Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1087 For the wings of the country, such as Lin Zhisheng

Chapter 1087 For the wings of the country, such as Lin Zhisheng

The tenth knight's trump card ability at the bottom of the box, analysis and reconstruction, is also the root of their ability to reproduce other legions.

Based on this ability, they never encountered opponents who needed to use this ability in battle to kill them.

Most of the time, they use this ability to recreate the Eagle Banner Legion to disgust the Eagle Banner Legion.

It is not necessary to really fight. Those who are stronger than their quality are not as strong as their will. Those who are stronger than their will must have shortcomings. The overall quality is not as good as them. They can kill them by playing casually. , there is no need for too many special responses at all, relying on the most basic strength is enough.

Therefore, such an ability created to deal with legions as powerful as them was shelved from the moment it was completed. If it weren't for the particularity of the Legion of Miracles, this ability would have disappeared into history long ago.

Analyze the opponent, recognize the opponent, build an opponent in the mind that is exactly the same as in reality by relying on cognition in the process of fighting, and then judge each step of the opponent, and accumulate advantages for each next step until the future The opponent is crushed.

For most legions, this ability may not be as good as pre-reading, but for the tenth knight, this is the way to integrate the opponent, recognize the opponent, and defeat the opponent.

But Virgilio didn't expect the Habayashi Army to be so perverted that they could really push themselves to this extent.

What's worse is that when they used the ability to press the bottom of the box, only half of the Habayashi Army just fell into a disadvantage, killed a few soldiers, and adapted to their analysis at a high speed.

Although the number is quite similar, the Tenth Knights Legion is a complete legion, while the Habayashi Army is only half, and they can't even use the military soul.

"Hehehe, the grass on the last grave that wanted us to die was two meters long!" Wang Min sneered, "I've almost figured it out!"

"Then go down and accompany them now that you don't understand it!" Virgilio roared angrily, he knew that he couldn't delay any longer, and the advantage would disappear completely if it continued.

Then the Roman Broadsword suddenly stretched under the influence of the energy of heaven and earth, and passed through Wang Min's chest when Wang Min dodged. The path of the spear was deciphered and completely predicted.

Wang Min stretched out his hand, almost like turning back time, completely recovered, and then stabbed towards Virgilio with a smile.

The tricky spear was dodged strangely by Virgilio.

However, in the next second, blood shot out from Virgilio's neck.

Virgilio stretched out his hand, time seemed to flow backwards again, and the injury recovered immediately, but his face inevitably became gloomy.

"It's a very interesting ability, but unfortunately I've seen it through!" Wang Min smiled and stabbed the spear again.

Although he dodged the attack, blood spurted from Virgilio's chest again.

"What the hell is this!" Virgilio saw clearly what was attacking him, a spear, the same as the one in Wang Min's hand, but it was not the one in Wang Min's hand, but appeared out of thin air.

Wang Min's gun became more and more weird at this moment, and Virgilio was injured several times in an instant.

"Who hasn't ordered the trump card yet?" Wang Min sneered and pierced Virgilio's body again.

"As long as you figure out the principle of your prediction, the cracking is only a moment away."

There was a faint cold sweat on Virgilio's forehead, and he couldn't understand or analyze it. Just like Wang Min saw their analysis and reconstruction for the first time, it was also the first time their tenth knight saw such a terrifying attack.

Although the injury can be healed by willpower, it is not unlimited. Even Guan Yu and Lu Bu cannot be completely immortal under the cloud, let alone them.

In less than a minute, more than a dozen soldiers fell on their side. You must know that only a dozen soldiers have fallen on both sides since the start of the war.

"You are too young." Wang Min sighed, leaving a hole in Virgilio's body again.

"From you guys, we can see that the Caesar you follow must be a commander like a military god. If not, you wouldn't be able to get to this point."

"However, you are still too young. The Habayashi Army carries the wisdom of the Han Dynasty, the three military gods, and the commanders of countless large armies!"

In fact, Wang Min did not talk nonsense. It has only been more than [-] years since the establishment of Caesar and the Tenth Knight, and it has been more than [-] years since the establishment of the Han Dynasty.

The Habayashi Army started in the period of Emperor Wu of the Western Han Dynasty. It followed the cloud and gas system left by Han Xin, and after Wei Qing improved it, it was thoroughly carried forward in the hands of Huo Qubing.

The follow-up of Emperor Wu, and even the maintenance of a series of emperors by Emperor Guangwu of the Eastern Han Dynasty, until Liu Hong still maintained the same strength as the ceiling in his hands, and then declined with the decline of the Han Empire.

On the night when Liu Hong died, the Habayashi Army could not even defeat a group of enemies who were not considered the Imperial Guards.

In the end, in the hands of Guo Hao, he stepped into glory again.

After Huo Qubing's death, they decayed for the first time, and then revived in Wei Qing's hands.

The downfall of the Western Han Dynasty declined for the second time, and then revived around Emperor Guangwu Liu Xiu.

Following Liu Hong's death and decay for the third time, Guo Hao brought them back to life again.

For the Habayashi Army, the experience of three falls and three rises bears not only the glorious side of the Han Empire, but also the history of the rise and fall of the Han Empire.

"Wings for the country are like the prosperity of the forest"

It is not only the slogan of the Habayashi Army, but also the portrayal of the Habayashi Army.

And in this kind of story, Habayashi Jun has mastered a kind of ability, a kind of simple and extreme ability.


If the ultimate of the economy is to use the money of the future in the present, the ultimate of the commander is to borrow the power of the future.

Then the pinnacle of the Habayashi Army is to borrow the future self.

Every attack of Wang Min now was dodged by Virgilio, but the attack from the future pierced Virgilio's body.

However, this kind of power is extremely difficult to control. Even if the Habayashi Army uses miraculous power, it can only guarantee that future attacks will fall on the enemy, not on the vital points.

Otherwise, the Tenth Knight's current state of not understanding the situation is enough for them to die seven or eight times.

Looking at nearly a hundred soldiers who fell down, Virgilio gave up the ability to analyze and reconstruct, which is not their foundation after all.

At the time of life and death, what they really trust is the most basic ability.

But this still can't stop them from retreating. If they can't analyze the ability of the Habayashi Army, they can't stop the Habayashi Army from grinding them to death bit by bit.

"Get ready to fly the eagle flag! Fight for your life!"

Virgilio took a deep breath and roared, this time he is really going to die.

It is not at the same level as the Parthian God Knight and the Burning Legion. He has to admit that the strength of the Habayashi Army is above them.

Habayashi Army, what a formidable opponent!

But under the watchful eye of Julius Caesar, the tenth knight will not be defeated.

No matter how strong the Habayashi Army is, they will never lose.

"Virgilio, withdraw!"

Just when Virgilio was about to fly the eagle flag and fight to the death, Nareto's voice reached his ears.

The brief distraction directly caused two more holes in his body.


But Virgilio was not discouraged and chose to run away.

Now that the goal has been achieved, they can run away. The Han Dynasty died a military soul seed, so just cry.

They lost to the Habayashi Army this time, but it doesn't matter that Thirteen Qiangwei won more. Combining the two, there is no loss.

Wang Min glared at Virgilio, and instead of pursuing him, he rushed in the direction of the Sunrider.

They can still feel the breath. Compared to killing the Tenth Knights Legion, they want to catch the little brother Sun Rider.

Moreover, the tenth knight is not that easy to kill, and if the fight continues, many people will die on their side. Both sides have used too many injuries to recover during the mutual attacks, and there is almost no room for error.

Especially when the tenth knight soldier was about to die, the burst of attack caused a lot of damage.

If they fight to the end, they will only have four or five hundred left at most. After all, it is a complete miracle, not a soft persimmon.

But when they arrived, the momentum was terrible, and the more than half-damaged Sun Knight stood in place, while Guo Hao and Lu Bu were standing in front of them.

"A military soul? No, no, this is..." Wang Min looked at the Sun Knight, and was a little uncertain for a while. The Sun Knight had obviously completed its transformation and entered the ranks of the super elite.

But the problem is, the aura on his body seems to be different from that of the Army Soul Legion.


Time goes back to the moment when Thirteen Qiangwei stepped into the army soul.

"Thanks, Virgilio!" Renato said silently from the bottom of his heart.

Those who can be on the battlefield are all pragmatists, no matter how they are achieved, strength is the only criterion for judging.

What's more, the history of their thirteen roses was to be beaten and wait for the tenth knight to come and pull them.

They were also beaten now, and the tenth knight also gave them a hand.

"For Caesar, kill!"

Naletto, who stepped into the army soul, grasped the ability of the army soul in an instant, and the entire army transformed completely, allowing them to accumulate a lot of army soul power as soon as they transformed.

Like the gravity control of a flying bear, the inner energy like a trap, the torrent of arrows that ascend first...

The ability mastered by Thirteen Roses is also very simple, adding one to their defense, allowing them to increase their defense by one level in all aspects, and then pairing with their own rebound and accumulated counterattack, it completely complements their last problem.

Not only has super defense ability, but also has super attack ability because of the talent of rebounding and accumulating counterattack, and has become a super elite army with both offense and defense.

Even for the Legion of Miracles, it has become extremely difficult to penetrate them.

If it is a miraculous army like the God Iron Cavalry, it may even be completely unable to penetrate their defenses.

Even though the entire army wanted to pierce the Sunrider, they still did not forget their mission when they took the last step, which was to serve as the shield of Caesar the Great.

However, now this shield is not only thickened, but also spiked.


Naletto raised the shield in his hand and slapped out the accumulated strength in one breath. The Baihe in front of him was almost instantly blown away, spitting out blood from his mouth.

Although the Taiyangqi has greatly strengthened his physical fitness under the tempering of the Habayashi Army, he is still somewhat irresistible in the face of the current Thirteen Qiangwei.

However, because the Sun Knight hadn't lost yet, Bai He recovered from his physical injuries, climbed up from the ground, and rushed towards Naleto again.

"Bastard, die!" Wang Min's roar resounded across the battlefield, even Bai He and Naleto, who were fighting fiercely, could hear it.

"Hehehe, so you are relying on external force!" Bai He spat out a mouthful of blood, mocking with disdain on his face.

"Boom!" Naletto waved his shield and smashed Baihe out again.

"As long as you are the ones who fall down!" Naletto countered with a sneer. They acted as Caesar's shield and were helped by Caesar's sword. Isn't that a matter of course?

"For the sake of the general, kill!"

Bai He raised his head to the sky and let out a long roar, the aura on his body began to rise again, his firm will made them fearless.

Even though Thirteen Roses has become the soul of the army, but facing the soul of the army on the battlefield, can they raise their hands and surrender?
Now that there is no way out, let it go.

And the current Thirteen Roses reminded these surviving veterans of a bad memory, that is, the Yellow Turban Warrior who carried the will of the Yellow Turban Empire back then.

If they could have won at the beginning, it would be a miracle for them now, why bother to be oppressed by the Habayashi army.

It's a pity that at the beginning they were burdened with the blessing of most of the essence of the Han Empire, so they didn't completely win, and only achieved their strategic goals.

And now, although they don't have those blessings, their strength is obtained through hard work step by step.

So even in the face of Thirteen Qiangwei who has stepped into the army soul, they still have no timidity.

It's just an army soul, their goal is to overthrow the Habayashi army.

At the beginning, the Habayashi Army could fight against three talents with two talents, so now their Sun Knights can also kill the soul of the army with the Imperial Guards.

"Kill!" With a muffled sound, Naleto was almost sent flying, and Bai He became stronger again.

No bad words, rushed forward and continued to kill, Naleto also gritted his teeth, the army soul beat the imperial guards, and there was no reason to lose.

Blood spattered, even if the soldiers of the Sun Knight were determined enough, they were a little embarrassed when facing Thirteen Qiangwei's soldiers, after all, the opponent was indeed stronger now.

Coupled with the death-resistant characteristics of the military soul, it became more difficult for the Sun Knight to kill the soldiers of Thirteen Roses, and the battle loss ratio between the two sides increased from the original one to one.

One to two, one to three... The battle losses of the two sides are firmly in the range of one to three, but if this continues, the soldiers of the Sun Cavalry must be the first to be defeated.

Naletto also thought so, so he fought steadily, attacking the Sun Knight without any hesitation.

Although they don't know how the tenth knight gave them a hand, they couldn't live up to this trust.

However, Naleto overlooked one thing, that is, Shirakawa is only the vice-commander of the Sun Cavalry.

And the real leader of the Sun Knight is standing not far away at this moment, watching the Sun Knight's struggle.

"General, why don't you do it?" Lu Bu turned his head and asked.

"Wait, wait!" Guo Hao firmly grasped the will of the empire, ready to bless the Sun Knight at any time.

He is also very anxious, but he has to wait. Everyone knows the biggest flaw of the Sun Knight, but no one can solve it.

That's why Sunriders are willing to be beaten by the Habayashi Army, because that is the fastest way they can see to improve.

And the biggest flaw is that the leader of Sunrider is Guo Hao.

Every legion needs a carrier that carries the expectations of everyone in the legion. Rome is the eagle flag, and the Han Dynasty is usually the legion leader.

However, Guo Hao's identity predestined him not being able to participate in the front-line war, or when he participated in the front-line war, the Habayashi Army was his guard.

But now, the Sun Knight has the opportunity to solve this problem. Although it is cruel, if he does not accept this cruelty, then the Sun Knight will inevitably suffer even greater cruelty in the future.

Because the rising thirteen roses are already the weakest super-elite army, and even this opponent can't stop them, so how can the Sunriders resist the army souls, three talents, and even the miracle army in the back.

(End of this chapter)

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