Chapter 1070 The Last Chip
Accompanied by the Holy Meteor Cavalry piercing through the defense of the First Auxiliary Legion, Penirance knew that today's battle was going to be desperate, and maybe they were really going to lose today in Rome.

"Your Majesty, get ready to leave!" Penelance took a deep breath, drew out his saber, and planned to lead a desperate fight with the parliamentary guards to stop Ardashir for a while.

Both the parliamentary guard and the Roman emperor are the most important, but if you let Penirence choose, you should still choose Emperor Paul Horse.

What's more, the parliamentary guards are weak, no matter how they are, they are army souls.

As long as you can hold on for a while and wait for the first assistant, second Trajan, and No.30 Unbeaten to come over, it will be fine.

As long as the establishment of the parliamentary guard is not completely eliminated, it is still very easy to replenish troops as a military soul corps.

Severu was unwilling to leave, he had no fear at all in his heart.

This little pressure couldn't overwhelm him at all, and he even drew his weapon, intending to fight to the death with Penelance.

But he also knew what kind of a major blow it would be to Rome if Ardasil really succeeded.

Just as Severu drew out his sword and was about to say something, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Well done, Palmiro! Reward!"

Penirance also noticed this, and inserted the saber that had been drawn out.

"Palmiro, this guy has finally learned to be smart, and now there will be no more trouble!" Penilance and Severus both laughed.

The First Auxiliary Legion did put a lot of pressure on Ardashir, so much so that he couldn't find out that his target was abnormal in the first place.

Palmiro used light and shadow to create a false target like a mirage, which was deflected at an angle of about thirty or forty degrees as a whole.

After successfully letting Ardashir lead the Holy Meteor Cavalry to kill and penetrate the line of defense, he deviated from the real direction.

Originally, this was just a small trick to waste Ardashir's time, but at this moment, it finally came in handy.

At this moment, what Ardahill lacks most is time.

"No, not this side!" After Ardashir rushed for a short distance, he immediately sensed the violation.

He is clearly moving towards his goal, but his intuition tells him that he is deviating from his goal.

In just a moment, Ardashir believed his intuition, and realized that his eyes had deceived him, or that what someone made him see was no longer real.

"Fifth Skylark!"

Aldashir's face turned ugly in an instant. This kind of visual error made him react instantly. No wonder the fifth skylark didn't come forward to intercept it before. Was it waiting for him here?

The Holy Meteor Cavalry was unparalleled in combat power and penetrated through the first support who was known as the Wall of Sighs, but he didn't expect to stumble on the Fifth Skylark.

"In this direction, everyone rush with me!"

Aldashir chose a direction with his intuition, and directly adjusted his route.

But Palmiro, who saw this scene relying on the light and shadow, suddenly darkened his face, and when his sight was deceived, he actually found the right direction by his intuition!

You know, although he can deceive the line of sight, the Fifth Skylark can also do stealth and sneak attacks, but that is something that only the Fifth Skylark can do.

The light and shadow deception imposed on the friendly soldiers will be seen through directly if they are close.

"Severus, prepare to die..."

Ardashir declared loudly that victory was coming, but in the next second, a series of dense rain of arrows fell from the sky, directly interrupting Ardashir's declaration.

"Are the remnants of the Fourth Eagle Banner defeated?" Aldashir glanced at the direction where the rain of arrows was coming, snorted coldly with disdain, and continued to charge forward.

The remnants of the defeated soldiers who have not recovered their physical strength, such a weak rain of arrows can't have the slightest impact on the Holy Meteor Cavalry.

"Ardashir, don't be crazy!" Camille's manic voice was deafening, and Ardasil's face darkened instantly.

The field of vision deviation modified by the fifth skylark was a waste of his time after all.

The time obtained by quickly killing through the First Auxiliary Legion was successfully wiped out by the Fifth Skylark.

"Finally over here." Penelance finally put his mind back at this time.

The first, second, No.30, the three legions join forces, this is equivalent to the encirclement and suppression of five three-talented legions, and the Holy Meteor Cavalry can't be turned around again.

It's not like Rome didn't have such things as miracles before.

Penilance admitted that although Rome is big now, there is indeed no legion that can compete with the Holy Meteor Cavalry.

However, the Legion of Miracles is also not invincible. Trajan, who was undefeated back then, tore the soul of the Parthian army with his hands sounded fierce, but in fact he lost a lot of troops.

And they all saw the battle just now. If Ardashir led the Holy Meteor Cavalry and the First Auxiliary Legion to fight to the death, it might not be possible who would be the first to destroy the regiment in the end.

Anyway, the First Auxiliary Legion is also a three-talented top-level army with an exceedingly large number. Even if it is two-on-one, it is more than enough. Can do one for one.

The second Trajan and No.30 are undefeated, although compared to the first support, they are a little weaker.

But it doesn't matter, these two legions both have eagle flags and enjoy the protection of the will of the empire, and the Holy Meteor Cavalry still can't kill them with a single blow.

And these two legions are not like the first auxiliary state without ups and downs. The blessing of the parliamentary guards can increase their strength by a bit, and it is even more difficult for the Holy Meteor Cavalry to fight.

If it is said that the soldiers of the First Auxiliary Legion, relying on pure strength, can limit the killing of the Holy Meteor Cavalry who has entered the miracle.

Then the second Trajan and No.30 are undefeated, because they can rely on their ultra-high-speed reaction and skills, and dance with the holy meteor on the tip of the knife.

For a while, not only did the Holy Meteor Cavalry fail to kill the two legions, they even failed to cause many casualties, instead they were dragged into the endless quagmire.

Seeing hope, Alessandro hurried on the road a little faster, and it was also a tearful thing to say.

Everything else is easy to say, but this little short leg is really a pain they can't erase.

It's not that they don't know how to ride horses, but that Rome hasn't found a mount that can afford them. Their subconscious efforts may directly kill a war horse.

In the end, it had no choice but to let it go, and then replaced the Emperor's Guards as the last defensive barrier to protect the Roman Emperor.

"In the end, Parthia still stepped into the grave you dug for them. Sure enough, your command ability is the strongest in Rome. I'm not as good as you!"

Severus watched the fight between Ardashir and Laclelek in the light and shadow, and then saw the scene of Camillo leading the second Trajan in a desperate bloody battle, and finally heaved a long sigh.

Although there were twists and turns, in the end, all the ultra-elite legions in Parthia were suppressed, and the Parthian army became a turtle in the urn, and victory was already within easy reach.

The history of the rise and fall of the Roman Empire unfolded in full swing, and Penelance was overjoyed when he saw the unknown thing. It really could be recorded. As for what to interpret, as long as it can be recorded, it will be able to interpret something sooner or later.

"Hehehe, I didn't expect that Parthia would give us such a big gift in the end, what a joy!" Penilance and Severus chatted with a smile.

The frontal battlefield has fallen into the final stage, and a wave of Parthian army broke out, just as I said before, to bite the Roman army.

But when Ardashir failed to use this gap to kill Severus, Parthia's previous outbreak became a clarion call to accelerate his own death.

The Parthian army, which originally kept a complete battle line, was directly divided into two by the Roman army during the decline period after the outbreak, and was completely cut off.

If it weren't for Babak's Burning Legion and Atratomy's Parthian cavalry, Parthia would have been defeated at this time.

In Penirance's view, as long as Ardashir is encircled and suppressed, Parthia's last breath will be gone, and Rome can directly swallow the most prosperous Parthia in one go to strengthen itself.

Even if the follow-up wrangling with the Han Dynasty falls into a disadvantage, it is definitely not a loss.

"The Tenth Knights Legion seems to have started friction again!" Severus suddenly said dissatisfied.

"It doesn't matter anymore, the overall situation has been decided, let them go, it's almost here anyway!" Penelance was in a good mood, so he took advantage of the opportunity to say a few good words to the tenth knight.

He actually understood what Severu meant, but he didn't want to take this trouble. The knight in the Tenth Knights Legion is a status symbol, so don't provoke him if it's okay.

And how many years has the tenth knight been doing badly? It has been bad since the years when Augustus took office, and it is now a problem left over from history.

As for the Tenth Legion, after seeing the Saint Meteor Cavalry besieged through the light and shadow, they immediately went from marching at high speed and returned to the bad tourist mode.

"Don't panic, don't panic, I didn't expect the Holy Meteor Cavalry to be so fierce, is it stronger than the undefeated Turajan back then?"

The camp leader, Wenqin Leo, recalled Sheng Yun's ability to kill a child with a knife, and was quite impressed.

"When we saw the undefeated Tulazhen, it has been slipping for a while! It is only natural that there is no such fierceness!" Virgilio sighed.

Miracles are not so easy to maintain. They fight against the world all the time, and if they don't pay attention, they will be thrown away.

Just like they are now, they can only fool around. How majestic the tenth knight of the ancestors was, even if he was excluded, he was a well-deserved Roman bully.

Otherwise, why only the tenth eagle flag is full knights, that is, the so-called full nobles.

During the Egyptian rebellion, Thirteen Qiangwei was beaten half to death protecting Caesar, and Tenth led people to rush forward and cut all the rebels to the ground.

During this period of history, there were a total of nine Eagle Banner Corps that fought against the Tenth Corps, and they were all buried by the Tenth Corps.

Are you kidding me, traitor?
Now open your eyes and see whose grave has these three characters written on it.

Relying on strong strength, coupled with incomparable achievements, the Senate was forced to recognize the status of the tenth full-member nobleman, and the tenth eagle flag changed from the original tenth group legion to the tenth knight Legion.

When Caesar died later, Octavian died, and the tenth knight completely started to fail.

No way, the whole of Rome was beaten by the tenth knight, and the descendants of Augustus who came to power later were not. Their tenth knight planned to contribute a little bit, and then started to dawdle.

Things like muddling around, muddling around, let the day muddle people.

I don't know when the tenth knight has slipped to the level of the third talent, and there is no way to enter the miracle anymore.

But they don't care anymore, anyway, all the nobles are dawdling, so three talents are three talents.

Up to now, they have encountered three talents, and it is okay to fight a dozen army souls, but if they want to tear up the entire Eagle Banner Legion of the Roman Empire like before, they should just sleep.

For the elite army in the main battle, just two or three of them would be enough for them to drink a pot.

"The Holy Meteor Knight seems to have started to slide, after all, it's not my own power, but isn't the speed of this fall a bit too fast!" Wenqin Leo looked at the Holy Meteor Knight in the light and shadow strangely.

"Lost hope, that's what's wrong with the will-type legion! Once you lose hope and start to doubt yourself, the combat effectiveness will start to decline significantly."

Virgilio said casually that the tenth knight was similar. According to the ancestor's account, when Caesar died, the tenth knight began to slip.

By the time Octavian came to power, the Tenth Knight was actually not as strong as before.

Of course, even if they weren't that strong, they still rubbed the other Eagle Banner Legion on the ground.

"Wait, why do I feel something is wrong?" Virgilio suddenly stared into the light and shadow.

Ardashir actually condensed a legion attack and hit the sky, as if sending a signal.

"No way, Parthia still has a backup?" Wenqin Leo scratched his head, didn't he say that the Roman Empire crushed Parthia, why does it feel like Parthia crushed the Roman Empire?

Do you want to be so exaggerated about the endless backhands?

In the same way, Penelance looked at the signal sent by Ardashir with the same puzzlement. Could it be that Partia still has a back hand.

Should it be said that it is the biggest enemy of Rome? It is so strong.

"Hey, we've come to this point in the end!" Voggis V looked at the signal in the sky with a sense of regret.

Ever since the Second Trajan and No.30 Invincible withdrew from the front line, he had a bad premonition, but he didn't expect it to come true in the end.

He knew that Ardashir must have tried his best, and he just hated that if Temujin and the others could be united with Parthia, and Jin Wushu hadn't died in vain, their chances of winning should be greater, Ardashir's burden It will also be lighter.

But at this point, there is nothing left to say.

Aldashir was fighting bravely on the front line, how could they be reluctant to part with these bottles and cans in their hands.

"Babak, Atratomy, get ready and give Ardashir the last help!" Vogelgis V simply issued the final order.

"Here!" Babak and Atratomy nodded silently after hearing the order.

They all know what this order means. Temujin has repeatedly emphasized the importance of the will of the empire to the empire, and they have actually felt the gap before and after having the will of the empire.

But like a gambler who is red-eyed, they have no way out and have to put their last bargaining chip on.

(End of this chapter)

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