Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1059 Unwilling Roar

Chapter 1059 Unwilling Roar
The horse's head exploded, and the soldiers on the chariot flew high and fell to the ground and turned into a pool of mud.

The chariot legion, which had been weakened layer by layer, finally stagnated after hitting the iron giant.

"Pfft!" Afrikanas spat out a mouthful of blood, and the counter-shock force of the head-to-head confrontation with the bulls and horses made his internal organs vibrate.

If the power of the chariot hadn't been weakened, it might have killed him directly.

"If you want to kill me, you go to die first!" Uppar's eyes were fierce, and the spear in his hand carried all the strength of his body and stabbed towards Africa's chest.

"Old man, lie down in the coffin honestly!"

Africanas, who was pierced through the chest by the spear, also punched Upal with a fierce look.


Upal flew high, and the huge force of nearly several tons completely unbalanced the strength in his body, and his internal organs were all smashed.

If he was still young, he could continue to play, but now, he is old.


Upal, who fell to the ground, looked at the sky unwillingly, and he had only his last breath left.

"Old thing, you should lie down obediently!" Afrikanas looked at Upal on the ground, sneered and mocked while clutching his chest.

Avoiding the vital point, this little injury is not a big deal to him.

Even if it is not treated, it will probably heal on its own after a while.

Without getting annoyed or refuting, Uppal knew that he had fulfilled his task perfectly and successfully fired the first shot of the counterattack.

"I'm so unwilling!" Unwilling anger flashed in Upal's mind. He seemed to see those soldiers who died on the way to charge, and they were also unwilling.

"Not reconciled?" Africa sneered, and then suddenly realized that Uppal didn't speak.

The infinite anger in Upar's dead heart was burning, and the flame in his heart was burning crazily.

"Old general!" Vogelgis V felt the flames churning, and Uppal, who had almost no flames on his body, was burning with a flame that would not lose to anyone.

"I'm here to help you!"

Vogelgis V mobilized the burning flames above the heads of the Parthian army, a stream of light merged into Uppar's body, and the materialized flame began to burn from Uppar's body.

The secret technique from the Huns, the secret technique of the undead empire, the forbidden technique to make life live again.

"What happened?" Upal got up from the ground, he didn't know what happened to him.

The illusory flames were burning on his body, his flesh and blood were melting, and his soul was trembling. It was clear that there was only a skeleton left, but he still possessed the power not lost to his life.

"Don't you want to die?" Upal looked at the skeletons that were climbing up one after another around him, and began to laugh. Although he didn't have a vocal organ, the shock of the soul fire made all the soldiers experience that kind of wild laughter. .

"Although I don't know what happened, but..."

"Come to fight!"

Uppal smashed Africanas with a punch, and he has never felt so good at this moment, it is like returning to his youth.

"Undead?" Afrikanas got up from the ground, his eyes full of surprise.

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect that there would be undead after angels!" Afrikanas was even more excited, "Come on, let me see the power of undead!"

If it is a barbarian or an ordinary Roman citizen, the undead may have a negative impact on them.

Although Rome has the power to kill the gods, the undead are also an ominous symbol for them.

But the Eighth Eagle Banner is different. Under the influence of Africa, they think they are also the inheritance of the mythical bloodline, they are giants, and the undead can only surprise them.

After all, angels, gods, and giants have all appeared, so it is nothing to be surprised about the frequent appearance of undead.

"Come to fight!"

The giant and the undead fought together, and the two sides didn't feel anything. The fight was full of passion, but the impact on others was far more than that.

Penelance, who observed through the light and shadow, suddenly felt tricky.

If everyone in Parthia had the ability to stand up after dying once, the difficulty of this war would almost double geometrically.

If it was [-]-[-] before, now it is infinitely pulled to [-]-[-].

Of course, the biggest trouble is the Han Dynasty. They must have the ability to defeat the Han Dynasty after they are guaranteed to defeat Parthia.

Defeating two Parthias is already extremely difficult.

If the Han Dynasty intervenes again and fights against the three empires at the same time, even Penelance will really start to panic at this moment.

"Send someone to consult Pope Cyprian!" Penelance took a deep breath, and thanks to his son, he knew a lot about the mythology, and immediately thought of the angel's restraint on the undead in the mythology.

And the last time he was in the Brahma War, he had also seen a strong man on the side of the undead. The opponent came across the ocean, and his strength should not be underestimated.

Could it be that Parthia not only colluded with the Huns, but also colluded with the undead from another continent.

Penelance has a headache, there are too many variables.

Severus, who has been observing silently, is also frowning. Any legion that can be resurrected will be the Laipi Legion.

Not to mention that the entire army of the opponent has such an ability.

Just like the super-heavy step under Gao Lan's command, it can revive most of the disgusting legions.

"Are you sure?" Severus asked abruptly.

"We are six, they are four!" Penilance replied without hesitation, even if Parthia has produced so many surprises, their Rome still has the absolute upper hand.

It's like after the Upal Chariot Legion became undead, although it brought a lot of shock to people, they were still pressed to the ground by the Giant Legion.

After all, they are the reincarnated undead of the Chariot Legion, even those war oxen and horses have become undead, but the chariot legion without speed, how can it be the opponent of the giants of the Imperial Guard at the same level.

"Then let it go, I will bear everything!" Severus' order surprised Penirance.

Severus' courage surprised Penilance. Severus not only blocked the throne this time, but now even blocked his own life.

"Yes!" Penelance replied firmly.

Since Severus treats him with sincerity, he must not disappoint Severus' trust.

"Report, Pope Cyprian has sent news that they can add the attribute of holy light to the sun in the sky, weaken the undead and even disperse the undead!"

The news sent back by the messenger made both of them heave a sigh of relief for being unobservable.

Although every general is basically a gambler, who doesn't want to win the victory safely.

"It seems that the disposition of the church needs to be further considered!" Severus thought silently. He originally planned to start killing donkeys after this battle, but now it seems that the church still has greater value to squeeze. .

"Huh?" Guo Hao in the distance looked at the sun in the sky. As another kind of sun god, Guo Hao was keenly aware of the changes in the attributes of the sun in the sky.

There are some inexplicable attribute changes, as if a layer of filter is covered, making the emitted light completely different from before.

"Can it still be like this?"

With a thought, Guo Hao's will came to the sun above Rome's head through the light, and found that this thing and the Roman army are two separate entities, that is to say, he can directly control this thing.

"Let me see, light and shadow manipulation..."

Guo Hao started to operate through the big light sphere in the sky, and then directly projected the scenes on the battlefields of Rome and Parthia in the Han army tent by manipulating the refraction of light.

"I seem to have touched the key to light and shadow manipulation!" Guo Hao laughed heartily.

"Congratulations, General!" Everyone in the big tent congratulated together. They could only wait for the result, but now they can watch the live broadcast.

In this way, we can gain some understanding of the legions of Rome and Parthia.

What can be more understanding than seeing the combat effectiveness of these legions with your own eyes.

Guo Hao smiled and waved his hands. He is sitting on Baoshan without knowing it.

He has been bound by his own thinking all along, and his will has been distorted to show that, in the hearts of the people of the Han Dynasty, the one who understands light best should not be the three-legged Golden Crow that represents the sun.

The light has been emitting light for a long time, and this time it broke through the shackles of thinking. Isn't it the most basic operation for the three-legged Jinwu to control the light.

With one thought, Guo Hao directly grasped the essence of light and shadow manipulation. Although he is the only one who can use it now, at least he has achieved zero breakthrough.

"Undead? Giant?" But when he saw the scene projected by the light and shadow clearly, he thought for a while that he had made a mistake.

"General, that group of giants should be the Eighth Eagle Banner of Rome. The soldiers of the Iron Buddha fought against each other before! As for the undead... it should be the Parthian army..."

Yue Fei gave a brief report, but he was also at a loss when it came to the undead. He hadn't heard that there was an army of undead in Parthia.

"It should still be inseparable from the Xiongnu. They were there during the Northern Xinjiang War!" Ju Shou also frowned.

"Well, it should be through the Xiongnu's bridge, and exchange some of the country's secret technology and undead technology!"

Li Ru frowned. Sure enough, it was not so easy to infiltrate an empire. Vogelgis V was not a simple guy.

None of the seven nobles whom he and Jia Xu infiltrated and lobbied knew of this matter.

"However, the Church of Rome also has countermeasures. This kind of light can greatly restrain the undead. After that, let the Taoists study it!"

Guo Hao's other hand appeared a holy light ball, and since he touched the key of light, he can basically copy everything related to light.

For Guo Hao, this derived ability was quite a surprise.

Under the shining of the light, the Upal Legion, which was already at a disadvantage, quickly fell into defeat again.

"Hahahaha, old man, if we can crush you once, we can crush you a second time!"

Africanas laughed wildly. Although they didn't know what happened, there was no doubt that they would win again.

Uppal waved his spear silently, and he could feel the light coming down from the sky, making their bodies dull.

"I lost again!" Uppal sighed, and then mobilized all the strength of his body.

"If I lose, I will drag you to be buried with me!"

Uppar concentrated all his strength in the spear, and then shot straight at Africa who didn't react.

After releasing all his strength, Uppar fell heavily, and he didn't even have the strength to see his own victory.

He knew very well that with every second he was delayed, he would become weaker by one second, so he simply exploded with everything he had, and threw the final blow.

"Win it, Parthia!"

With the last thought, Upar fell into eternal darkness, and the illusory flames were pulled from his body and returned to the sky.

"Can't hide!" Afrikanas was desperate, twisting his body desperately, but he still could only watch helplessly as the spear pierced his vitals.

He had a premonition that this hit would kill him.

"Dang!" A cross spear missed the spear, and the spear rubbed against Africa's body and pierced through the body of an undead.

Afrikanas, who survived the catastrophe, was panting heavily, and the moment of life and death made him see the marquee of life.

Thinking of what Penelance had taught him, never let your enemy take it lightly until it draws its last breath.

He who didn't take it seriously in the past, walked around in front of the gate of hell, and then clearly understood why Penelance wanted to teach him that knowledge.

"Thank you!" Afrikanas sincerely thanked his savior, Sulinarari, who pulled him back from the gate of hell abruptly.

Speaking of which, Sulinarari raised his eyebrows, and Penilance deliberately put Africa on the front, and then put himself here, everything seemed reasonable.

But Sulinarari is too sensitive about the arrangement, and he clearly sensed Penelance's mind.

For the son of Afrikanas, Penelance was worried, but for the sake of his friends, he let it go.

"Your strength is too bad. You need to practice. No one can save you next time!" Sulinarari silently withdrew his cross gun. Penelance is also his friend, so he can't really look at Afrika. Nas just died.

"Yes!" Africanas opened his mouth, and finally nodded in agreement.

Penirance also said the same thing to him, but he didn't take it seriously at the time, and devoted himself to the development of the Giant Legion.

But now, he really felt the weight of these words.

"Well done, old man!" Penelance cast a light and shadow to see this scene, with a smile on his lips.

Africanus is really too rebellious, but it is also related to his lack of companionship in childhood. When he grew up, he was completely rebellious, and he couldn't listen to him at all.

He can only use this method to beat Africa and make it grow better.

On the battlefield, only strength can guarantee safety, and he didn't want to hear that Africa died at the hands of others that day.

While he can still play, command, and cultivate a little bit, it's a little bit.

(End of this chapter)

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