Why it never ends

Chapter 571 Search

"You said that this is not a game... Of course it is not just a game, because these people are not fabricated out of thin air, they really appear around us, they have an agenda, a division of labor, this kind of game that seems to be nothing The feeling is nothing more than because we are in a place isolated from the world, so everything seems unreal.

"But when the Shengming docks, all these people and these things... will be real."

Rico understood, she looked at Hesta, "You don't want to see this happen, huh?"

"Of course--"

"Then why are you messing around with Si Lei..." Li Ke blinked, "You just stay here, Anna will take care of them! Without you here to disrupt the situation, she might have killed these people long ago !"

"But what are the rules here?" Hesta tried hard to suppress the excitement in his heart, "Until now, I still don't know enough!"

"...Haven't you read all the rules?"

"Those are the rules that have been written. What are the unwritten rules? What are the unwritten rules?"

"What unwritten rules..."

"From when I became the adjudicator until last night before the explosion, there was no new death on the ship. Why didn't my prestige increase, but instead attracted rebellion... Don't you think it's funny?" Hesta looked at Rico, "And why Fayence easily pulled five people out to work for him. These people refused to tell his whereabouts until they died. How did he do this?"

Rico frowned.

"If you still treat everything that happened on the ship as a game, then our judgment on victory is probably completely different. Is it victory if most people survive to the end? This may be Su Lei's idea, and the corresponding It is to let all these followers of Robeau Grillet die on the ship-this is what Anna is doing, but what do these two kinds of victories mean to us."

"Why is it meaningless..." Li Ke took back his driving foot, "You just said that they can't be allowed to take root in District [-]—"

"Rob Green has tens of thousands of followers all over the world, how many people are on this ship... can you kill him?" Hesta replied softly, "Not to mention there are other people behind him. "

"...Then what do you want to do?"

"First," Hesta looked at Rico, "I want to go out."


Under the gaze of Fayence, Tasia came to the door of Hesta's apartment.The entire piece of glass was already covered with dense cracks, but no fragments fell off. Several people waved their hammers and smashed hard a dozen times before breaking the last sticking point.

"I won't go in with you." Fiance said in a low voice, "Do you remember what I just said?"

"...all paper documents, electronic devices." Tasia replied in a low voice.

Fayance looked back at the two people behind him, "Have you brought all the tools?"

"Bring it on." The two replied, "Don't worry, the safe in the cabin doesn't need a big guy."

"After you go in, don't touch anything except the safe, and let Tasia come for the search."


Fayence walked up to Tasia and patted her on the back. This action made Tasia feel a little dazed for a moment—in the past, elders often used this gesture to express encouragement and comfort.

"Go." Fayence whispered, "We can only rely on you, Tasia."

Tasia even heard a little choking in the voice. She raised her head in confusion, and she saw that Fayence's eyes were a little red-after the whole night of confrontation last night, Fayence was obviously exhausted.

Maybe this kind of persecution is also unavoidable for him... Tasia suddenly felt bitter as she thought about it.

"Is this really necessary?" Tasia said softly, "If you don't trust Hesta, we can also ask the crew where Officer Su Lei is now—"


Fayence's voice rose sharply, which made Tasia tremble.

"All of us put our lives in your hands!" Fiance's eyes burst into anger, "Are you going to live up to the expectations of all of us! You have been with Mr. Robeau Grillet for so long, don't you think Didn’t you learn a little bit of responsibility as a human being?”

Tasia couldn't look into his eyes anymore, "...I know."

"Then go in!"

"Philip over there..."

"He's already been sent to the infirmary," Fayence deliberately lowered his voice, but his tone became more intense, "He will be injured so badly because you have been procrastinating and refusing to come over! If you really For his own good, don't waste time here!"

Gritting her teeth tightly, Tasia leaned over the shattered glass door.

Behind the door was a dark corridor she was very familiar with.

Tasia walked slowly, looking at every door in front of her, feeling a little dazed again, as if she was dreaming at the moment.

"Where do Hesta and the others live?" the man who followed her in asked.

"...the one above." Tasia pointed to the steps and replied in a low voice.

"Then hurry up and make a quick decision." Another person said, "You still have any scruples."

Tasia shook her head and walked up the wooden steps.

Hesta's room was empty.

Due to the violent explosion last night, the furniture and small items that had no fixed position were all deviated from their original positions.There were fragments of cups all over the carpet, and the water stains on the suede hadn't dried completely—obviously, when Hesta and the others left here, they didn't anticipate what would happen afterwards.

"Tasia, let's start, let's take a look at the chest of drawers at the door... Tasia?"

Tasia stepped forward and slowly opened the top drawer—it was empty, with nothing in it.

"Hurry up." The other person frowned, "It's already this time, so what's the point of procrastinating?"

Tasia didn't speak, but the movements of her hands did become faster. When the drawer was pushed and pulled, she seemed to hear the patter of tears falling on the floor.

But what's the use of crying...

"Don't be stupid," said the man behind him, "Open the drawer and take it out when you see something inside. We are going to open the safe. Can you do it alone?"

Just as Tasia was about to answer, another person said, "You should still watch here, the safe over there is not big, I can do it by myself."

The two men gestured to each other.

Tasia quickly opened the drawer at the bottom, and when she closed the drawer, she suddenly found a small suitcase underneath. Inside were two bulging document bags, both of which had the word "case" written on them , but the date of one is 12/31~03/32, and the other is marked 03/32~05/32.

Tasia opened the file button and found that it was filled with Hesta's medical records, among which were mixed with various laboratory reports and medication records.

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