Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1026 Before the Expedition

Chapter 1026 Before the Expedition
After pondering to no avail, Zhang Yu chose the most basic path, which is to practice.

Practice, practice to the death, eat my heavy hammer and get up and continue to fight,

"Start strengthening training today, everyone will give me extra training, the goal: to be able to resist for an hour at night!" Zhang Yu roared.

The all-round blessing of Sun Riding during the day is really convenient, whether it is recovery or other things, it has been strengthened, so it is simply strengthened at night.

Only by getting closer to the limit and becoming stronger, the sun rider at night is the weakest, so practice hard at night.

As for whether there will be an upper limit to quality, isn't such a never-ending tempering just to break through the upper limit.

What exactly is a miracle, and how to get into it.

Zhang Yu himself didn't know it at all, and he didn't even take part in the final leap back then. He went to the Jingling Hall and accepted the last wishes of those Habayashi soldiers who died in battle, so he completed the final leap.

In fact, he doesn't know how to enter the miracle at all, but he understands the basic conditions. He has enough quality and will, and then he takes an ultimate leap or something, and it's done.

So they started with the most basic qualities, and incidentally relied on beatings to exercise the Sun Rider's will.

Put aside what you don't understand, the most basic and stupid training method is always right, this point has also been recognized by Huo Qubing.

"Run for a hundred miles with heavy loads tomorrow, and then strengthen training on the spot." Zhang Yu ordered again after roaring, even the sunrider could not help but wailed after being devastated.

Zhang Yu was completely unreasonable, and Wang Min, the deputy commander of the army, took turns leading half of the Habayashi Army to train the Sun Riders in shifts.

That was after fighting during the day and fighting at night, even the Sun Knight soldiers were beaten in their dreams.

It's not that they didn't think about resisting, but the resistance ushered in more violent beatings.

The most important thing is that they don't understand why they want to train infantry.

According to Zhang Yu, since it is a guard army, it can fight with horses, and it can fight without horses.

"Don't you expect your enemies to put you on horseback first before fighting!"

The Sun Riders were speechless, but they still didn't understand why they, a group of cavalry, carried their own mounts for weight training.

Faced with such doubts, Zhang Yu responded directly.

"What should we do if we encounter mountains and rivers? Do you want to separate yourself from your mounts?"

This problem does not exist for the Habayashi Army, because they have selected terrain adaptation in the skill tree, even if it is a cliff at a right angle of [-] degrees, they can walk on flat ground.

Facing the Habayashi Army who can do anything as long as they think about it, Taiyangqi really has no choice but to strengthen itself while enduring the pain, hoping to knock the Habayashi Army to the ground one day.

But they don't know that even if they achieve miracles, they are not the opponents of the Habayashi Army.

This point can only be understood after the miracle has been achieved. This is also the expression of constipation on the face of the Xiliang God Iron Cavalry when it mentions the Habayashi Army.

An expert in foreign wars, and even more expert in civil wars, the Habayashi Army itself is a powerful army in the world, coupled with the will of the empire and the blessings of chaos, it is impossible for an army of the Han Dynasty to defeat the miraculous Habayashi Army.

"It's good to practice more, this opportunity is in front of you, don't lose it again!" Guo Hao didn't feel much about the high-intensity training of the Habayashi Army.

He even hinted that Zhang Yu could use more force, and that he would deploy medical students to treat the soldiers of the Sun Knight.

There is no way, this time to destroy the Parthian Empire, without any accidents, at least one quota of military souls can be grabbed. If the Sunrider does not fight for a bit, the ducks in hand may fly away again by then.

So you have to practice, and you have to practice hard. If you don't want a miracle, at least you have to climb up to the third talent army soul first.

Otherwise, even if Guo Hao wanted to make a small fuss for Sun Qi, he would not be qualified.

The Sun Riders also understand this, so they are very attentive, but the strength of the Habayashi Army is too abnormal.

"Is it time to leave?" Liu Ying asked after appearing behind Guo Hao.

"Well, Parthia has already won this battle, and the alienation has become a foregone conclusion. Rome must not be able to bear this defeat. When the time comes to make a comeback, Parthia will definitely be destroyed with thunder!"

Guo Hao nodded, and the counselors of the government affairs office basically agreed in their judgments, that is, Parthia played well in this wave, and Rome would lose all face if there were no accidents.

So now we set off to Congling, and we can almost start to recruit soldiers.

Just wait for Tessiphon to be in a hurry, and directly attack Tessiephon with lightning, and divide Parthia with Rome.

In this battle, Guo Hao planned to lead the army himself.

Although his command is not necessarily better than Yue Fei, his own bonus can make the soldiers of the Han Dynasty get the greatest strengthening.

And with him around, the Habayashi Army can display even stronger strength, and they can even ask the military god to come out when necessary.

"Be careful!" Liu Ying pursed her lips, thousands of words could only be turned into a word of caution.

She understands that this is the responsibility of being a general, but she is still very worried. Wars are always full of surprises. Even though Guo Hao has won every battle since his debut, it is a battle of empires after all.

From Guishuang's battle report, she could see the cruelty of the Imperial War.

"Don't worry!" Guo Hao took Liu Ying into his arms and comforted her in a low voice.

In the government affairs hall on the other side, the counselors who were preparing to go out with the army were having a banquet.

"Parthia ended in World War I!" Guo Jia smacked his lips twice. "It is clearly a thriving empire, but it has already been sentenced to death. The fate is really amazing."

"From the moment they accepted the Xiongnu, it was equivalent to drinking doves to quench their thirst. Knowing the hatred between the Han Dynasty and the Huns, they dared to make such a decision. It is really stupid!" Jia Xu sneered.

"If you don't accept the Xiongnu, they must have been wiped out long ago!" Guo Jia sneered twice.

"Take it easy with the army this time, don't let your crow's mouth make any moths!" Jia Xu drank the wine in his hand and changed the subject.

"Which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted, right? I can't be blamed for this broken talent. Besides, with such sufficient preparation this time, Parthia can still turn the world upside down!" Guo Jia retorted.

"Stop blah, I count you for planting flags!" Chen Xi rolled his eyes, and it was true when he said it.

"Li Wenyou's side should be almost ready. I'm just a bonus to join the army. Tian Feng, Jushou, and Shenpei are all there. Why bother to drag me in!"

Guo Jia drank the fine wine in his glass, feeling a little distressed, his wish was to catch fish, and suddenly he was about to go to the front line, it was almost fatal.

"Anyway, you're an idler, who would you call if you don't?" Jia Xu sneered twice.

If there is a choice, he would rather go to the front line, but unfortunately there is no if.

After Guo Hao left, who knows what monsters and monsters will jump out. Chen Xi's ability to deal with conspiracies and emergencies is relatively poor. If he doesn't stay, who knows what will happen.

It's not that Jia Xu is bragging, as long as he is in Luoyang, there will never be any clowns who can't see the situation clearly and jump out to ask for trouble.

His fierce reputation, Jia Xu, can be said to be at the level of children stopping crying.

In the entire Han Empire, probably only Li Ru could compete with him, and even Man Chong, who advocated the Ministry of Punishment, was far behind the two of them.

"Come on, this road is not easy!" Chen Xi patted Guo Jia's shoulder, "It's hard work, you don't know if you are so small!"

"Don't worry, I customized a black-tech carriage in Mojia, it's like walking on flat ground, without the slightest bump!" Guo Jia showed off triumphantly.

"The Mo family still has this thing?" Chen Xi asked curiously.

"I didn't have it originally, but I used a little special ability!" Guo Jia said with a smile.

"What ability?" Chen Xi really didn't expect to understand for a while.

"Naturally, it's my innate ability. Reverse Poison took a sip of their research results, and then I got a favor from them, and then ordered this carriage for me!"

Guo Jia giggled, it really made him ride a horse from Luoyang to Taixifeng, maybe he would really fall apart.

With his small body, he could compete with Chen Xi for the bottom one or two. If he really rode a horse, he might die on the way.

"It's a pity that the Tiangong has not been repaired yet, otherwise it wouldn't be such a trouble!" Guo Jia shook his head, a bit regretful.

Who wants to run on the ground if they can fly?

It's just that the research progress of the Mohist people still hasn't solved the problem, so they can't afford to assemble the new Tiangong spacecraft at all.

"By the way, after you leave, who will do your work?" Chen Xi suddenly thought of a question.

Guo Jia's position is actually quite sensitive. Although Guo Jia can play tricks and fish for fish, Guo Jia himself has a good eye for ten lines and a photographic memory. As long as he goes through the basic report every day, he can see the problem and know it by heart.

It is a model of high-speed work efficiency, so there is a lot of time to fish, and the reason why others have no opinions is this.

Guo Jia's way of fishing is that as long as the work is done once, there is no need to do it a second time.

After he left, this position was really hard to choose.

"His Royal Highness has taken over. It's surprising to say that Her Royal Highness will take over such a troublesome job by herself!" Guo Jia said in amazement.

"His Royal have matured!"

Chen Xi nodded. Liu Ying is not too big or too young, but also possesses a spiritual talent, and there is no problem in handling intelligence work.

As long as you don't miss too important news, some flaws are acceptable.

Anyway, it's just a change of head, and the subordinate officials have not been changed, so there must be no problems.

"Did I spread the stall too big?"

Chen Xi was a little tangled thinking that to be honest, the unification was just the starting point, but it was only for the purpose of using it as a goal, but he didn't expect that the people in the Han Dynasty actually did better than he imagined.

So much so that now there is already a rhythm of Chen Xi being dragged forward, instead of Chen Xi pressing the general trend of the world to move forward like in the early days.

There is a saying in Guiguzi: Those who observe the trend are wise, those who control the trend are wise, and those who control the trend are unrivaled in the world.
The most powerful thing about Chen Xi is that the timing of each intervention is very ingenious, and he is able to bind the general trend of the world to himself, thus creating an effect of being unique in the world.

Of course, it is undeniable that Chen Xi's spiritual talent, as well as Chen Xi's internal affairs ability, made more people willing to believe in Chen Xi's plan.

As for the future reputation, vision and so on, if you can't even pass the previous hurdles, then saying anything is no different from nonsense.

After thinking of this, Chen Xi couldn't help but began to review the development of the Han Dynasty in the past few years. To be honest, the leapfrog development is really not a joke. Even Chen Xi himself admired his work and achievements in the past few years.

Sure enough, there is still a big difference between doing it and not doing it. A tree that embraces a tree is born at the end of a hair;

But now even Princess Xianyu has started to work hard spontaneously, and it's hard to know how much effort those counselors have put in.

No wonder he feels that he has become busy recently. It turns out that the times are pushing him forward now?

"Should I take a bigger step?" Chen Xi was thinking tangledly.

To be honest, it is not difficult to set a high goal, but he always wants to be more stable, but now it seems that being too stable is not a good thing.

"How about? Increase the progress of the plan by 50.00%?" Chen Xi rubbed his chin and thought.

"Forget it, just wait until Parthia is destroyed, and increase the progress by [-]%. When the time comes, take a last bite of the world, and then let them all go out!"

Chen Xi is making a small calculation, the world will gather the Parthian survivors, and he will be able to expand the market without spending the country's resources.

At that time, all the products will be dumped to the territory of these aristocratic families, and the economy will be turned over again.

"However, the income has increased, and the expenses have also increased!" Chen Xi thought idly, what else could be invested in the Han Dynasty.

"How about creating a spectacle?" Chen Xi thought of an idea.

How to say about the spectacle, although it seems useless, but when the time comes, you can still charge a tourist fee, and then set up a market next to the spectacle, which can create an economical point.

The economy is something that accumulates more. Although it looks inconspicuous, after the supporting industrial chain is added, the benefits will be considerable.

The only question is where to put the spectacle and what type of spectacle to build.

Chen Xi thought about it for a while, and found that there seemed to be no way to stimulate the economy, and he had used almost all the methods available. Now it seems that it is not very easy to come up with new ideas.

"Since you can't figure it out, let's build a college. This college is designed to recruit students from various schools of thought!" After thinking for a while, Chen Xi decided to build a big one.

The previous school was still more inclined to traditional education, so since it wants to stimulate the economy, it must promote the development of the entire industry.

That being the case, let him open a technical school to further improve the educational environment.

Anyway, I have no other ideas, so I can only come to educate.

(End of this chapter)

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