Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1039 The Fall of Fuward

Chapter 1039 The Fall of Fuward
To a certain extent, Fu Ward is also a great talent. If the talent is higher, maybe he can go further and further on the evil road of repeated defeats and repeated defeats.

However, even if you become a military god, you are still the weakest one. You need a stable empire rear and a stable enough environment to continuously train super elites through harassment warfare.

In a sense, if you can do this without the need for the rear and the environment, then you are the strongest military god.

However, Fu Ward doesn't have time to think about so many things now.

As soon as he ordered the retreat, he realized that something was wrong. The opponent didn't chase after him, but calmly led troops and captured them to kill the group of soldiers he used to break the rear.

"Something's wrong!" Fu Ward's heart was full of alarm bells. If something goes wrong, there must be a monster. There are only two situations where the opponent has the advantage but does not chase him.

The other party doesn't care about you, or the other party feels that you can't escape.

But it can only be the latter. His threat to the rear of a large army is visible to the naked eye, even if he can't exert any final effect on a large-scale battlefield.

However, if they can seize the opportunity and enter the rear of the Han Dynasty from the rear, even if they all die in battle, they can create an excellent opportunity for the front.

Therefore, the other party felt that he could not escape.

But he also saw the speed of the Sunrider, even if it was a little faster than the camel, the pawns he left behind would definitely help him gain time.

If the endless pursuit in the desert continues, the Sun Knight will fall into the embarrassment of exhaustion instead.

The Han Dynasty was not so stupid, and Fu Ward had a clear understanding of everyone in the Han Dynasty in his heart, that is, the generals of the Han Dynasty were basically not stupid.

The generals who still have a fluke mentality have already gone to hell to see the king of Hades.

"Go southeast!" Fu Ward issued an order that all the soldiers could not understand.

Obviously their logistics base is in the west, why did they choose to run in the opposite direction?

"Tsk, what a hassle, it was discovered unexpectedly, you really are too good at it!" Wang Min looked at the other commander, He Chen, who was beside him with a look of disgust.

"You bastard, I said you're too good!" The slandered He Chen was furious, and backhanded Wang Min with an electric cannon.

Everyone came from the same legion, and there was no gap between them. Wang Min, who was attacked by surprise, was still talking about it, and was caught in an instant.

"Okay, okay, stop making trouble!" Wang Min calmed down after being hit by an electric gun. "Wait a little longer, those guys really ran away!"

"This guy is really dark!"

Rubbing the bruises on the eye sockets, the bruises disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye. Habayashi Jun has the talent for super-speed recovery. can be used.

"Chasing!" He Chen didn't pay attention to Wang Min's trickery. Ever since the burden was picked up by Zhang Yu, the official commander, Wang Min has let himself go more and more.

in Furward
"General, the cavalry of the opponent's front battalion has already moved."

The personal guard looked back and confirmed that there was actually a legion that had moved in the place where he left just now, and said to Fu Ward with some admiration.

"How many people are there?" Fu Ward also put down a big stone in his heart. Sure enough, the feeling before could not have been created out of thin air, and someone was actually ambushing.

Looking at it this way, maybe my temporary stronghold in the desert has already been taken away by someone, so I should find a place to repair it first, and then find a way to go back.

The reaction of the Han Empire was too fast, and he had to consider whether he should order all his troops to attack some Conglings.

If the troops of the Han Dynasty have this quality, the current Beigui Mountain Pass can stop the Han Dynasty.

Those orc mercenaries always feel that they will not be very reliable.

"Perhaps, I should also return to Guishuang to participate in the war?"

Fu Ward is thinking about the future. Although he lost this battle, his organizational system is still complete and has complete combat effectiveness. He is expected to waste time in the desert, why not return to Guishuang to participate in the war?

"General, someone is chasing after you!" the guard yelled in horror.

"How could it be... what happened!" Fu Ward didn't believe it at first, but immediately yelled badly after turning his head.

He now understands what happened to the palpitations before, and the Han Dynasty actually arranged for a super elite to wait for him here.

"Fire arrows!"

The centurion of Fu Ward ordered loudly, as the elite all-round cavalry, the camel rider naturally knows a little about riding and shooting.

However, after the arrows shot out, as if they had eyes, they naturally scattered left and right when they approached the soldiers of the Habayashi Army, and then fell to the ground.

With Flying Bear's gravity control, the Habayashi Army can use skills to do similar things, laying out a layer of gravity net in front of them, which can greatly weaken the damage of long-range attacks.

The skills of the Habayashi Army are close to the peak. If you want to hurt them with bows and arrows, you must either have an impenetrable number or a power that can penetrate three points into a stone.

Otherwise, the Habayashi Army can veto this kind of damage with will at any time.

Like camel riding, it is soft and has no effect of suppressing quantity. For the Habayashi Army, it is like a breeze blowing on the face.

"Come and don't reciprocate! Bow and arrow strike back!"

Wang Min laughed, bent his bow and set an arrow. The arrow seemed to have eyes, and it was directly inserted into the forehead of a camel knight soldier.

For the Miracle Legion, all non-miracle effects can be vetoed.

Wang Min directly vetoed the possibility of the camel knights avoiding the arrows with the power of miracles, and added the effect that the arrows must hit.

These abilities are almost instinctive for them, and this is the biggest difference between miracles and non-miracles.

To put it bluntly, they are a bit like Lu Bu. Although they are not the most prominent in each index, they can display several times or even dozens of times their combat effectiveness.

That is to say, only the army soul and three talents can fight against one or two, because the essence and miracle of these two legions are the same.

In other words, the miracle itself is the army soul and the three-talented legion, but their strength exceeds the scope allowed by the world, and the extra part is the power of miracle, which is not restricted by the world.

It is also the reason why they can trample on the rules of the world as they like, because that part of their power will not be bound by the world's viciousness.

All other legions are almost completely weak in the face of miracles.

It was the first time Fu Ward had fought against the Legion of Miracles, but his hands and feet were already cold at this moment. Before the two sides officially approached, the opponent had already killed thousands of people.

Even the camel riders who were used to perverts and defeats began to panic. Could this inhuman force really be something they could fight against?

The answer is of course no, the miraculous god cavalry with Feixiong can fight against nearly seven pseudo-three talents at the same time before Beiguishan Pass.

But now there are only camel riders with less than 6000 people, and they are only the mid-range Imperial Guards, how can they fight against the Habayashi Army.

There is no special trick. At the moment when he is close to the camel rider, the Habayashi Army in the front cut out with a single knife, and the sharp talent and the skill of manipulating the air flow are mixed together.

At the moment when the blade was caught by the camel rider, the cut air passed across the camel rider with a sharp effect, just like a hot knife cutting through butter, directly cutting the hit place completely.

It's the same even if the hit place is the head, everything is light, and then the life dissipates directly.

Afterwards, without waiting for the camel rider to react, the Habayashi army slashed several times, relying on the sharp talent of Qiqi, directly slashed and killed the opponent one after another when the camel rider was not expected.

Obviously, the number of camel riders was more than twice that of the Habayashi Army, but they didn't have the slightest strength to stop.


Fu Ward, who was completely unacceptable, looked at the camel riders who were slaughtered like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, with blood red eyes, and could not accept this scene at all.

"Let's fight, for the sake of the gods, and for the empire to win another glorious victory!" Fu Ward immediately roared and bloomed his legion talent when the habayashi army was completely suppressing his own side.

"War Heart!" Fu Ward accelerated with all his strength, holding the scimitar high in his hand, a bright light bloomed from his body, and an illusory figure emanated from him, and the majestic momentum pressed down on Yu Yu like a mountain torrent. Lin Jun's soldiers.

Because it is a comprehensive blessing, there is no shortcoming, and it can be mastered instantly after the blessing, so as the phantom dissipated, Forward's camel riding really entered the limit.

After Forward blossomed his legion talent, the aura of the camel rider suddenly rose, but after all, he was already in the battle formation, and before the opponent's aura climbed to the extreme, the Habayashi Army dealt a powerful blow to the opponent.

What if it becomes stronger, relying on the will to distort the endless mid-range and long-range attacks, and then the unscientific offensive and defensive ends brought about by the miraculous power, the Habayashi soldiers don't care whether the enemy in front has become stronger or not.

Because at this level, whether the opponent becomes stronger or not, it is still a one-shot kill for them.

"Tsk, this guy is really stubborn."

Wang Min looked at Fu Ward who was rushing forward in a daze, without the slightest idea of ​​retreating, and said with emotion, this kind of ruthless person who is not afraid of death is a bit difficult to deal with, but since the opponent won't leave, let's fight!
Even if you break the boundary today, you have to lie on your stomach!

Wang Min's body began to emit a dazzling light, which was the expression of his ability stimulated to the extreme.

The inner qi is so far removed from the body that even the miraculous soldiers carrying the cloud qi cannot ignore it.

"Die!" Fu Ward quickly changed the speed, and the scimitar directly cut off the long spear that Wang Min stabbed with fierce force, and then continued to charge towards Wang Min with majestic momentum.

"I knew things were not that simple! What a troublesome existence!"

Wang Min threw away the broken long spear, replaced it with a saber, held it with both hands, and began to chop vigorously.

So what if the internal qi is separated from the body, today you are either a dragon or a tiger.

After Fu Ward used all his hole cards, the fighting power of the camel rider had indeed reached a certain limit, but this limit was not enough to resist the Habayashi Army at all!

The camel riding long-range, medium-range, and melee combat methods are indeed very powerful, but in the face of monsters like the Habayashi Army, which can't break the defense in the long-range and mid-range, and can't even parry in melee combat.

The camel ride was as weak as a baby, and he could only desperately leave scars for the Habayashi army, and exchanged his life for injuries.

But when the two sides passed by each other, those Habayashi soldiers who had been hacked couldn't see any injuries except for the tattered armor on their bodies.

Fu Ward was desperate. Although Wang Min was not his opponent, he was not someone he could kill directly either.

The opponent's speed is far better than that of a camel rider, and they have no way out.

However, Fu Ward did not choose to surrender in the end. Weisudeva I gave him great trust, and he must not betray this trust. This is the principle he adheres to.

Faced with this predicament, the only choice left by the camel riders is to fight to the death. Even if they know they must die, they are unwilling to live on their knees. Let's fight. This is the last battle of the camel riders, and it is also the last battle of their lives. war.

There is no fear of death, but it is not that kind of calmness. At this moment, the camel rider's eyes reveal a determination to follow Fu Ward to death after countless considerations!

They have no sense of belonging to Guishuang, what they really follow is Fu Ward, the general who brings them dignity and life.

After the second round of charge and duel, there were not many soldiers behind Fu Ward.

"Surrender!" Even though he knew it was meaningless, Wang Min still spoke.

Fu Ward's will to die moved him. Although he knew it was meaningless, he still spoke.

"If there is an afterlife, I will definitely do it again!" Fu Ward's eyes were red, and it was not a good experience for him to witness his hard work die in a massacre.

But on the battlefield, power is respected, and Fu Ward was conquered by the mighty power of the Habayashi Army.

Fu Ward supported his body and looked back at Peshawar with difficulty. However, he was already exhausted, and the moment he looked back, his body lost his balance and fell slowly without any reaction.

"Follow the general!"

The remaining camel riders launched the final charge, and at the same time drew the final rest for the camel riders.

The rain of arrows burst out, and all the camel knights were shot through, completely cutting off their lives.

"Reorganize the army." Wang Min sighed lightly when he saw this, and then said to his comrades.

If the strength of the camel riders was stronger, I am afraid they would not be able to do so easily.

"Let's go, go back and meet the general, the commander's side should be about the same!" He Chen shook his head. Once upon a time, opponents of this strength needed them to fight desperately.

But now, opponents of this strength are no longer their opponents. The Habayashi Army is getting stronger every day, even if they don't train.

This is the wonderful reaction of the combination of countless skills they have mastered, and it is also the reason why they can continue to maintain their state and catch up with the rising barriers of the world.

But this is just one of them, their training is no less than any legion.

They, who have witnessed the decline and prosperity of the empire, do not want such a tragedy to happen again, so they must become stronger, so strong that they can cover the sky with one hand.

"Wings for the country, like a forest!"

 Set a small goal, a week of explosive updates in December, just in time to finish writing the Parthian plot.

(End of this chapter)

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