Why it never ends

Chapter 95 Dusk

Chapter 95 Dusk
"He is here, and he seems to have his own mission. I haven't seen him much in the past few years, and he hasn't come to me, but..."

This sound aroused Liz's vigilance again, "But what? He's making tricks behind his back again?"

Hesta shook her head, thinking of Sean, she frowned slightly, "I think he has become a little nervous, once I went to the base's underground hospital to get vaccinated, and I bumped into him just around the corner, I just said He said 'it's you' and he ran away."


"Yes, at that time, the medical records in his hand fell all over the place. He didn't even pick it up, but ran away, as if I was some kind of scourge, and it would kill him if I encountered it."

Liz was very relieved, "That's good."

Talking about Sean, Hesta started talking—when Calvin was still at the base, she would go to him to practice honorific conversations from time to time, usually in the downstairs of the apartment, and the two walked around the apartment Say.

Several times in the middle of the practice, Hesta felt faint eyes falling on her body, and later she found that it was Sean who had been wandering in front of the windows of the apartment building. When she and Calvin noticed and looked up, Suddenly, Sean disappeared into the shadows behind the window.

At that time, she asked Calvin: What is Sean doing again?
Calvin: I don't know either.

Then, Calvin yelled "Sean?" several times upstairs, and everything fell silent. Since then, Sean never peeped in the dark when the two were alone.

When these past events were mentioned, Hesta's expression was puzzled, "What is he trying to do?"

"There are a lot of weird things like this," Liz waved her hand indifferently, "Some time ago, a very special patient was transferred from a public nursing home here, and it seemed to come from the core city—— —As soon as he heard the 'didi' sound similar to the pulse wave, he would immediately fall to the ground and convulse, crying uncontrollably, which is said to be called 'pulse sound phobia'."

Hearing the "pulse tone phobia", Hesta immediately reacted, "... I seem to have a little impression. Is it the linguist from the fourteenth district, Bo Shanfu?"

"Yes, that's him. His real name should be Chen Daoping—although Bo Shanfu's pseudonym is more famous. Where did you hear this name?"

"In the newspaper." Hesta replied, "I read that the front page of the "Unyielding Daily" mentioned Bo Shanfu's research on ancient Zhou language...they gave the headline position to a man in District [-], which is not quite right. common."

It was only the name Bo Shanfu that caught Hesta's attention at first. This was the first time she saw a person with the same surname as Bo Heng in these years.

"I heard the news that District 30 offered to exchange a dozen spies for this scholar, but I don't know if it's true." Liz said softly, "I've seen this person once, with round glasses and long hair. The hair, the eyes are very empty, and the hair is messy, although he is only in his 50s, but if you say that this person is more than [-], I would believe it... I heard that he is also a student of Anna Sokolova."

"Anna," Hesta murmured the name, feeling vaguely familiar, "Who is this?"

"A naturalist, it seems that he taught at the base for half a year before." Liz leaned close to Hesta's ear, "I heard that she taught Valenti and Chiba."

Hesta was startled.

Oh, Miss Chiba's teacher.

Just as Hesta wanted to ask more, Liz's phone rang suddenly.She quickly picked it up, and her expression immediately changed from relaxed to serious. After briefly asking the reason why the other party called, Liz frowned again and promised that she would arrive at the scene soon.

"What's wrong?" Hesta asked.

"I have to go to the police station," Liz said and stood up. She lowered her head and tapped the keyboard on the phone quickly, and murmured, "I have to tell Turan and the others that maybe we can't do it today. Pick them up personally, if I don't show up at the train station after ten o'clock, I can only let them go to the hotel by themselves..."

Hesta looked at Liz, "What's the matter, do you want me to go with you?"

"No need," Liz shook her head bluntly, and she glanced at the time, "You can only stay for more than an hour, it's been more than 50 minutes, what are you going to do next, hurry up, don't delay, the police The department usually looks for me when they encounter some very urgent case, and I will go over to help, and it usually doesn’t take long——Boss, pay the bill!”

The two left the cafe, and before parting at the intersection, Hesta could see that Liz had obviously entered her working state.

Although Hesta still has a lot of reluctance in his heart, it is really inappropriate to confide his heart at this moment.

At the last moment when the two got together, Hesta didn't say a word, but held Liz's warm hand tightly, reluctant to let go.

Liz soon noticed that Hestad was holding her back, and the sight reminded her of the old days in Askia, when the two sisters used to hide before she left for school in the morning. Her schoolbag blocked her door, but she refused to let her go out.

Liz laughed, "Jane?"

The laughter made Hesta wake up from a dream, and quickly let go of Liz's hand, "Sorry..."

Before Hesta finished speaking, Liz had already given her an extremely strong hug. She smiled in Hesta's ear, "If I need any help in the future, I will definitely let you know."


"When you come next time, I'll take you to my house and let's have a good chat."

"it is good."

"Good-bye, Jane."


Hesta stood where she was, watching Liz leave quickly.

She stepped into the wind and rain without looking back, like a bird flying away in the rain and fog.



The news of the death came in the evening.

Several .45-inch Colt automatic pistol rounds were fired from the side of the neck, piercing Liz's neck and half of her head.

The shooter was a member of a tobacco and alcohol smuggling gang that had been active in Wulian for the past two years.Because the local government and the Chamber of Commerce have been firmly controlling several major distribution channels in Wulian, the smugglers have never been able to get a share of the pie. Concession.

The rating of this case rose rapidly from an ordinary criminal dispute to the highest level in just a few hours.The matter is urgent, and the police station entrusts Liz to assist in the rescue of the hostages as before. On this occasion, she is like a superman, always able to rescue the threatened hostages from the enemy's gun at a speed that ordinary people can't match. victim.

However, everyone did not expect that this time she failed to escape from the criminal's lair, and the murderer who shot Liz also died of excessive blood loss shortly after shooting.

According to the traces at the scene, the preliminary judgment given by the Wulian police is that during the process of rescuing the hostages, Liz did not realize that there was an enemy who was seriously injured and dying on the oblique side. "—that is, the notorious Rutherford submachine gun, which swept through Liz's body.

4627 年3月25日18: 37分,莉兹·弗莱彻失去生命体征,确认牺牲。

(End of this chapter)

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