"...These data about chelates are too specific, where do they come from?" Li Ke frowned and read two more pages, "Why are there even a wave of mutants and chelates coming! "

Hesta put down the phone - she had called twice, but after the fixed waiting ring, there was a busy tone.

"Why can't I get through..."

"Don't fight." Li Ke put down the thorny monk's confession, "I see that Qianye knows all about these things on the ship, but she just refuses to say, what can you do?"

Hesta pondered for a moment.

"Let's go."

"where to?"

"Go and see Helen, this person must know something." Hesta raised her head, "I have to pry something out of her mouth today."


When Tasia chased out of the restaurant door, Meyer had already rushed to the elevator.

"Meyer!! Where are you going!"

Meyer tapped the elevator buttons repeatedly, looking back as she tapped, lest she be slowed down and be stopped by Tasia.As soon as the elevator door opened here, she rushed in immediately.


Almost as soon as the elevator doors closed, Tasia rushed to the door, and she immediately pressed the elevator's waiting button—but the car carrying Meyer had already started to descend, and the copper needle on the elevator door jumped immediately.After about tens of seconds, the elevator door on the other side opened slowly. Tasia didn't take a second look, but just stared at the copper needle on Mayer's side.

Just like what she was most worried about, the pointer of the elevator dropped to -2 first, and then began to climb slowly—Meyer is going to go to the banquet scene on the mezzanine in person... How many people are afraid of the banquet to the point of madness, and Mayer is like this Without even thinking about it, I rushed over alone!
Tasia frantically pressed the waiting button of the elevator, hoping that the door would open again when the car passed through this deck again, so that she could drag Meyer out, but when the copper needle pointed to six, the elevator door on that side did not. Not open.

"Ma'am." A crew member who has been behind her said softly, "When the free elevator stops on your floor, the running elevator on the other side will not stop by default."


There was a faint ding-dong in the elevator shaft—Mayer had reached her destination.

Tasia froze in place, looking at the glowing numbers, she opened her mouth slightly.

"Tasia..." Several ordinary passengers poked their heads out of Bishop's restaurant, "The security check is about to start, you—"

"...You guys go back first." After a moment of hesitation, Tasia quickly walked into the empty elevator beside her, and she looked at the crew not far away, "Excuse me, how long will the security check start?"

The crew looked at the time, "More than ten minutes?"

"Thank you."

The elevator began to descend, and Tasia felt her heart beating fast.She doesn't know where she got the courage to act alone on such a night, maybe it's because she witnessed Philip's death in the afternoon... She hasn't been a guardian for a long time, but she already has a sense of security under this double identity Clear perception.

It's a pity... I couldn't convince Jacqueline before.

The elevator reached the second floor, and as soon as the door opened, Tasia pressed the number 6 one after another. She just hoped to catch up with Meyer as quickly as possible—she was too flustered when she encountered a security check at a banquet last time, so As for having seriously frightened Philip, she didn't want the same thing to happen to Meyer.

The moment the elevator door was about to close, a rough hand suddenly stretched in.Before Tasia could see who was coming, she already sensed the danger. She involuntarily took two steps back. She didn't see the ferocious face clearly until the elevator door opened again——


Fayonce stepped into the elevator in a few steps, and the first thing he did was to pinch Tasia's neck. Tasia slammed heavily on the iron plate behind her, but her ten fingers still grabbed Fayonce's hand instinctively.

"Long time no see, Tasia." Fayence relieved a little, "I'm offended."

"what are you doing!"

"I didn't recognize it was you..." Fayence let go of his hand, and then pressed the number 6 on the elevator keyboard again in a natural manner. Tasia slightly opened his eyes——Fionce seemed completely unaware Well, the sixth deck he was going from the second floor to at this moment was not the place where his companions gathered...

"What are you doing on the second floor?" Fayance asked.

Tasia adjusted her clothes, "Someone came down just now, did you see it?"

"I seem to have seen it, a small man whose clothes don't look like ours, so I didn't move."

Tasia understood—yes, Agnes and Meyer were locked in an unknown place during this time, and the clothes they were wearing were no longer the normal clothes they carried when boarding the ship...

"Heh, you recognized me as 'our man', so you blocked my throat when you came up?"

"Why do you care about these things?" Fayence frowned slightly, "Didn't I stop right away?"

Tasia looked away.

"Don't be like this, Tasia," Fayence grabbed her arm and forced her to look at him, "The person I trust most now is you!"

"let go--"

"You don't believe it, do you? Look at me!!" Fayence's voice suddenly increased, "If it weren't for Abram's sudden loss of contact today, I would have already put you on the throne of the judge!"


"Do you think I'm lying to you!? Why did I go to such lengths to get you to act with us and let you search Hesta's house—because that's justified!" Fayence's eyes widened, "You Do you think that what I told you this morning is all false? As I said, you are the one who will be the arbiter! It will not be anyone else!"

"I also said," Tasia's voice calmed down, "I'm not interested in these things."

When the elevator arrived at the sixth deck, Tasia walked out of the car first. Fayence was a little annoyed. He was just about to step forward to pull Tasia to a stop when he suddenly felt a chill—the corridor in front of him was indeed the same as the sixth floor he had imagined. The decks were the same, but something, he always felt, was different.

This sudden danger omen silenced him until he realized that the color of the carpet was dark blue instead of red, and Fayance suddenly remembered that he had just come from the sixth floor above the second floor, and this was not his expected destination at all. .

"Tasia!" Fayence's voice almost broke, "Stop! This is not our place!"

Tasia gave him a cold look, "This is where I want to come."

Fayence scolded "crazy", and then quickly turned around, wanting to take the elevator to leave here, but before he could really turn his head, two crew members swooped in and pinned him down.

"There is an intruder!"

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