Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1029 The Second Trajan's Legion and the Third Undefeated Legion

Chapter 1029 The Second Trajan's Legion and the No.30 Undefeated Legion

After Ardashir communicated with Temujin, Temujin was actively making preparations.

This group of legions from Rome, whether they are strong or weak, should be treated with caution.

"What's the matter with these barbarians?" Temujin looked at the unidentified army on the opposite side, and from the density of the formation, he knew that it was just a group of miscellaneous soldiers who had been trained a little.

The question is, where did these unidentified legions come from?
100% garbage, garbage that can't even hold a flag, but large non-burnable garbage can be used for recycling!
Temujin sent out a war eagle, and found that it was actually a barbarian army that came from nowhere. There was no eagle flag nearby, and there was no enthusiasm like the church. Some barbarians didn't even have a decent weapon.

"General, these should be the barbarian legions spontaneously organized by the eastern provinces of Rome. In the past, there were such barbarian legions that came to fight the autumn wind every year!"

The native Parthia under Temujin had hatred in his eyes.

Just like the Huns would bypass the Great Wall from time to time and harass the people on the frontier on a small scale, Parthia was often bullied by the Roman legions when it was still in peace.

Temujin nodded. As a nomad, this is a common thing for him, because they often do it.

"You mean these barbarians gathered spontaneously and came to die?" Temujin was puzzled.

Forget it in the past, Parthia even looted the eastern provinces before, isn't that enough to make these barbarians feel intimidated?

The Huns wished they could split their clansmen into two halves for use. No matter how worthless the Roman barbarians were, they wouldn't have to die in such a way.

"The subordinates don't know! It may be a barbarian from other places!"

Temujin looked at the savages in the distance through the secret method, they were all in black, and those who didn't know thought the gorilla had become a spirit.

"I remember that on the site of Rome, there seems to be a site called Africa. Are these African barbarians?"

Temujin thought about it, but he didn't think too much about it. Anyway, it was delivered to his door, so he ate it directly.

"Go, send someone to bring those newly formed legions up!"

The barbarians on the opposite side were scattered, almost miscellaneous soldiers. Temujin planned to use waste and use it to fill up his recruits' record, which could be regarded as helping them build confidence.

Originally, they just planned to let these recruits do logistics, dig camps and so on, but they didn't expect that there would be experience packs delivered to their door.

These recruits have also undergone military training, and their quality is good, but their will is extremely fragile.

This is also the biggest gap between recruits and elites, but a recruit army that has won several battles can be trained into a qualified dual-talent army no matter what.

Every Legion is now a useful force.

Temujin calmly began to lay out the defense line, gathered the backbone and personal guards, and prepared to launch a charge targeting the barbarian army.

This is also the most common way for the old to lead the new. There is no need for new recruits to attack, as long as they can fight with the wind is enough.


Seeing Temujin and the others rushing towards him, the trash savage in Temujin's eyes not only did not run away, but roared excitedly and charged back towards Temujin.

At the moment when the barbarians charged, the recruits couldn't help but feel a little weak when they saw the crowd on the opposite side, and their scalps were a little numb. There were too many, and they were endless. They really didn't participate in the war, so they didn't understand what infantry and cavalry meant. what.

I just feel that they have so many enemies that they can't breathe.

But Temujin and the others were standing in the front, so they followed Temujin subconsciously.

"Something's wrong!" Temu Shinshin rang the alarm bell, and then led the legion to draw a beautiful arc drifting away from the battlefield, drawing the barbarians who were chasing after him into a long line.

But Temujin was not in a hurry to launch an attack, he carefully led these recruits back to his phalanx.

Something was wrong with these savages, and Temujin saw something wrong.

He judged these savages as garbage at first because of the array and military appearance, as well as their disorganized weapons and equipment.

But when the distance between the two sides narrowed, he clearly saw the physical strength of the opponent's soldiers, as well as the bloodthirsty and confusion in their eyes.

The opponent is not a simple barbarian army, or the opponent is not a barbarian in the traditional sense. The individual combat effectiveness of these barbarians will be very strong.

Just using new recruits to fight against it is very likely that big problems will happen.

"Get on the horse!" Temujin thought for a while, and directly ordered the Mongolian iron cavalry to go out. This time he took the Mongolian iron cavalry as the front, and he wanted to see what was wrong with these barbarians.

There is no formation, and the combat power is absolutely limited. To be on the safe side, he brought the strongest legion.


Amidst the sound of the horn, Temujin led his own army and the army of new recruits to charge again.


The soldiers of the Mongolian cavalry and the barbarians shook head-on, but a huge force swept over him, instantly deforming his movements, and the weapon in his right hand was shaken.

But before the black barbarian could show a happy smile, the Mongolian Iron Knight had already scratched his neck with his other hand.

"A powerful legion, use ingenuity!" The soldiers of the Mongolian iron cavalry roared at their discovery.

Then, instead of going head-to-head with the opponent, he wields different styles of weapons and uses various techniques to send the weapons into the opponent's vitals.

Although they wouldn't lose even if they simply competed in physical fitness, it would be too troublesome.

They prefer to kill each other with less labor-saving techniques.

The Mongolian iron cavalry broke out from the black barbarians smoothly, with minimal losses.

"Physical quality is good, but unfortunately it's not enough!" Temujin's eyes flashed coldly. These black barbarians are indeed very strong physically, but other aspects are ordinary, and they can easily kill the opponent with just using their brains.

The gap between the black barbarians and the Mongolian cavalry is no longer 01:30.

But for the recruits, many soldiers who were in a hurry were killed.

However, this is also a common problem of recruits, who die due to deformation of movements caused by emotions such as nervousness and fear.


Temujin didn't really intend to let these recruits challenge these barbarians. Although these barbarians have poor coordination and poor tactics, their physical fitness is indeed good.

It is an extremely difficult nut to crack for these single-talented recruits.

Temujin went back and forth among a group of barbarians, and within a quarter of an hour, he completely defeated the psychological defense of this group of barbarians.

After a while, these barbarians began to flee.

The only thing they can praise is their physical fitness, and their other abilities are too poor, not like soldiers, but like militiamen.

"Is Rome coming to reinforce the army?" Temujin ignored the recruits who were celebrating their victory, and was completely absorbed in this question.

These barbarians and those church barbarians are obviously not in the same system, which means that these barbarians are newcomers.

The Fourteenth Group failed to go to Great Britain, because the North was only a confrontation, and no real war broke out.

A fourteen combination full of killing intent sent to such a battlefield is obviously not a good choice.

So Rome left the Fourteenth Combination Legion in Africa, which can be regarded as a punishment for the Fourteenth Combination on the surface, punishing them to resist the beast tide in North Africa.

But in fact, it can be regarded as finding a place for the fourteenth group to vent their anger. If the barbarians in the north can't be beaten, they should go to fight the wild beasts and be the overlord of the barbarians in North Africa.

At the same time, the No.30 Legion, which was originally stationed in Africa, was transferred to the Parthian battlefield.

After all, the second and No.30 legions merged into one, that is, the undefeated Trajan who broke into Ctesiphon and tore the soul of the army with his hands to achieve a miracle.

Rome is also thinking about it, to see if it is possible to put the two legions together to produce a wonderful chemical reaction.

Although the two legions did not fight each other, there was no room for them to pinch each other on the battlefield, so Rome arranged it like this.

The second Tullagen Camillo's face turned black when he heard the news, and without saying a word, he camped on the road and waited for the arrival of the No.30 Legion.

On the battlefield, they really didn't have to fight each other, so he planned to solve this problem directly on the road. He had long been unhappy with the No.30 Legion.

He felt that without the guys from the No.30 Legion holding them back, they would have been able to make further progress, instead of being stuck at the bottom of the three talents.

It's true that they are three talents, but compared with the first support, they are simply two legions.

Even if the number is equal, they can't beat the first support, and Camille has had enough.

After the No. 30 legion came to work by boat and car, they hurried to adjust. They had no time to care about the barbarian legion brought from Africa, and the seventh and eighth No. 13 didn't care about it. They were all waiting next to the second.

Once No.30 and No.[-] have a real fight, they have to be in charge of fighting, a group of barbarians will die as soon as they die, and they will go wherever they like.

The unattended black savages were like restless monkeys, running around, and then bumped into the iron plate of Temujin, and returned home in a disastrous defeat.

The pursuit of the infantry after being dispersed by the cavalry killed a lot of black barbarians.

"What's wrong with you guys?" Renato frowned and asked his subordinates to arrest a group of fleeing black savages.

"Enemy, there are cavalry over there, enemy!" the black savage explained in a mess.

With an idea, Renato quickly approached Graze and Africanas, and then held a military meeting.

"The enemies of Parthia are approaching, shall we continue to wait, or go there to make arrangements in advance?" Renato gave Grez and the others a look.

Before Graze and the others could speak, the head of the No.30 Undefeated Legion, Laclelek, spoke first.

"Since the enemy is approaching, let's talk about our affairs later!" Laclelek said to Camillo with a sneer.

"Would you like to compare, who kills more!" Camille snorted slightly, and then said with a sneer.

"It's exactly what I want. I'll kill you after I kill those Parthia guys!" Laclelek said tit for tat.

"Then let's compare!" Camillo was not to be outdone. It was true that Laclelek had broken the boundaries, but the strength of the legion was still the second best among them.

Laclelek also discovered this. They have never fought a decent war since their battle with Flying Bear.

As soon as he met this time, he knew that the second Trajan was stronger than No.30 Unbeaten, and the subsequent skirmishes proved this point.

The soldiers of the second Trajan are generally stronger than the soldiers of the No.30 Invincible Legion.

But there are also some strong ones, so in order to get back Trajan's name, the undefeated Trajan was reappeared in the world.

He planned to use the Parthian legions as a sharpening stone, and wait until he was ready to attack the second Trajan.

Camillo sneered, of course he knew what kind of doctrine Laclelek was playing, and he would prove with practice that their second Trajan was the real successor of the undefeated Trajan's Legion.

The No.30 Legion and whatnot get out early, don't hold them back.

Of course, Camillo also wanted to prevent Laclelek from taking advantage of his boundary-breaking advantage. To break the boundary is to break the boundary. In a real fight, he is not an opponent.

He also has to find a way to solve this point now. He heard that Ardashir broke through when he led the army to fight, so he also has to find a way.

Both Camillo and Laclelek wanted to strangle each other to death in their hearts, but due to the reality, they could only stare at each other angrily.

There is no hatred between the two, but the legions inherited by the two have been destined to be at odds.

Undefeated Trajan, the Second Legion took Trajan and the Second Eagle Banner, and the No.30 Legion took the Undefeated and No.30 Eagle Banner.

Just like the Flying Bear and the Heavy Cavalry, when the two go hand in hand, only if one gives up, can the other legion have the possibility to achieve a breakthrough.

But the reality is that No.30 and No.[-] both feel that the other is the stumbling block because of the problems left over from history.

This is no longer a conflict between the two legion commanders, but a conflict between the countless people behind the two legions.

Even if they want to reconcile, the soldiers below and those veterans who have not died will not agree.

Only one of them can get everything they once had and become the undefeated Trajan again.

"Since everyone is willing to sit down, that would be great!" Renato smoothed things over.

"The troops over there should be the two legions that forcibly attacked and killed St. Peter III before. One is the three-talented heavy cavalry, and the other is the army soul cavalry."

"Not only that, there is also a legion in the enemy army that can incinerate talents, and the Thirteen Roses fell on that one!" Camille added with a solemn expression.

The Burning Legion put him under a lot of pressure. Renato's expression changed suddenly when he heard the words. He knew exactly what kind of Roman hero the former Thirteen Roses were, but that Thirteen Roses were destroyed in the hands of Parthia.

He must take revenge, and he must also be vigilant against the other party. He must not follow the old path of destruction.

If they were wiped out again this time, then Thirteen Qiangwei would really lose everything.

Their eagle flag was forcibly reproduced through the Roman Parliament and the Fourteenth Group. The cost was so high that it was impossible for them to come back a second time.

So they are the last glory of Thirteen Roses.

(End of this chapter)

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