Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1082 Nigel who flipped the table

Chapter 1082 Nigel who flipped the table

"What the hell is this?" Palmiro looked at Ctesiphon with a constipated face, and Benito spread his hands on the other side, even more helpless.

Benito himself is a two-handed knife, and the light and shadow operation is a pure tool for him, knowing what it is but not knowing why.

It is equivalent to being able to operate tools, but not making them.

Palmyro is different. Palmyro now understands the nature of light and shadow, just like a wise man understands knowledge and a warrior understands force.

However, facing Tessie's incomparable autism now, the light and shadow manipulation that Fifth Skylark is proud of has become a complete joke in front of Tessie's cover.

It's like Ctesiphon is a black hole, light cannot be refracted from it, and more than half of the light and shadow operations are instantly abolished.

"Hasn't the problem been solved yet?" Penirance frowned and walked over from behind Palmiro. Light and shadow manipulation is still very important for command, and it can greatly facilitate the smoothness of the Roman army.

"It can't be solved, it's like the light has been swallowed by something. Although everything looks normal, it is completely delusional to use light and shadow manipulation to affect the light!" Palmiro let out a breath, admitting his lack of ability.

In the past, he might have thought that there would be no such person except the Fifth Skylark, but after Julius Caesar's deduction on the Eagle Banner, Palmiro knew that there must be someone in the world who understands light and shadow better than him.

At least Caesar is one, and it seems that there are some in the Han Dynasty.

Guo Hao in the city smiled. He still has a gap with Fifth Skylark in small skills, but the three-legged golden crow itself symbolizes the sun and light, so he simply chose the simplest and rude way, directly disabling light and shadow operate.

He saw Palmiro's attempt, but the Fifth Skylark Legion wanted to wrestle with the will of the Han Empire, so let's go to sleep.

Penelance was having a headache. The cooperation between the Roman legions was terrible. Without the light and shadow connection, the legion commander might cause him a big mess.

He knew very well that the strength of the Han Empire should not be underestimated, and any disturbance would become a fatal loophole.

Fars Sassan of Parthia is not his opponent, and the command of the Han Dynasty is not necessarily.

"The regiments are inconsistently dispatched, there are serious problems with coordination, and self-discipline is not strong. The judgment of each regiment commander's own fighter plane is higher than the military order, and the city guardians are free and loose."

Penelance took stock of the various mistakes made by the legion commander on the Parthian battlefield, and he was paralyzed.

It can be said that it was not the mistakes of Leonardo, Palmiro, Filippo, Yakino...these legion commanders, they could win Parthia more smoothly.

It wasn't a mistake. It can only be said that he looked at the battlefield from the perspective of the legion commander. He only saw the point in front of him and didn't think too much about the chain reaction.

However, they can be called the commander of the large army, Severus, Nigel, Alnubis, Severus can't move, Nigel and Alnubis don't try their best, who knows what will happen A moth.

"Penilance, the think tank can use the fifth eagle flag as a node, together with all eagle flags, so your command should be easier, right?"

Pippens Annus discussed with other members of the think tank and gave an auxiliary method to replace light and shadow manipulation.

This is good news for Penelance's spirit. He believes in his own abilities more than he trusts those legion commanders.

"In this case, we will officially start tomorrow!" Seeing that the problem was solved, Severus simply issued an order.

"Notify Nigel and Alnubis that the war will start tomorrow!" Severus had a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and the Han Dynasty, who was in a hurry to fight back, didn't care who Nigel and Alnubis were.

At that time, even if Nigel and Alnubis have other ideas, they will have to do their best to deal with the Han Dynasty, unless they want to court death.

This is a conspiracy, and it also comes from the suppression of the Duke by the emperor's status. His order is justified, and Nigel and Alnubis are destined to only walk into this trap.


On the second day, the Roman army began its process, and the tense atmosphere instantly became chilling.

Everyone knew that the war was inevitable and was destined to be fought, and Ctesiphon was their battlefield.

"Let's get started!" Severus and Guo Hao gave such orders almost at the same time.

Following Penilance and Yue Fei, he started his own conducting art.

The first to be ordered to act was Camille and Yue Yun who were confronting each other in the center.

"Kill!" Without the slightest doubt, the two directly chose to start the battle.

The military order is like a mountain, no matter how much they don't understand, they choose to carry out the military order.

"Kill!" Yue Yun roared, unleashing his legion talent, thick defensive blessings on the soldiers of the Iron Buddha, and then the soldiers of the Iron Buddha rushed towards the undefeated Trajan like moving steel sculptures.

Although it is in the city, there is still room for both sides to display their strengths, but they cannot get the greatest charge blessing compared to the grassland.

"Kill!" Camille was also not to be outdone, the eagle flag was unfolded, and the tiny starlight scattered from the eagle flag, and the undefeated Trajan's soldiers fought against the Iron Buddha head-on with their undefeated will.

At that moment, all the soldiers who came into contact with each other suffered a fatal blow, whether it was the Iron Buddha or the undefeated Trajan.

The head-to-head battle made it inevitable for both sides. The power of miracles made up for the disadvantage of Invincible Trajan's head-to-head battle, but the disadvantage is the disadvantage. This wrong way of fighting made Invincible Trajan pay a big price.

The battle loss ratio of the two sides has almost reached the level of one to one.

This is also the reason why Camillo was puzzled. It is impossible for Penirance not to know that now the invincible Trajan is better at finding flaws and killing them with one blow. Facing these heavy infantry, head-to-head is not a good choice.

But Penirance still issued such an order, which made Camillo very puzzled.

However, he chose to believe in Penirance, because the other party had proved his ability more than once, and the actual beating had also made Camillo understand his own shortcomings, so it was his choice to trust a stronger person.

Yue Yun also had doubts about Yue Fei's order, but he still carried it out without compromise.

Yue Fei ordered Yue Yun to retreat immediately after gaining the advantage, and never allow greed for merit, which made Yue Yun very puzzled.

But before that, he needs to gain an advantage first.

After the Iron Buddha rushed out, Yue Yun issued further orders, which were also tactics specially matched for the Iron Buddha.

"Crossbow shooting interference!"

Several roaring crossbow arrows shot out from the strong crossbow, and shot into the undefeated Trajan's camp from behind the Iron Buddha. Almost half of the arrows landed on the Iron Buddha, but for them, this little damage does not matter.

Almost all the remaining crossbow arrows failed, or were blocked by the undefeated Trajan's soldiers.

For them, whose reaction speed surpassed that of ordinary people, they couldn't hit them without reaching a certain number of crossbow bolts.

However, while avoiding the arrows and facing the soldiers of Iron Buddha, these undefeated Trajan's soldiers fell into a disadvantage.

But they were helpless, they had no way to completely ignore the arrows with the power of the military soul, they could only passively accept this posture of being beaten by the group.

"Camillo, hold on, we'll be there soon!" The voice of Stuttaya, the commander of the Emperor's Guards, came to Camillo's ears from the eagle flag.

Camille's spirit was shaken, as expected, there was a deep meaning in asking him to stand here, because he was planning to directly attack the military soul of the Han Dynasty.

Yue Yun squinted his eyes, looked at the battlefield that had completely gained the upper hand, and chose to retreat without hesitation.


The Beiwei army carried out the military order without hesitation, and the soldiers of Tiefutu watched the Beiwei army retreat, and began to retreat without hesitation.

They are considered to be fake tigers, and the back Wei army has left. They have no chance of winning against the undefeated Trajan.

"Damn it!" Camillo's face was a little livid. They had been the bait for a long time, but the big fish ran away directly. This is too decisive.

"Such an order prohibits it?" Penelance in the rear was stunned. Although it was only a tentative attack, the opponent perfectly resolved it, which made him a little surprised.

How do you feel that other people's legion commanders are much more reliable than their legion commanders?

But Penirance soon learned that everyone has problem children, even the Han Empire is no exception.

Compared with Yue Yun and Beiwei Army's orders and prohibitions, Li Que and others on the other side are synonymous with chaos and evil.

Although they still carried out Yue Fei's orders, they were completely different from Yue Yun's unscrupulous actions. They could almost be said to do their own way.

When Yue Fei's messenger found Li Que, Li Que was beating Nigel.

Nigel was very aggrieved, the army in the city war couldn't use it, whether the army in his hand was as strong as Li Que, and he was aggrieved by Li Que's beating.

Li Que, Guo Si, Fan Chou, and Zhang Ji almost rode on Nigel's head, and Nigel almost jumped into a rage.

If it was in the wild, he brought his personal guards and 10 people, Li Que dared to dance like this, and gave him Li Que's ashes.

However, the city couldn't completely set up a formation now, so he could only watch Li Que riding on top of him.

"Bastard! I want you to die!"

Nigel was mad, and a single legion stepped on him again. If it is said that last time Ardashir and Temujin were deliberately let go to add trouble to Severus.

If he wanted to keep Ardashir and Temujin at that time, he could definitely stay. After all, the army in his hand is not a clay sculpture. Even if he mobilized the cloud and used the army to attack, Ardashir would be overwhelmed. Walk.

After all, the two legions are of the type with high attack and low defense, but it is a pity that the god cavalry is different. Relying on the ultimate defense and miraculous power, Nigel finds that he really has nothing to do now.

Anxious Nigel chose to draw his hole card and planned to fall directly to Severus. Although there was no possibility of fighting, the news that Caesar recognized Severus was a bolt from the blue for them.

Without the influence of Caesar and Augustus, it was purely a dream that they wanted to overthrow Severus, who had destroyed Parthia.

Just don't do anything, just go straight to Severus. Now that you have made this kind of decision, there is no need to continue to hide yourself. It is the right way to show your value and keep the Duke's status.

And most importantly, he couldn't stand Li Que's taunting.

Nigel directly stuffed the elf that he had been keeping as a pet into his heart, and Nigel instantly returned to his peak state, and his whole person was 30 or [-] years younger.

Just like Huang Zhong with his baby face on his face, it looks unsuitable to match his majestic aura, but it is extremely dangerous.

"The monarch's talent!" Severus and Penilance saw the change in Nigel in an instant.

Severus smiled, and Nigel turned up his hole card, basically admitting defeat. This is good news, very good news.

Li Que's face turned ugly. Of course he knew that the Miracle Legion was not invincible, but it was definitely the top group on the battlefield.

He just took aim at Nigel's old age and frailty, and then he slammed his face wildly. As a result, Nigel's monarch talent directly brought his state back to its peak.

The pressure of the divine iron cavalry instantly reached an irresistible threshold.

The Miracle Legion is very powerful, but the commander of the Grand Army, especially Nigel, who can also sit in the Temple of Martial Arts, is even more powerful.

"Old Li, it should be able to speed up the overall recovery of oneself, curb certain injuries, and apply the effect of false army souls to all soldiers!" Guo Si wanted to scold his mother at this time.

The last time they fought a group of fake three talents, this time they directly fought a group of fake army souls, why are there monsters everywhere.

"Be careful, this guy might be Huangfu Yizhen, send a message to the marshal, we probably need support!" Li Que's face was ugly.

They rushed too deep, originally to behead Nigel, but now that the opponent's ability to resist the line has risen in a straight line, the problem of the weak attack ability of the god iron cavalry has begun to be exposed.

They couldn't kill the puppet soul soldiers in front of them with one blow, and being unable to kill them with one blow meant that they couldn't come and go freely. Many soldiers of the iron cavalry were directly dragged off their horses by the opponent.

"Hahaha, well done Niggle!"

Penelance laughed out loud, not only the legionaries in Rome would get sick, but also those in the Han Dynasty, who wanted to kill them when they saw an opportunity, a common problem among young people.

Although the encirclement they set up failed to capture the Army Soul Legion, Nigel, who had no intention of planting willows, caught a Miracle Legion.

"Alessandro, go help Nigel and beat them to death!"

Penilance and Yue Fei are actually very restrained, but they are also very aggressive.

Both sides understand that it is impossible to live and die, but both sides need a result, a result that can convince the public.

In fact, Parthia has basically been divided between two countries so far.

The rest is the security war and recovery war, which is a long process.

The Han Dynasty wanted to relocate their aristocratic families, and Rome wanted to consume barbarians and train recruits. Although the two sides did not say it clearly, they had reached a strange tacit understanding.

All that's left is the end of the fight.

"Surrounded? The talent of a monarch who can recover quickly and curb death?" Yue Fei frowned. It was obvious that Li Que's disobedience of his order gave him a bit of a headache.

However, it is obviously not that simple to be able to stop it with the strength of the god iron cavalry.

"Let's go, it's easy to cooperate with each other!" Hua Xiong cupped his hands and asked Ying to wipe Li Que's buttocks.

Yue Fei nodded. Feixiong's mobility and destructive power are indeed a good choice. Even if the opponent is immortal, he can use his body to open a path.

"The plan has to be changed!" After Hua Xiong left, Yue Fei sighed. Li Que's waywardness disrupted his plan. Although it was not fatal, it was enough to cause headaches.

(End of this chapter)

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