Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1073 The Glory of Rome——The First Knights Legion

Chapter 1073 The Glory of Rome——The Tenth Knights Legion

"No?" Caesar didn't believe it at all. He died that year and the tenth knight didn't cause any trouble. How could it be possible.

"Except for beating up the other Eagle Banner Legion, supporting Octavian to become the Roman emperor, and killing Anthony... the ancestors seem to have done nothing else!" Virgilio tried hard to recall the history of the Tenth Knight, and found that Seems like nothing happened.

The corners of Caesar's eyes twitched, do you want to listen to what you are saying.

What does it mean to take away the other Eagle Banner Legion, what does it mean to support Octavian as the emperor of Rome, and what does it mean to kill Anthony...

But after turning his mind a little, Caesar probably understood the core of it. After his death, Anthony was also restless. He obviously appointed Octavian as the first heir.

"Where is Thirteen Rose, didn't Thirteen Rose feel my call?" Caesar glanced at the battlefield and asked casually, Virgilio felt very heartbroken.

Great Emperor, why do you still remember Thirteen Roses!
"Reporting to the Emperor, Thirteen Roses is in the center of the battlefield at the moment, and it should be more than enough energy!" Benito thoughtfully projected the map of light and shadow to Caesar.

Caesar glanced twice and found that the thirteenth rose was too weak to see. He thought he was wrong, so he turned his head to look at the tenth knight, and then looked at the thirteenth rose in the light and shadow.

Wait, what about the eagle flag?What about the thirteen eagle flags he pinched back then?
What kind of thing is it holding up now? Not to mention its crude manufacture, it doesn’t even have much imperial will in it, how about playing it?
"Has Thirteen Roses fallen so far?" Caesar couldn't believe it. That was his personal guard. Logically speaking, as long as the Roman Empire existed, the Julius family would not be able to let Thirteen Roses decline. right.

As a result, look at all the ghosts and monsters on the battlefield now, the Thirteen Roses are like an army of miscellaneous soldiers inside.

Wait, what's going on with this broken battlefield, Parthia is gone?

"That's right, Emperor, Thirteen Roses have fallen, they are not worthy to be your personal guards, only the tenth knight is your most loyal guard!" Virgilio opened his mouth and poured dirty water on Thirteen Roses.

"Reporting to the Great Emperor, the Thirteen Roses were beheaded by Parthia not long ago, the entire army was wiped out, and the eagle flag was taken. This is the newly built Thirteen Roses."

Benito was stared at by Virgilio with murderous eyes, but he still honestly explained the ins and outs of the matter.

"...Is that so..." Caesar opened his mouth, and then looked at the ghosts and monsters on the battlefield. The thirteen roses were wiped out, and they seemed to be cleaning up.

"..." Caesar was obviously a little disappointed, "How long have I been sleeping in the Eagle Banner, are you finally going to destroy Parthia? Are you finally going to break Parthia's imperial will?"

"It's been 250 years, Great Emperor, your bodyguard was killed by that guy. If you need it, let's kill that guy now!"

Virgilio pointed to the Ardasil Saint Death Knight in the distance and said, "That's the one, let's hack him to death later."

"The Miracle Legion of Parthia? It's not wrong to lose!" Caesar knew what a miracle meant, stared at Ardashir's direction for a while and shook his head.

"Parthia is still strong, a complete miracle, an incomplete miracle, a three talents as high as the sky, and a military soul. This background is really amazing."

"If I'm not mistaken, there are still a bunch of super legions over there. Is that the second battlefield over there?" Caesar asked curiously, pointing to the distance.

Following the direction of Caesar's finger, Benito's face became serious.

"Reporting to the Great Emperor, that is the Han Dynasty, the land of silk in the far east, an extremely powerful empire, also involved in this war!"

Benito's words made Caesar startled again, and then he looked around the battlefield. He felt that he couldn't talk like this anymore.

On such a hellish battlefield, Rome and Parthia seem evenly matched, so why is there another force waiting to intervene.

He is now going to talk to the coach of this war, and he will definitely not understand the conversation with these army commanders.

"Whose descendant are you?" Caesar turned to Virgilio and asked.

"The Tenth Knights Legion, Knight Officer Virgilio pays tribute to the lifelong dictator Caesar!" Virgilio saluted Caesar very formally.

"Oh, so this is the camp leader?" Caesar pointed to Vincent Leo and said.

"The Tenth Knights Legion, camp commander Wenqin Leo pays tribute to the lifelong dictator Caesar!" Wenqin Leo swept away the decadence before, and saluted solemnly.

"Very good!" Caesar nodded, and then called softly.

"The tenth knight!"

"Here!" Virgilio and everyone in the Tenth Knights Legion immediately stood upright.

"I can't stay here for long, where I will appear next moment, you know what to do, right?" Caesar pointed in the direction of Severus, where the will of the empire is the most active, and the fate of the country is also the most powerful.

He vaguely felt that if he didn't go there, something big would happen soon.

Benito stayed where he was, not understanding what Caesar meant, but Virgilio understood.

Not only Virgilio, but also Vincent Leo and all the soldiers of the Tenth Knight understood.

"For Caesar! Forward!"

Virgilio greeted him sideways, then drew out his sword and stepped forward.

In the first step, the lazy and rotten aura of the Tenth Knight Legion dissipated, and the aura of iron and blood soared into the sky.

In the second step, the overflowing momentum began to gather, and the entire Tenth Knight Legion began to glow slightly.

Step three, step four, step five.

Take five steps forward, and with each step, the aura of your body will increase by one section. After five steps, you will enter a miracle.

A piercing beam of light fell on the Tenth Knights Legion. At this moment, the soldiers led by Virgilio almost became a whole, and the surging momentum seemed to crush the entire battlefield. The awe-inspiring momentum all showed the strength of the Tenth Knights Legion.

At this moment, all the soldiers on the battlefield couldn't help but look back. This momentum was provoking everyone, whether it was Parthia or Rome.

Benito, who was next to the Tenth Knights Legion, almost popped his eyes out. Are you kidding? He knew that the Tenth Knights Legion should have super-elite strength, but what kind of joke are you taking to step directly into a miracle in five steps?

Also, what do you mean by putting this momentum on me? I'm a friendly army.

"Hahahaha, the tenth knight is still the same!" Caesar laughed loudly, "But it seems that you are much weaker than your ancestors!"

"For Julius Caesar!" Virgilio looked a little ugly when he heard the words, and immediately took another step, with even more aura on his body.

Virgilio wanted to take another step, but this time he had reached his limit.

In fact, just now was the limit of what they could achieve at present. Even if they had been following in their footsteps, but after so long, the tenth knight had indeed gone downhill.

"I'm over there, waiting for you!"

Caesar glanced vaguely at the sky, and then disappeared in place.

"After going back, everyone will practice twice as much and pick up all the things they left behind!"

After Caesar left, Virgilio turned around and roared at all the tenth knight soldiers.

"Yes!" The thunderous roar responded to Virgilio.

"Now, follow in the footsteps of the Great Emperor and kill him!"

"Yes!" The same roar roared.


The glow flashes.

A relatively short figure appeared beside Severus, but the vague power made Severus instantly understand the identity of the other party. At that moment, Penelance clearly saw the ups and downs of Severus' complexion.

It's normal, as long as he's still a Roman emperor, it's strange that his expression doesn't fluctuate when he sees this man, and this situation is the most normal now.

Whether it was jealousy, admiration, or fear, he regained his composure the moment he saw Caesar, and Severus didn't know why he didn't have so many scruples when he actually saw Caesar coming.

"I have met the Caesar dictator!" Severus bowed slightly, showing considerable respect, which is necessary anyway.

"Hehehe, this is your era. I just finally waited for the will of the Parthian Empire to come and see this great enemy who has been fighting with us for hundreds of years."

Caesar said softly, not as powerful as Severus thought, but like an old man who was dying.

"Thank you for your approval!" Severus bowed slightly, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch when he heard this.

With the support of Caesar, the rightful lord, his throne will be unshakable.

"Okay, now who can tell me what's going on on the battlefield, why the morale is so low, and what did Parthia do!"

In a very short period of time, Caesar had sorted out the general outline of the battlefield.

he asked Penelance, looking at him strangely.

He really didn't understand why such an excellent commander was forced to bring the dictator to the front line to fight for his life when everything was obviously an advantage.

Although Caesar didn't fight Penirance, but at a glance, he knew that Penirance's level was estimated to be not much different from Anthony's, maybe it could be better.

But Caesar couldn't figure out how to be forced to this point now.

"The two miracles of Parthia have just been promoted, and the one in front of us has disabled two three-talented legions with only one blow, and the undefeated Trajan you saw is two three-talented legions. A new miracle created by the remnants of the legion!"

Penelance knew what Caesar wanted to ask, and explained the main points emphatically.

Caesar was stunned, you didn't read the almanac when you went out, so unlucky?

"...Burning the will of the empire is really a good method!" Caesar looked at Atratomy, and instantly saw the will of the empire burning on the head of Vogelgis V.

"If that's the case, it's no wonder you've been forced to this point!" Caesar smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Caesar's dictator can find a solution. There is still a Han army in the east of the battlefield, and our army must win quickly!" Severus said solemnly.

"Use whatever means you have. Now that the Roman Empire has won with a small loss, it is more important than anything else."

"Hehehe, I've already used it!" Caesar chuckled and shook his head. Commanding is no longer of much use.

Caesar saw clearly that even if he did not appear, it was only a matter of time before Penelance won the final victory.

Rome was driven to a desperate situation, but it was only driven to a desperate situation, and it was still far from collapse.

On the contrary, Parthia has reached its limit.

If you continue to fight, it will definitely be the Parthia side who can't hold on.

When the army was defeated and the clouds scattered, even if the Miracle Legion faced the Roman army, they had only two choices: to respond to hatred or to flee.

If you want to break the game quickly, there is only one way to break the elite with the elite.

And it just so happened that in his hand, there was an extremely powerful elite.

"Look, here they come!"

Penilance and Severus looked in the direction Caesar pointed. The Tenth Knights Legion was killing the Parthian army with lightning speed.

Hmm... By the way, penetrate the Roman army.

Two points are direct and the straight line is the shortest.

The Tenth Knights Legion implemented this very well, and they advanced at an almost crazy speed.

Those of Parthia, beheaded directly!

Romans, just kick them into the air!

Wherever it passes, it is like Moses dividing the sea.

"The Tenth Knights Legion?" The corner of Severus's mouth twitched, and bad memories flooded his mind.

"The Tenth Knights Legion?" Penelance couldn't help frowning, "They can't be this strong!"

He tested the strength of the tenth knight back then, and he should only have the strength of the super elite. How could he suddenly jump into a miracle.

"What's impossible?" Caesar said casually, needless to say about other aspects. Isn't it nonsense to talk about the impossibility of combat power in front of the Tenth Legion? Legion, although it is not my direct descendant legion."

"Hehehe, keep your eyes open, they are the glory of the Roman Empire!"

"Dang!" Babak turned around to block the attack, and was horrified to find that a brand new Miracle Legion had appeared beside the Emperor's Guards.

But he didn't receive any news, and only then did he realize that his side had been pierced.

"Good eyes!" Virgilio looked at Babak with a sneer.

"But, go to hell!" Virgilio's broadsword was like a whip, and he lashed directly at Babak's chest, sending Babak flying on the spot.

It took less than a quarter of an hour to start the battle, and the Babak Burning Legion, which had dominated the entire war, retreated steadily.

The Emperor's Guards couldn't even intervene, and under the order of Penelance, they gave up the battlefield to the Tenth Knights.

"He's not dead?" Looking at Babak who fell to the ground and got up quickly, Virgilio was a little surprised.

Even if it is breaking the boundary, in the center of this kind of battlefield, there is also a super soldier. Logically speaking, it is impossible to block his attack. He looked casual just now, but he has a lot of miraculous power.

"But it doesn't matter, just kill it again. It's a tyrannical quality and brilliant will, but it's a pity that it's still a three-talented army!"

While talking, Virgilio threw out the broadsword casually, and with a rising scream, he easily cut the Burning Legion soldiers in half.

"The emperor is watching us!"

The Burning Legion, which had crushed the Eagle Banner Legion and the Roman Soul Legion before, was now being slaughtered frantically by the Tenth Knight like a child.

Just because the Tenth Knights Legion is currently enjoying the gaze of Caesar the Great.

(End of this chapter)

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