Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1084 Strong Confrontation

It's not that Hua Xiong is weak, if it was replaced by other Roma breakers, he would be able to top them.

In fact, Alessandro can be regarded as one of the perverts. In Rome, he is at least the top five powerhouses. He, Hua Xiong, doesn't even know if he can be ranked in the top fifty in the Han Dynasty, so he takes the lead.

"Bastard, then you might as well bring that kid Zhang Xiu over!" Li Que scolded his mother angrily.

"Zhang Xiu, why didn't you say Li Taibai?" Hua Xiong rolled his eyes, then gave Alessandro another slap.

Although the fight was very aggrieved, Li Que was still relieved. Hua Xiong came over, which meant that Fei Xiong was coming soon.

As long as the inside and outside cooperate, they will soon be able to kill a bloody road and rush out.

At least safety is guaranteed.

"Middle!" Filippo occupied the city wall, and with his elite Scythian archers, they concentrated fire on Hua Xiong.

Even precision is not required, and all three of Alessandro, Li Que, and Hua Xiong are included.

Arrows rained down like a city wall, but it was useless, Hua Xiong swept away the countless arrows stuck on his body.

"Catch me and bully me alone!" Hua Xiong rolled his eyes, pulled out the javelin casually, and threw it at Filippo.

Filippo tilted his head, dodging Hua Xiong's attack.

"Qi!" Hua Xiong also knew that it was unlikely that there would be a result, and it was just to vent his anger.

"The defense is too high!" Filippo frowned, the defense of both the flying bear and the god cavalry were too high.

Unless he is now relying on the loss of combat power to make the last wave of explosion, it is estimated that there will be a long distance from breaking the defense.

"Continue to encircle, keep an eye on the periphery, and watch the follow-up Han army!" Nigel and Penilance began dual command.

Seeing that the fourth eagle flag also returned in vain, he could only give up the idea of ​​strangling Li Que and the others, and planned to come to a siege to help.

The god iron ride is hard enough, but as long as it can't rush out, it will be slowly worn to death sooner or later.

Penelance especially wanted a Burning Legion at this time. As long as there was one such legion, the God Iron Cavalry would not be so unscrupulous.

"Go ahead, pay attention to recruiting the soldiers with burning talents, and try our best to let the fourteen groups master more skills of burning. We also need to establish such two legions!"

Penirance discovered a problem in Rome, that is, the lack of means to face an enemy of an exceptional level.

In the past, they relied on the Second Augustus Legion to get the bottom line, but when the Second Augustus Legion was unable to open the gap, their means were a bit too scarce.

But it doesn't matter, after destroying Partia and absorbing Partia's technology tree, they will just create a few new legions.

"Pay special attention to this legion. The legion that has taken the defense to the extreme and completed the miracle, as a guard, is far away from Thirteen Roses!" Virgilio was a little emotional.

It would be great if the Thirteen Roses were so hard. Their Tenth Knights Legion and Thirteen Roses Legion are Caesar's sword and shield.

However, the sword is sharp enough, but the shield is not enough.

Speaking of which, Virgilio turned his attention to the Thirteenth Rose Army and found that the Thirteenth Rose Army was fighting with a Legion, and the two were inseparable.

"Huh?" Virgilio looked at it in disbelief.

Thirteen Roses are a little weaker, but it also depends on who they are compared with. They are weak to the Tenth Knight.

But Virgilio knew very well that the Thirteenth Rose Legion, which was cheated by Caesar and annexed the Second Auxiliary Legion, should be number one in the Praetorian Guards, just like the first assistant was the First Legion with three talents. .

As a result, he now finds out that the Rose Legion is inseparable from the opponent.

"I'll take someone to see Thirteen Roses!" Virgilio said with a little displeasure, and he planned to get closer to see what the problem was.

Sure enough, the Thirteen Rose Legion should be tempered. Any legion can stop them. Then why should the Thirteen Rose Legion serve as the personal guard of Caesar the Great, and why should it closely guard the Emperor Caesar.

Penilance glanced at Thirteen Roses in the distance, then looked at the back of Virgilio's leaving, and sighed, there are so many problem children.

However, he didn't stop them either. Since the three talents and the Miracle Legion couldn't be killed, it would be a good choice for the Imperial Guard to operate.

"Let the No. 11 Legion and the Twelfth Legion move closer to Nigel, and we will make a fuss about this besieged Miracle Legion!" Penilance thought for a while, and continued to reinforce Nigel.

Other places are tepid, but Nigel's side seems to be able to produce some results now.

"Let the people of the church act faster and tell Pope Cyprian that some things cannot be avoided by delay! He is a smart man and should know how to do it!" Penelance said coldly.

If you want to protect yourself wisely and dream, the church is indeed valuable, but it should be suppressed or suppressed.

Within the Roman Empire, there can only be one voice, and the church can use it, but the church must not be allowed to grow bigger.

"General, Duke Alnubis calls for help!" The messenger ran in to report.

"What happened?" Penilance was shocked when he heard that, Nigel chose to bow his head and let it go, why even Alnubis gave up.

"The Han Dynasty has a military soul corps similar to the Parthian cavalry. The Duke's personal guards are almost wiped out, and the Duke almost died!" The messenger reported the news truthfully.

"Let people from the church go over to replace Alnubis!" Severus ordered with a smile.

Nigel surrendered, Alnubis was maimed, and all the serious troubles of his confidantes were basically gone, and the remaining senators couldn't make any big waves. Now Rome respects him alone!
"Congratulations, Your Majesty!" Penelance congratulated.

"Hahaha, this is not the work of one person!" Severus is indeed very happy, the internal worries have been eliminated, and there is only one foreign invader, Great Britain, which is nothing to be afraid of, and he can finally relax.

While Penirance and Severus were talking and laughing, Alessandro's direction changed.

"Oh? The reinforcements from the Han Dynasty have arrived, what a strong general!"

Penirance's eyes lit up when he saw the person's skill. He had seen him before, but he didn't show much strength at that time.

It was Dian Wei who came. When Brahma fought, he was not good at air combat, so he made a move. Looking at it now, Penelance was also secretly surprised.

"Leave this guy to me, you go and command the army!" Dian Wei supported Alessandro's big shield with a heavy big shield.

The two large shields collided, making a dull sound.

Hua Xiong and Li Que retreated again and again. Alessandro's kind of fine-grained breakthrough was really not caused by them. Li Que seemed to be fine, but his body was basically a mess, and his injuries were not serious at all.

Where is the basic hard power, no matter how thick the cloud is, the power gap between the two sides will only be narrowed, but it will not disappear.

"General Han can leave his name!" Alessandro asked dully, the opponent was very strong, and it was the first time he saw the existence of strength that could rival him head-on.

"Dian Wei of the Han Dynasty, what about you, Roman!" Dian Wei narrowed his eyes, he likes this opponent, and he has never lost in a head-to-head match.


During the dialogue, the large shields in the hands of the two sides did not stop for a moment, and they collided one after another.

"You are a good opponent, but I'm serious!" Alessandro said with a sigh after looking at Hua Xiong and Li Que who ran to bully the ordinary soldiers.

As the words fell, Alessandro's figure swelled a bit out of thin air, and the armor that didn't fit well became tighter in an instant.

"Lie down for me!" Alessandro held the large shield with both hands and smashed it fiercely, concentrating all his strength on the shield.

"If it's only to this extent, then you're thinking too much!" Dian Wei untied the restraints on his body, his figure also swelled a bit, and then he fought back fiercely.

The two shields were instantly shattered under the confluence of huge forces from both sides.

"I underestimated you!" Alessandro threw away the shield in his hand. He didn't expect that his burst of power would be intercepted so easily by the opponent.

"If you only have this level, then prepare to die!" Dian Wei's eyes were cold, he has already figured out Alessandro's strength, if you only have this level, then wait to die.

He clearly saw the unnaturalness of Alessandro's body when his strength erupted, which may not be obvious to others.

But for a body master like Dian Wei, he could see the problem almost at a glance. Just like Zhang Fei's problem, the body can't bear the strength, which is ridiculous.

"A body that can't carry strength, ridiculous way of tempering!" Dian Wei sneered and bullied him.

He has always believed that only the power that can be mastered can be called power, just like Lu Bu's unlimited explosion, but Lu Bu can control that power with a strong mind.

So he only admired Lu Bu, who was indeed stronger than him.

Besides, it was Guan Yu. As for the others, Dian Wei refused to accept any of them.

Especially Zhao Yun, Dian Wei admits that he is powerful, but Dian Wei doesn't take Zhao Yun seriously, he can't even control his own power, how ridiculous.

Alessandro wanted to refute, but under Dianwei's heavy hammer, he couldn't speak at all.

Dian Wei is a little weaker than him in strength, but stronger than him in body, which makes Alessandro have to start to reflect on his own shortcomings.

Restricted by the long-cherished wish of the first assistant, what they pursue is extraordinary power, so as to fight Miracle.

They frantically pursue powerful power, in order to pursue the ultimate destructive power, and pursue miracles as their biggest goal, even going beyond what they can bear.

But now that they have regained the former eagle flag and defeated the miracle they pursued, it seems that they should really strengthen their physical strength.

The power that cannot be grasped can indeed bring unimaginable destructive power when fighting to the death.

But when encountering enemies like God Iron Cavalry and Dian Wei who cannot be dealt with by explosions, their bodies become a link that drags them down.

Alessandro took a deep breath, the defect will not be fully repaired for a while, but he can make up for it in other ways now.

"Fly the eagle flag!" Alessandro roared loudly.

Accompanied by the roar, the second eagle emblem began to bloom, and fine stardust began to bloom, falling on the second Augustus legion.

"Duke Nigel!" Immediately after a roar, light green fluorescence began to cover Alessandro and the others.

"Come again!"

Under the dual effects of the second eagle flag and Nigel's monarch talent, Alessandro opened his mouth wide and said to Dian Wei with a smile.

Dian Wei punched directly, although it was a tricky way, but now Alessandro can indeed fight him.

The ultra-high-speed recovery made Alessandro no longer need to take into account the loss of the body, the body was constantly tearing and reorganizing, and the burst of strength became more transparent.

The two punched each other hundreds of times, and no one came to disturb the fight.

Fighting generals is a very stupid thing in military warfare, but it is undeniable that the impact of the victory or defeat of fighting generals is almost fatal, and can even determine the outcome of a local war.

The two humanoid tyrannosaurs kicked and kicked, and the surrounding houses and grounds were destroyed by the storm. No one seemed to be able to stop them from deciding the winner.

"It's really a fierce battle!" Virgilio glanced at Alessandro's direction, and then looked away.

Although I don't really want to admit it, the Second Augustus Legion is now the most powerful legion in Rome, not only because of their strength, but also because of their numbers.

The same number of their tenth knights can indeed fight as the second Augustus, but it is a pity that the number of them who are close to half disabled is too small.

But Virgilio didn't take it seriously, there were still many followers of Caesar in the city of Rome, and they half left because of Caesar's disappearance.

This is also the reason why the Tenth Knight Legion maintains the smallest number of people. They are also very aware of their own troubles. Instead of letting everyone go to jail together, it is better to let them spread out to expand their contacts.

After all, they are all knights, all nobles.

All that remained were pure lunatics, and the most paranoid ones at that.

However, with the return of Caesar, these people can still be used as a sign, at least they can replenish enough soldiers in the shortest time, so that their tenth knight can return to the first position.

"There is a problem with this legion!" Virgilio said to Vincentio who was beside him after looking away.

"Sure, I originally thought that Thirteen Roses would be invincible among the imperial guards, but I didn't expect to underestimate the people of the world after all!" Wenqin Leo nodded in agreement.

After they got closer, they realized that Thirteen Qiangwei's performance was actually remarkable, but the opponent's performance was even more impeccable.

If it wasn't for the fact that the opponent was a cavalry soldier and was now fighting as infantry and lost part of his combat effectiveness, Thirteen Qiangwei might not really be the opponent of the opponent.

"Get ready, Penirance asked us to kill them, the three talents and miracles are not easy to kill, we can only kill the Imperial Guard!" Virgilio shrugged.

"En!" Wenqin Leo nodded.

The opponent is indeed good, but after all, he is just a guard. For the tenth knight, he can kill the opponent like cutting melons and vegetables.

"Kill!" The Tenth Knights Legion moved at high speed, intending to cross Thirteen Qiangwei directly and attack the opponent.

However, before they rushed over, a row of spears landed in front of them.

Immediately after, a large group of people jumped out from behind the other party, and stopped them with smiles.

"Little brother is playing around, it would be wrong for the big brother to do it himself!" Wang Min smiled and pulled out the spear on the ground.

"It's you guys!" Virgilio shot out a backhand signal, and then his face became serious for a few minutes.

Facing the existence that could directly snatch the fragments of the Parthian Empire's will from them, he was extremely serious, and the other party was not an enemy that could be easily dealt with.

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