Why it never ends

Chapter 97 Redemption

Chapter 97 Redemption
"That morning, she rushed to the police station to join the investigators at around 10 o'clock. At that time, there were seven identified hostage holding locations, all of which belonged to criminals.

"The police blocked all signals in the building involved in advance to prevent criminals from tipping off each other, and then the police began to break down one by one.

"The siege in the first few places was relatively smooth, so Liz did not participate. From the fourth place, the police were in charge of negotiating or exchanging fire with the smugglers. Liz sneaked into the mansion or apartment from another place, looking for the hostages being held, and then take them away.

"This kind of cooperation has been done several times before, because Liz's combat speed is very fast, and in the case of a small number of hostages, she can take the hostages from the criminals with minimal combat or even no combat. They were smuggled out one by one under the nose, and when all the hostages were rescued, the police would officially charge.

"The last place where the hostages were held that day—the place where Liz died was a winery. It was a castle with a very complicated structure in the outskirts. Liz sneaked into the castle at 17:41. A total of seven hostages were rescued at 17:45, 17:49, 17:52, 17:53, and 17:54. When the last hostage was rescued, Liz asked the police to give her another quarter of an hour. Must go back again.

"At 18:16, Liz turned back to the castle, and there was no news of it until 19:44 that night. After more than an hour of fierce fighting, the police finally captured the winery. At the same time, they found Liz not far from the exit. The body of Ziz. Near her are two children, a 9-year-old and an 11-year-old.

"We speculate that this may be the reason why Liz turned back to the scene-she wanted to save the two children. Unfortunately, after she was shot, the two children should have tried to escape on their own, but failed, and they all died in the end. Less than 20 meters away from Liz, the cause of death was shot, and one of the right arms was broken."

Hesta frowned tightly, "...What is the origin of those two children?"

"They are the children of a housekeeper in the winery. They were not originally on the rescue list. According to the testimony, on the morning of the incident, the smugglers suddenly drove away all the winery servants out of caution. The two children had been Living near the cellar, they still had a fever that day, and no one took them away.

"We brought back Liz's body, and after examination, it was found that she fell out of the bullet time at 18:21. Liz's intermittent restriction time was 17 minutes, 18:37-that is, the time of Liz's death, At the end of her conditioning time.

"Liz entered the bullet time from 1:22 pm. Her bullet time lasted 12 hours and 36 minutes. This margin is more than enough to cover the next battle, and her heart rate and blood pressure did not change too much before and after falling out of the bullet time. It can be seen that there was no accident at that time, so there is only one explanation left: she quit bullet time on her own initiative."

In the emails between Turan and Lico, this is the biggest doubt. How could Liz withdraw from bullet time in such a dragon's den and tiger's lair?
But Hesta knew, and almost immediately, why.

She recalled that many years ago, when she was in a rage and almost wanted to kill Sean, Liz arrived in time and rushed to hug herself-the price of that time was Hesta's shoulder bone fracture.

"I guess," Qianye said softly, "Liz was afraid of hurting the two children, so she chose to stop the bullet time and wait in the cellar for the restricted time to end. There are at least two reasons why she made such a choice. There are two reasons. First of all, she has run this escape route several times and is relatively familiar with it. Furthermore, the police and criminals were already fighting near the main gate, and the main firepower of the enemy was concentrated on the east side, so she took the risk... Unfortunately, she bet wrong."

Hesta's hands trembled uncontrollably, and she covered her face again, crying violently and silently.

The two drove back to the apartment. In the garden parking lot facing the street, Chiba stopped the car. She was not in a hurry to go back to the house, but motioned for Hesta to get a document on the car console—that is Liz's file, Chiba once read it in the archive room of the underground base, and now she copied it out and placed it in front of Hesta.

Then, Chiba got out of the car and smoked.

When Hesta finished reading, Chiba lit the papers that recorded Liz's life with a lighter, and the tongue of fire quickly licked the black and white paper into ashes in the drizzle. Chiba casually threw them on the wet ground and used The foot kicked the remaining blank paper into the drain.

"Don't tell anyone about the things you saw, including Turan and Lico." Qianye said softly, "I show you these things to let you know that this is not just an accident, It was Liz's choice, and even if she did it all over again, she would still do the same thing.

"Maybe she is trying to overturn a fate, Jane, she just failed, but she may not be in pain."

Hesta's consciousness was a little numb at the moment, Chiba's words sounded like a voice floating from a distance, and she didn't have the strength to think about it.

"...how do you know?" Hesta murmured.

Chiba laughed, as if with some self-mockery.For some people, some nightmares are so frightening that anything can be done to assuage them.

In the rain, Chiba held Hesta's hand and led her slowly towards the entrance of the apartment.

"I just know it."


That night, Hesta stayed up all night, but when she stared at the infinite darkness in front of her in a room with no lights on, she seemed to have fallen into a dream that she couldn't wake up from.

An imaginary cellar lay in memory, and her eyes seemed to be Liz's.

In the dream, she stumbled on the stairs leading to the underground winery, and heard the cries of girls coming from the end of the dark road.

The cries were near and far, not only from Wulian, but also from the underground of the apartment at No. 12 Boatman Street.

The narrow space where the sun is not visible, the killing between close relatives.

Hesta was exhausted, she cried so much that her head and eyes and every joint in her body seemed to ache.

She thought of Liz's words, and she said in her ear, "If I need any help in the future, I will let you know."

you lied to me.

You didn't tell me anything at all.

For several years, you kept silent on the issues where you needed help the most.

But in a trance, she seemed to hear Liz's voice again.

Liz smiled as usual with some helplessness.

"Everyone has shadows that they don't want others to know...I know Jane must have one too, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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