Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1054 The Last Tranquility Before the Storm

Chapter 1054 The Last Tranquility Before the Storm
"Palmiro!" Penelance called softly.

"Here!" Palmiro woke up from the grief, the loss of the Fifth Skylark this time was too great.

"Notify our troops over there, reduce the intensity of the siege, start to turn around and don't know the line of defense, and advance steadily there." Penilance sighed, and the pure white legion directly cut off his reconnaissance towards Dongfangzhan Thinking, simply arrange the defense line directly on the spot.

"Mobilize the No.15 Eagle Banner to the No.19 Eagle Banner Legion, go there to advance, and notify the frontal siege troops to intensify their siege efforts, and strive to break through the Taixifeng city wall before the Han army!"

Penilance issued orders one after another. The speed of the white horse was so fast that he couldn't judge the specific position of the Han army well.

The only thing that is certain is that the Han army should have arrived nearby, and the pure white legion nearby will not startle the snake in advance and appear in such a place.

"Seize the opportunity and take down the important city pass east of Tessifon?" Penilance stared at the map, should they say it or not, their limit has reached near Midia.

If there is no Han Dynasty, they can still try to send people to garrison Taixifeng to control the whole territory of Parthia, but if there is the Han Dynasty, they can't defend Taixifeng.

It's not a problem for the imperial army to toss back and forth. In the end, they can only choose to plunder Taixifeng, and then throw everything here to the Han Dynasty?

However, Rome has no pursuit of land, and it seems to be a good choice to divide Parthia in this case.

At this time, Penelance was a little regretful. He knew that it would be better to sign a covenant with the Han Dynasty to divide Partia. In the current situation, no one can get any benefits, and it will inevitably be another fierce battle.

In the best case, the Han Dynasty to the east of Media will take it, and the west to the Zagros Mountains will be used as a condominium commercial area, and then west to Rome to take over.

However, now that the Han Dynasty even has three talented speed corps, how can it be possible for Rome to occupy the Zagros Mountains? As long as Zagros is blocked, Parthia will be the private land of the Han Dynasty.

Rome didn't value land, and couldn't understand the pursuit of land by the Han Dynasty, so in their view, it was impossible for the Han Dynasty to occupy a small amount of land and get the job done.

Without sufficient benefit distribution, it is absolutely impossible for the Han army to stop.

War is the continuation of politics, and politics is the distribution of interests. In the final analysis, everything must be profitable. The Han Dynasty lost Parthia, a trading partner.

Even if you can continue to trade with Rome, but after the distance is extended, the benefits will drop significantly, and it will be a loss-making business.

So in Penirance's view, the two sides must have a fight to divide Parthia's interests with their fists.

But can Rome really face the Han Empire after the destruction of Parthia?
Penelance himself had a question mark in his heart.

But after all, he was a high-ranking and powerful person, and Penelance soon recovered his mood, and he had no choice but to shoot the arrow. First, he defeated Tessie.

If even Tessiphon cannot be defeated, it is not impossible for the Han Empire to collude with Parthia.

No one will pass up the opportunity to beat the dog in the water.

The news that the intensity of Rome's siege had slowed down was quickly delivered to Voggis V.

"Hehehe!" Vogelgis V laughed like a night owl, "The Han Dynasty is finally here!"

He is actually extremely regretful now in his heart. If they hadn't merged with the Xiongnu at the beginning, but had given the Xiongnu as a gift to the Han Dynasty, wouldn't they have come to where they are today.

However, as a monarch, he also knows that the past cannot be followed. Now that he has reached this point, he must continue to go on.

"Cough, cough, cough!" Fars Sassan coughed and got up, "Your Majesty, since the Han Dynasty has arrived, should we start the next step!"

"That's right, get that death squad ready, and once our army starts to fail, send this document to the Han Dynasty immediately!" Vogelgis V coldly took out a document.

The content is very simple, that is to directly recognize that Parthia is a subsidiary state of the Han Dynasty, and the Han Dynasty has the ownership of everything in Parthia.

Two peaches kill three warriors, rather than letting Rome, the enemy, take away everything in Parthia, it is better to directly benefit the Han Dynasty.

"Here!" Holding the document, Fars Sassan was in tears. Their family had many ideas, such as rebellion, power ministers, and becoming a new nobleman, but they didn't have the idea of ​​ruining the country and family.

But now Parthia has come to this step, the last straw on the edge of the cliff, this old man who has been a soldier all his life, can't help but burst into tears at this moment.

"Go down and make arrangements, we are running out of time!" Vogelgis V walked out of the palace, looked at the starry sky, and could not see any expression on his face, neither sad nor happy.

Only the strong fighting spirit in the eyes is telling the anger in Voggis V's heart.

Since the ruin of the country and family is a foregone conclusion, don't even think about it in Rome!
The flame of vengeance burned on Voggis, and all the emotions of hatred, anger, and unwillingness were reduced to nourishment and began to burn violently.

Vogelgis V stretched out his hand as if feeling something, looked at the dots of light from the monarch's talent in his hand, and smiled self-deprecatingly. He didn't expect that when the country was strangers, he could actually make further progress.

But that's okay, in this way, the probability of success of the plan can be higher.

"Rome!" Vogelgis V murmured the name of the enemy softly, and the flames on his body became more and more substantive.

The next day, the army of the Han Dynasty arrived near Taixifeng.

"Fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen..." Yue Fei looked at the banner in the distance, frowning and thinking.

"What's the matter, Pengju, suddenly showing embarrassment!" Guo Hao asked with a smile seeing Yue Fei's expression changed.

"General, the Tiefutu soldiers who joined our army have fought against these eagle flags. According to them, these legions are all strong, and they are all real elites!"

Yue Fei said, pointing to the flag in the distance.

"Well, I remember that Yue Yun submitted the relevant information, and they should all be at the top level of the imperial guards, which can be regarded as a strong army!" Guo Hao nodded, he knew the situation.

"Marshal Yue, what I want to say is that these soldiers belong to barbarians!" Li Ru said lightly.

"That's right, it shouldn't be difficult to defeat them!" Yue Fei said plainly, the five eagle flags and the army of barbarians were vulnerable in his eyes, this was his confidence.

"The problem is, it's hard for our army to guarantee that when we attack the barbarians, will the Parthian army come out of Tessiphon?" the judge continued.

"Rome wants to pass this problem on to us. It seems that Rome doesn't intend to occupy Ctesiphon. What they want is all the wealth west of Ctesiphon, that is, looting!" Yue Fei said calmly. s answer.

"That's really hard to choose!"

Guo Hao moved his chin. Roma's move is really poisonous. It is clear that he wants to trade barbarians for benefits. Even if these barbarians are dead, Rome may even applaud.

After all, the Church, a group of savages who had already become popular, couldn't be more cost-effective for Rome to die, and they still died in the war, everything was so reasonable.

What the Han Dynasty had to face was not only the hatred of the barbarians, but also the trouble of Tai Xifeng's breakout army.

Suppress it, it hurts, and it is an elite of the empire anyway. This is the reason why they wanted to pull Rome into the water before.

Don't suppress it, the territory they occupy now is all Parthia. This army can easily review from these places, and it will be suppressed when the time comes.

Anyway, after Rome robbed a ticket and left directly, this big hole was thrown to the Han Dynasty again.

It is equivalent to the fact that Parthia prostituted the army of the Han Dynasty for nothing, forced Rome to retreat, and held the territory east of Tessiphon. If there was no Han Dynasty, these places would not be able to escape the looting of Rome.

It can be said that the moment the Han Dynasty appeared, Rome was ready to take only the interests west of Taixifeng.

"Hehehe!" Li Ru sneered, "Don't worry, Parthia won't keep us waiting!"

"We have deployed some people in Tessiphon, Vogergis V wants to gamble for the last time!" Li Ru calmly said something that made people around him creepy.

"It's impossible..." The judge retorted subconsciously, and then frowned.

"One of the seven nobles of Parthia?"

"Naturally, Parthia is not monolithic. They were willing to fall to Rome before, but now they are willing to fall to us!" Li Ru sneered twice.

He has been in the Western Regions for so long, and he has controlled the trade channel for so long. It would be unbelievable if he didn't do anything.

"It's really a good way!" The judge sighed, and once again thought of the Hulao Pass. At that time, Li Rujiaxu was opposite them, and they lost for no reason.

Before that, he had been looking at the flowers in the fog. He only knew that Li Ru and Jia Xu were not simple, and they were definitely the group of top advisers.

But now he understands better that Li Ru and Jia Xu are good at scheming.

Being able to influence the choice of an empire, he didn't know how much effort Li Ru had spent on it.

"Without Jia Wenhe's help, I wouldn't be able to do this kind of thing. Jia Wenhe's shadow guard is really useful!" Li Ru said calmly.

He glanced at the expressions of Shenpei, Jushou, Tian Feng and others, and nodded in satisfaction. What he wanted was this kind of deterrent effect. Only by planning with these top advisers could he give enough deterrence to those aristocratic families after going abroad.

This deterrence cannot be spread by him, it must be endorsed by the judges, so that the effect can be maximized.

"So, we just need to wait?" Yue Fei didn't pay attention to Li Ru's plan, and his eyes were only focused on the battlefield.

"Yes, wait!" Li Ru said with certainty.

"Wait, just let the soldiers take a good rest!" Guo Hao decided, "Leave the regular night defense force, let the soldiers recharge their batteries, and the last battle should be in two days!"

(End of this chapter)

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