Why it never ends

Chapter 75 Evaluation

Chapter 75 Evaluation
At nine o'clock in the evening that day, Mayor Tan Yi released a public speech on TV, responding positively to the "false report" about Jane Hestad by the "Indomitable News" last Sunday.

In the speech, Robert participated in the connection as the actual person in charge of the whole project. They invited a few children from St. , pure heart.

Later, Robert reprimanded certain young journalists with "unpredictable intentions" for making assumptions and fabricating lies without evidence in an attempt to mislead the public and turn black and white.

At [-]:[-] that night, AHgAs did not make any additional textual explanations, but only released a video on the official website.

There is a corridor in the picture. A red-haired girl grabbed a thin boy and beat him. The boy looked very pitiful. He didn't fight back the whole time, but kept struggling to crawl out. The skinny boy was full of punches.

Outside the screen, there is a pale and terrified female voice——

"Fighting ... beating people -ah, God ... Stop your hands -oh ... Come on--"

Although the boys and girls on the screen have been mosaiced, people still recognize Hesta by their unique hair color.

... This can be said to be, the ironclad evidence is as strong as a mountain.

Whether the little red-haired girl is a cherub with a crystal-like heart, or a potential demon with tyrannical viciousness, everyone has their own answer.

The entire town hall of Tanyi City was silent, and the evidence of slap in the face came so quickly, they were not sure whether AHgAs had other unreleased materials.

Bad things followed one after another. An hour later, the AHgAs reserve base announced that it would give a detailed account of the chelate attack inside the base at [-]:[-] the next morning.

The phone calls of the important officials were kept busy by their respective relatives and friends—how come there are still chelates in the reserve base?And it is said that he almost ran out?
At the same time, a number of creditors who hold large amounts of city bonds in Tanyi City have already begun to make appointments for the next day's bond sale. When the sun rises tomorrow, it is unknown how many storms will be stirred up.

Robert could only face all this with a pale face.

A special investigation team for him has been set up, and the matter has been exposed so ugly that the influence he had previously exerted on his opponents has now turned into a backlash against himself—he will face a trial from all sides, and his political career will be completely over It is a certainty, and it is still unknown whether he can be exempted from prison in his later years.

How did everything come to such a sudden end?

In a daze, Chiba Masaki's words before parting rang in his ears - "This is the reason."

But what exactly did he say at the time that inspired her to say such a thing?

Robert frowned.

He already... can't remember.


Hesta went upstairs alone after taking a shower, but Liz was still awake. She was sitting on the sofa in the public area with her computer in her arms, and was watching everyone's discussions on the forum—most of the discussions above made Liz very surprised. fire.

"What are you looking at?" Hesta asked while wiping her hair, "It's so late, are you still awake?"

Liz tapped the keyboard loudly. She was in a cyber confrontation with a few out-of-the-box keyboard gangs. Seeing Hesta approaching, Liz turned the screen to the other side, "Don't look at it, it's interesting to see gas."

"Why are you angry?" Hesta tilted his head slightly and smiled, "These evaluations don't constitute a ten-thousandth of me."



A month later.

Sean no longer remembers how many surgeries he had performed during this period. He kept having a fever, and the fever subsided, and his consciousness drifted briefly and repeatedly between coma and waking, as if he was sinking in a long dream, unable to distinguish dream from reality. borders.

On the second Sunday in August, Sean woke up to find that he had grown two hands back.

He thought he was dreaming, but the moment he raised his hand, he felt a huge disobedience.

First of all, it's not his hand.

His fingertips and knuckles were calloused from years of dismantling appliances, but the hands were perfect.

Secondly, there is always a subtle delay between the movement of these hands and his expectations—maybe in the eyes of others, he is just waving his hands casually, but he can clearly feel that the reaction of his hands is faster than his brain. Slow down.

"You're awake." A synthetic human voice suddenly sounded, and Sean was taken aback. He looked around to find the source of the sound, but there was no one around.

"Get out of bed, go out, don't ask too many questions." The voice said again.

Although this place made him feel strange, Sean guessed that it was still a reserve base.He obediently walked out of the room barefoot.

There was an empty corridor outside, and this scene almost immediately reminded Sean of the scene of encountering chelate not long ago. His feet were a little weak, his head was held in his hands, and he leaned against the wall tremblingly.

"Forward." The synthetic voice ordered.

"Where is this..." Sean closed his eyes tightly, "Who are you?"

"Forward!" The synthesized vocal tone was obviously heavier.

He had no choice but to stand up again and move forward step by step.

The voice didn't dislike him for walking slowly. At critical intersections, Sean turned left, right or went straight according to the instructions. Finally, he came to a pure white interrogation room.

The whole room was pure white, and he couldn't even tell where was the floor and which was the wall. There was a chair in the middle of the room, and there was nothing else here.

"Go, sit down."

Sean slowly moved to the chair and sat down tremblingly.

After a while, a square composed of four black line segments appeared directly in front of Sean. It moved up slowly, like a sliding cover, and a black lens protruded from the back, facing Sean's eyes.

At the same time, a piece of text appeared right in front of Sean—it was only then that he realized that every wall here might be a screen.

"Read this text aloud."

Sean shivered.

"I... I have accessed... the computer system of the coalition government of the third district without authorization," Sean stumbled and stared at the huge text in front of him, "I have used...technical and non-technical Using means, they successfully obtained the source codes of various operating systems and information devices in order to... study their weaknesses."

The black camera faithfully recorded Sean's words and deeds.

"But I'm just curious—I'm just curious! I want to see what I can do. I didn't mean it! I meant no harm!"

Sean looked at the camera and defended loudly, but the camera has retracted.

"You have two choices." The synthesized voice said coldly, "You secretly steal and illegally use institutional information without authorization, which constitutes a serious crime of information theft, and you will face up to 30 years in prison—"

"What about the other choice?" Sean had already called out, "I'll choose another one!"

(End of this chapter)

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