Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1075 Parthia passed on from the torch

Atra Tommy stared at the Tenth Knights Legion. To be honest, the other party was not much better than them. At this point, everyone basically traded one life for another.

Moreover, they have Babak's support, which gives them an even more advantage.

The Tenth Knights Legion did not have a clear advantage, and it should even be said that they fell into a disadvantage.

But the opponent is advancing step by step, not like an opponent who has fallen into a disadvantage at all, more like he has already known victory, and is just firmly practicing his own will.
As if the Parthian Knights and the Burning Legion were just stones on the other side's path, destined to be trampled over, step forward, and anyone who stands in my way will die!

Atratomy could no longer bear the feeling of being pushed to the cliff, or even kicked down, even though the situation was almost the same.

So Atratomy chose to give it a go. The burning will of the empire and the power of the military soul that had been emptied long ago could no longer support the ultimate move of the Parthian God Knight.

But Atratomy has no other choice at this moment, the missing part can only be made up forcibly with will and life.

Babak fought to the death to hold the Tenth Knights Legion. Compared with the Parthian God Knights, the Burning Legion at this moment was far from the opponent of the Tenth Knights Legion.

However, relying on a moment of bravery, he managed to slow down the tenth knight's pace by three points.

"This body is the bloom of Parthia, end it!"

Atratomy opened his bow and shot arrows on the spot, and the bright brilliance condensed on the bowstring.

All the soldiers of the Parthian knights also followed Atra Tuomei's bows and arrows.

Seeing this scene, except for the Tenth Knights Legion, all other Roman legions felt their scalps go numb. This was the destructive move before, and it can be used again!

Even Penilance and Severus felt their scalps go numb. They didn't dare to imagine what terrible consequences would be caused if this shot fell on them without the Tenth Knights Legion.

Only Caesar still smiled lightly, he believed in the Tenth Knights Legion, just as the Tenth Knights Legion believed in him.

The rain of arrows shot out all over the sky, even though the army soul was almost empty, but the reality was distorted on the scene. Cooperating with the will of the empire, the Parthian cavalry still shot out an amazing cloud arrow, which was enough to destroy the legion s attack!
The will of the empire is even more bleak, but in a state of burning, even the people of Parthia have not noticed the change of the will of the empire.

Everyone's attention was attracted by the Parthian Knights and the Tenth Knights.

The brilliance swept across, and the soldiers of the Tenth Legion stood in place like hedgehogs, silent the whole time.

The soldiers of the Parthian God Knights also kept their bows and arrows, standing in place like puppets.

There was a brief silence on the originally bloody battlefield. Everyone stopped fighting and focused their attention on the Parthian God Knights and the Tenth Knight Legion.


The soldiers of the Tenth Knights Legion began to fall, falling one after another.


Before the Parthian side started cheering, the rest of the Tenth Knight moved.

Virgilio strode out with difficulty, and with one step, all the pale arrows on his body turned into stardust and dissipated.

Virgilio looked at the Parthian cavalry like a tiger, and looked at Atratomé.

"Your will is brilliant, but that's it!"

Said Virgilio condensed a light spear out of thin air, then flicked his wrist, and threw it directly at the Parthian knight.

The original Parthian cavalry had ten thousand ways to deal with this simple attack, but now they have no reaction, and the Parthian cavalry that was hit was directly blown away by the light spear.

Amid the blood mist, the Tenth Knights Legion stepped forward again, while the Parthian knights fell from their horses one by one.

When the manpower is exhausted, it is very difficult for Atratomy to reproduce the torrent of arrows that destroyed the world.

Even after filling in all the vitality, they still failed to take away everyone from the Tenth Knights Legion.

"It's over, Parthia is defeated!" Virgilio's indifferent voice reached Attratomé's ears.

For a moment, the sword blades were densely covered like a wall, and the Parthian cavalry who faced this move were directly chopped into pieces, whether it was a person or a war horse, they were all chopped into pieces.

In fact, they are already dead, and what is alive is only their bodies, and the Tenth Knights Legion just gave them a death method that is more suitable for soldiers.

Virgilio walked to Atratomé's side, and Babak led the Burning Legion desperately trying to stop the Tenth Knights Legion, but the huge gap in strength made it impossible to do so.

"You are powerful, and your will is so bright that people can't take their eyes off!"

"That blow is strong enough to destroy any legion without a military spirit!"

"But unfortunately, your opponent is us!"

"Follow Caesar's Tenth Knight Legion!"

Listening to Virgilio's words, Attratomy, who was already almost in darkness, raised his head mechanically, opened his mouth to speak, but when he didn't want to speak, a mouthful of blood gushed out.

He could only raise his hand tremblingly, moved it, and wanted to make the Parthia people retreat and break through, but he failed in the end. He was not the hero who could save Parthia.

The right hand that had just been raised, before pointing the direction, a flash of sword light flashed, and the head of Atrato beauty fell to the ground.

"There is no need for the last words, you can die with peace of mind!"

Virgilio calmly swung his sword again, completely crushing Attratomé.

Because of respect, so hurt the killer.

Even Virgilio has to admit that for the current Tenth Knights Legion, the Parthian Knights are a terrifying opponent.

They have lost more than 500 people so far, but [-] of them came from the death of the Parthian knights.

It's a pity that the Parthian knight is not in its heyday, and he is not sure whether the tenth knight can withstand the opponent's peak blow.

But there is only one thing that Virgilio is sure of, and that is that the tenth knight will become stronger and stronger, because Caesar is back.

The Tenth Knights Legion with Julius Caesar will once again surpass all Roman legions.

Now it is just a starting point for them, but for the Parthian God Knight, this is their end.

"Babac, lead your majesty to break through, we lost!"

Babak heard Atratomy's voice like an auditory hallucination, and before he could speak, he felt a push behind him, making him leave here.

Babak looked at Attratomy with no bones left, at the Parthian knights who were constantly being crushed and ashes, at the soldiers of the Burning Legion who kept falling, and at the completely confused Parthian army. Why did the flame in his chest not only not go out, but become more intense.

"Upal, Kirkuk, Male, Ardashir, Atratomy... I pin my hopes on the Parthian generals one after another"

"Because I know that I cannot carry the banner of Parthia, and I am not the hero who can save Parthia."

"But, they're all down, now it's my turn!"

Babak said calmly and softly, the Parthian soldiers, who had lost hope, were surprised to find out.

The ground was on fire, and the flames were condensing into a vortex, and the center of the vortex was none other than Babak.

"Roma, you die!" Babak's roar spread all over the place, and the guards beside him exploded in anger as if they were infected by that power, directly crossing Babak's body. Think about that last line.

Legion of Miracles.

Babak didn't understand what a miracle was, but now, everything in the entire Parthian Empire was on his shoulders.

When the Parthian God Knights perished, the only legion on the scene qualified to bear the will of the empire was the Burning Legion.

And the flame of the Burning Legion was attached to the will of the empire that was ignited, so the imperial consciousness subconsciously landed on the body of the Burning Legion.

Although the will of the empire is already very weak, the state of being ignited still makes it explode with powerful energy.

The bright white light enveloped almost all the soldiers behind Babak, and then everyone's beliefs turned into beams of light piercing the sky, tearing apart the shackles of the sky.

"Fuck! Another accident!"

Penirance was about to vomit at this time, isn't Patia really an unbeatable Xiaoqiang?

Press the gourd and pick up the scoop.

This is already the third Miracle Legion, who can make such a Miracle Legion.

"It's nothing strange, the battlefield is like this, you never know what will happen in the next second, all we can do is to be prepared to face all enemies!"

Caesar still chuckled and said, although he was a little surprised by the appearance of yet another Legion of Miracles, Caesar didn't think there was anything wrong.

The battlefield is like this, you never know which one will come first, the accident or tomorrow.

"The Tenth Knight Legion, come to fight!" Babak roared and pointed his gun at Virgilio.

Virgilio's face was ashen. Regardless of the fact that the Tenth Knights Legion slaughtered the Parthian cavalry, the loss was not much, and the battle loss ratio was almost one to four.

But now the Tenth Knights Legion, that is really a thief.

With the current strength, it is more than enough to fight three talents and kill the Imperial Guards. To deal with a Miracle Legion, it is really courting death.

Even if the miraculous legion in front of him is an incomplete miracle, the concept is the same.

Miracles are indeed unreasonable, but the Legion of Miracles still has to talk about the Basic Law when facing the Legion of Miracles.

However, the good news is that there are not many people in the Burning Legion, and the Tenth Knight Legion has the upper hand.

After all, from the beginning of the war to the present, the Burning Legion has been rushing to the front line of the war. Even if it is hard, it should be weak by now.

"Fight!" Virgilio had a lot of thoughts in his mind, but in the end, he took a deep breath, picked up the broadsword, and responded to Babak.

They are the Tenth Knights Legion, Caesar is still watching them, they must not lose.

"Huh! I really think there is no one in Rome!" Penelance snorted coldly, and under the watchful eyes of Severus and Caesar, he called Benito.

"Let Luciano move and pass the power to the Tenth Knight Legion. Hasn't their Eleventh Legion arrived on the battlefield yet?"

Caesar blinked. He didn't know what this legion was, but according to Penelance, could it transmit power?
"Their Parthia can transfer and inherit power. Don't we have such an Eagle Banner Legion in Rome!" Penelance said with a sneer.

He didn't realize it before, but now seeing how the Burning Legion advanced, Penelance realized it in an instant. This is nothing more than relying on the burning power of the empire's will to superimpose the power of the same root and the same source.

Rome doesn't have the guts to point out the will of the empire, but it doesn't mean that they don't have such power.

"The Eleventh Loyalty Claudius Legion is also related to Caesar's dictator!" Severus looked at Caesar with a puzzled face and explained with a smile.

"Oh?" Caesar was very happy, because such things as power transmission sounded very good, and he did not expect such an outstanding existence to appear in his descendants.

However, Severus did not continue to talk. It cannot be said that the fourth emperor of the Roman Empire, Claudius, was followed by the fifth Nero, and then the dynasty was over, and a new dynasty began.

But in fact, Caesar didn't care, he didn't even understand the fact that Octavian became emperor now.

But looking at the current Roman emperor, he probably also understands something inside.

But for him, only the tenth knight and the thirteenth rose are worth noting, and the others have long been different things.

"Let me see, the tenth..." Luciano felt the tenth knight with his talent, and then fell silent.

What kind of ghost legion is this? Is the miracle legion so unreasonable?

Luciano felt that filling in the entire Eleventh Legion would not be able to replenish the Tenth Knight's strength. In other words, the Tenth Knight's attack on them would be like chopping melons and cutting vegetables.

"Let's use the barbarians!" Luciano shrugged, and directly circled a large group of barbarian legions wandering outside the battlefield, and then directly sacrificed them, transferring all their power to the tenth knight.

It is true that the tenth knight can crush this group of barbarians to death, because the upper limit of each of their legions is not high, but the sum total is actually about the same.

Penilance looked at the large group of savages who suddenly became weak, frowned, and prepared to transfer the emperor's guards directly.

What they want is a complete victory, and the front line here is as thin as a cicada's wings, and part of them may be run away by the Parthian army.

"Leave a gap and let them go!" Severus suddenly stopped Penirance.

Penilance was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that Severus was planning to leave a war-torn buffer zone.

After nodding his head, he adjusted the layout again, leaving an escape route, which can also preserve the overall strength of Rome to the maximum extent.

And Virgilio, who was helped by the No.11 Legion, grinned, and his body, which was originally thief Qulou Kong, was once again full of strength. Although it was not at its peak, it had recovered more than half of it.

For them, this is enough, just an incomplete miracle, most of the power is enough, this is the confidence of their Tenth Knights Legion.

Babak took a deep breath, and looked at the tenth Knights Legion, which was once again full of momentum, without the slightest fear.


As soon as the words fell, the Tenth Knight Legion and the Burning Legion collided fiercely.

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