Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1057 Chariot Galloping

Chapter 1057 Chariot Galloping
"Bloom! Sun God!"

Pompianus looked at the Apollinian priest who was set on fire and thrown into the sky with heartache. It was not only the Apollinian believers who were set ablaze, but also the Roman treasury.

I really thought that clicking a priest could summon a ball of light that illuminates the battlefield, and there are many auxiliary materials that need assistance.

It can be said that every order of that thing is burning money.

But Pompianus also knew that this thing was essential, so he could only pinch his nose and recognize it.

For the greater benefit, it is worthwhile to invest a little in advance, Pompianus kept comforting himself.

"Consciousness connection!" After briefly sorting out his mood, Pompianus also connected his spiritual power with other people.

In this kind of imperial battlefield, everyone must exert the most value.

At the same time, the people of the Han Dynasty who were resting on the spot were also awakened by the sudden whitening of the sky. The secret arts of the Roman Empire were generally known for being simple, crude and effective, truly illuminating a hundred miles around.

"Throwing the sun directly, this method is novel!" Yue Fei began to comment subconsciously.

"Marshal Yue, be careful!" Li Ru gave Yue Fei a look of dissatisfaction. The Han Dynasty has its own national conditions, and the sun is not ordinary in the Han Dynasty.

"Hehehe, it's okay, go back and let those people study and study, this method is really worth learning!" Guo Hao waved his hand.

"However, if it's just for lighting, it doesn't seem to have much meaning. One whole in Luoyang, and it will be called Luoyang, the city that never sleeps?"

Guo Hao said casually, and summoned a Sun Knight soldier to ask about the effect.

"Can you feel the blessing effect?" Guo Hao was shocked when he asked. If this thing can feel the blessing effect, the shortcomings of the Sunrider will be complemented if he is not around for a whole night.

"Well, I remember that the last time the Roman eagle flag researched something, let's see if we can add this method to it. If the Sun Knight is paired with this kind of thing, it seems to work!"

Guo Hao's thoughts went through in an instant, and there were naturally officials in charge of recording, recording Guo Hao's thoughts in the book.

"Well, take a closer look, it seems to be a solar god's mansion!" Guo Hao narrowed his eyes. If it is the sun god, then it is worth noting that swallowing this kind of mansion is good for the three-legged Jinwu But there are many.

"Report to General! The troops have been assembled!" Yue Fei suddenly handed over his hands and reported.

"Pengju, this battle is up to you. You can command everyone, including me!" Guo Hao nodded and directly delegated the highest authority to Yue Fei.

"Thank you, General, for your trust!"

Yue Fei clasped his fists to express his gratitude, and then began to issue orders in an orderly manner. The war has just begun, and it is not the time for them to intervene.

On the other side, with the white light illuminating a radius of hundreds of miles, the speed of the Roman soldiers' army began to increase obviously. After all, no matter how well guarded and trained they are, their vision at night is obviously limited, and human beings belong to the daytime anyway. A nocturnal creature.

Even if the per capita is superhuman now, it is difficult for them to change their nature in their bones.

However, the same is true for Parthia. They can display better combat effectiveness during the day with more rest.

Walking out of the city gate, Vogelgis V stared at the ball of light in the sky, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Even if he guessed that Rome definitely has the ability to turn night into day, such a big effort is beyond the power of Vogelgis V. Shi Shi's estimate is really too great.

Killing the gods and offering sacrifices to the heavens, this kind of power is worthy of admiration at any time.

"It's really amazing. Should I say it's Rome?" Vogelgis V raised his head and looked at the light ball above his head with a slight sigh.

"However, we will not lose!"

As the voice of Vogelgis V fell, the Parthian clouds that were originally flat in the sky and seemed extremely thick rolled up instantly, and began to form a Parthian cloud according to the direction in which the spiritual power of the Parthian counselors circulated. Strategic secrets.

"Let's burn the damned future, let's burn the bright tomorrow of Parthia!"

Voggis V roared, maximizing his own monarch talent, and illusory flames burst from his body.

With the blooming of Voggis V's monarch talent, the tumbling clouds in the sky instantly began to burn unreal, as if the whole world had become a melting pot.

In an instant, the Parthian army, which was originally lined up, rushed out like a dragon, giving the wind an aura of iron and blood.

The turbulence of Parthia's cloud was also noticed by the Romans, but they didn't feel anything special. At this time, Parthia must use whatever tricks it has. If there are no large-scale strategic secrets Rome will feel strange.

But Penelance frowned at the imperceptible, you must know that the outward aura is actually the result of the combination of energy and spirit.

The stronger the momentum, the stronger the fighting power, and the momentum shown by Parthia has undoubtedly overwhelmed Rome, and this is just the beginning.

The difficulty level of Parthia has once again increased by a few percentage points in his mind. The combination of spirit, energy and spirit will not deceive people. This Parthian army will be very strong with its back to the wall!
"However, our Rome is stronger!" Perennis looked at the Parthian army in the light and shadow, and the corner of his mouth cracked a little.

"Let the parliamentary guards use the military spirit, and let Parthia understand what the real Roman Empire is!"

Penirance was just jealous, but he didn't have the slightest fear. Parthia hadn't fought the real Roman Empire for too long, and it was time for Parthia to recall Rome's real fear.

After the commander-in-chief of the parliamentary guard received the news, he immediately raised his battle flag.

Bright brilliance erupted from the banner and enveloped the entire Roman legion in front of Parthia. All the soldiers, from the Roman emperor's bodyguard corps down to the barbarian army, were all shrouded in this bright brilliance.

"Glory to Rome!"

The military soul ability of the parliamentary guard, as an auxiliary military soul, the combat power of the parliamentary guard is only at the bottom, but like Guishuang's imperial scepter, its significance to the army far exceeds that of conventional combat type military souls.

Rome's aura directly suppressed the sky, forcibly suppressing the aura of Parthia.

The momentum of Shuangfa's coming and going made everyone in the Han Dynasty marvel. It is worthy of being an imperial battlefield, and it was so exciting just after the war started.

"Auxiliary army soul, really good!" Guo Hao narrowed his eyes, this is a type that the Han Empire does not have.

Although they have the ultimate Xuanxiang army formation, which can achieve the same effect, but what they don't have is the best.

The Han Empire still wanted such a military soul, so many military souls were all fighting types, which was a bit too weird.

The entire Han Empire can be related to the increase. One is the Xiliang Iron Cavalry vs. Qiang Cavalry, and the other is the Habayashi Army. Neither of these two is universal, and there is a big gap between the spirit of the parliamentary guards that specialize in support.

Moreover, Han Xin and Bai Qi have no clue about this, and the progress has been zero so far.

However, Wei Qing's awakening is good news. As a military god who also has an auxiliary army spirit in historical records, he must be able to bring them surprises in the future.

Uppar felt something was wrong when the momentum of Rome suppressed Parthia, but once a decisive battle of this size entered the field and wanted to exit, it was impossible, and as a chariot that was already running, Even if the maximum speed is not reached, it is a dream to turn around.

And this is the final decisive battle, if even the commander can't fight to the death, how can the soldiers under his command fight to the death.

That being the case, it is better to continue to charge. Anyway, since stepping on the chariot, it should not be said that since the meeting, Uppar has already had the idea of ​​​​mortal death. Now that he is ready to die, what is there to be afraid of? of.

"Burn the sky with anger!"

Vogelgis V blessed Upar with his power, and the illusory flames burned violently from all the soldiers.

His monarch talent, coupled with the burning flames of the entire army cloud, can awaken the inner will to the greatest extent, and then start to burn, producing a blessing effect.

With their secret techniques, it can be realized that the will of the soldiers who did not participate in the battle in the second half of the army can be projected onto the soldiers of the former army who broke through.

But Voggis V is a bit sad, the flames on Upal's body are far weaker than others, and the will to revenge is extremely weak.

"Are you completely determined to die? General Upal, let's go!"

Vogelgis V felt a little desolate in his heart. In any case, Uppar and the Chariot Legion, who were at the forefront, were dead.

"Rush, rush over, crush them!"

Accompanied by Upal's roar, the chariot troop, which was already in the vanguard, accelerated instantly.

As one of the seven nobles, the Zeke family's special legion used to be a chariot legion. After all, the plains of the Mesopotamia are very suitable for using chariots. There are no obstacles, and the rampage is invincible.

"Bloom, Abyss of Heart!" Upal roared and opened his own mind reflection. He didn't know why an old guy like himself could open this kind of thing.

He doesn't care about these, he just wants to make atonement now, and complete the atonement for the Parthian Empire.

He was the seven nobles who fell to Li Ru first. All the so-called family members were killed, but it was Li Ru's cover-up arrangement.

Originally, he could also leave together, but in the end he chose to live and die with Parthia, but entrusted the entire future of the family to Li Ru, who was also Li Ru's hostage to restrain him.

He is not afraid of death, nor does he reject dedicating himself to the country, but his originally hard heart was completely defeated after seeing his little grandson who was just born a few days ago.

So he chose to fall to the Han Empire, and at a critical time, he turned the Parthia strategy to a fight to the death with Rome in exchange for the safety of his family.

This strategy cannot be regarded as a mistake, because there are only two paths Parthia can choose, which is to go all out with Rome and fight guerrilla with the Han Dynasty.

And at the critical moment, he pushed his strategy to the road of desperately fighting with Rome.

This is also Li Ru and Jia Xu's control over people's hearts. The Han Dynasty and Parthia are not the biggest enemies. Taking advantage of this, they have influenced not only Upal.

The seven nobles of Parthia were not monolithic. They had been intriguing in the past, and one family even fell into infighting and was annexed by the royal family represented by Vogelgis V.

Even if they reunite under the persecution of Rome, they are destined to be unable to work together, and everyone has their own little Jiujiu in their hearts.

However, all they did was entrust their funeral affairs, and then chose to live and die with Taixifeng.

At this moment, Upal, who was charging at the forefront, had only one thought, that is to kill a bloody road, and let the destroyed chariot once again bloom with absolute brilliance.

"Come on, let's fight, in this battle, either you will die or I will die!"

Upal raised his spear and ax and roared, the abyss of the heart opened to the limit, catalyzed the will to die to the extreme, and continuously transformed it into the power to fight.

The power that he once thought he could not grasp in this life is just in his hands, but Upal doesn't feel the slightest sense of security, but he doesn't need such a sense of security.

The Upar Chariot Legion, which had already reached its limit, surged with momentum as if it had passed a certain barrier.

At the same time, the gate of Rome's camp opened directly, and more than a thousand chariots roared out from the camp gate on each side.

In a place like the plain, how can one not be prepared for chariots? No commander with military literacy will let go of his defense against chariots.

But speaking of it, this kind of thing is really hard to guard against. Apart from modifying the terrain, as long as the other methods are still plain, there is really no obvious effect.

However, there are many restrictions on modifying the terrain, and it may even affect itself, so Rome directly simplifies the problem, that is, chariot vs. chariot!
Come on, let’s face it head-on. Anyway, the core of the chariot is the charging cow, horse, and chariot. If you make it up casually, it is a destruction machine.

They didn't have many cavalry troops in Rome, and they had plenty of spare cattle and horses.

That being the case, then come on, use a chariot to fight a chariot, exchange it directly, and it is worthwhile to exchange ten for you.

Under the command of the Roman barbarian army, thousands of chariots whizzed out directly attacked Uppar. What Rome wanted was to block Uppar.

The biggest reason why chariots will withdraw from the stage of history is that they were overwhelmed by the mobility of cavalry.

Once you start charging, even turning a corner will be a very difficult thing, and it is easy to be smashed by the cavalry.

And even the cavalry, once they lose their speed, will be quickly strangled by the infantry.

Therefore, Rome built a pile of garbage chariots, with the intention of using the wreckage of this batch of chariots, and piled them up to force Upar to stop.

However, Rome has not changed its military system for too long, and each Eagle Banner Legion is basically stereotyped, and fundamental changes rarely occur.

This has also led to the fact that Rome has not seen a chariot corps at the Praetorian Guard level for nearly a hundred years.

They don't know anything about the chariot corps at the Imperial Guard level, or even the dual-talented chariot corps.

After all, Rome will not find it boring to equip the barbarians with chariots, so that the barbarians have the power to resist them.

 I'm sorry, I'm a waste, and I'm starting to feel bad again today!

  Is it possible that every time I get better, I get sun again?
(End of this chapter)

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