunately, no one seems to care about what happened just now.

Adams was still in a dazed state. He spat out a few mouthfuls of bloody saliva and covered his cheeks in surprise—it was obvious that Bernhard was rushed up by a group of people and removed his armor just after firing his gun yesterday. If you hit someone directly today, no one cares about it?
Su Lei glanced at Adams, ignored it, turned around and brought back two eggs from the buffet table, and threw them to Bernhard.Several crew members stepped forward and quickly replaced the damaged wooden table. Bernhard sat alone on the chair, dazed.

"Don't worry about these people." Su Lei said in a low voice, "A bunch of crazy people."

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