"Ju Yi, take the lead and mount the arrows to strike the opponent's center with precision!" Yue Fei gave the order.

But Ju Yi, who received the order, was a little puzzled. No matter how you look at it, this is not the best choice.

If you want to maximize Xiandeng's lethality and strike directly forward, the results will be absolutely brilliant, and it will also be able to restrain the opponent's offensive.

If you want to directly exert the beheading effect and shoot directly at Alnubis, the probability of success is [-]%.

But in the middle, he really can't see any value.

However, Ju Yi still faithfully carried out Yue Fei's orders. He recognized Yue Fei from the bottom of his heart. He obeyed Yue Fei.

A wave of arrows fell into the barbarian army, instantly washing the area covered by the rain of arrows into blood. To Xiandeng, whether it was an ordinary barbarian or an elite barbarian, it was only the difference between one arrow and two arrows, and the arrows they shot Rain can be measured in tens.

Even those barbarian generals who have achieved the separation of inner qi will only drink hatred under the rain of arrows.

At this moment, the center of Rome was in chaos, and the sudden blankness made them feel chilled and confused at the same time.

However, the Roman barbarians on the outskirts did not have any chaos. Instead, they continued to attack the Han Dynasty according to the situation of the previous resumption.

What's worse is that among them, the barbarian generals at the middle and lower levels, who can command more than a hundred soldiers, have already been arrested and replaced in the previous dispatch, because they kept meeting with the Han army, and most of them died in battle.

But now, what Yue Fei showed was complete command ability.

At that time, the command of northern Xinjiang basically relied on the joint analysis of the advisers and the command of those large armies.

Yue Fei couldn't do Han Xin's pinching and blessing anytime, anywhere, but putting the right soldiers in the right place was exactly his understanding of the art of war.

Some talents can lock the victory because the person who uses it can lock the victory himself, and the talent can only speed up the process.

After hearing the words, Alnubis finally woke up. He is now with Penirance, and Penirance can scoop him up.

Out of Taixifeng, Guo Hao's way of blocking all lights and shadows was not very effective, so Guo Hao simply withdrew the block of lights and shadows, and directly put a map of lights and shadows on Yue Fei.

But after all, it was a coincidence, and he also saw the disadvantages of Alnubis, so at this moment, Penirance planned to take advantage of Alnubis and share the pressure with Alnubis.

To be honest, Penelance felt a little guilty in his heart. He was not guilty of Yue Fei now, but he was afraid of Yue Fei 20 years later.

So he locked in the victory very early, but under the interruption of the Miracle Legion one after another, the victory was postponed.

It's simple, but surprisingly effective.

"Come on, I want to see how far you can go!" Taking a deep breath, Penilance directly left the ordinary barbarians aside, and mobilized the Roman citizen legion and the elite barbarian army.

"Don't you need me to make a move?" Ju Shou asked a little depressed, he hasn't really made a move since he came here.

I thought this life was over, but now, a back wave wanted to beat him to death on the beach, so maybe he would continue to struggle.

"Your script is good, but not good enough, so I changed it, how?" Yue Fei asked Alnubis calmly.

So Penilance set up his formation, and started a fight with Yue Fei.

He had heard about this duke, but he didn't care. His opponent was Penelance.

But he is basically at the end of the day, even if he improves for another 20 years, it will probably be the same, but the young man on the other side can't say that.

Among the elite of the Han Dynasty, only Xiandeng made a move, and none of the other top legions made a move. Penelance almost understood what the Han Dynasty was thinking.

He arbitrarily wasted Xiandeng's explosive damage in order to open a psychological hole for the barbarians in Rome.

"No, I've tried it, and I can't get out at all, and it's not me who is commanding the army, but the army itself is moving." Alnubis roared in despair.

According to Alnubis' prediction, Xiandeng would erupt a wave of terrifying attacks to directly contain the barbarian army's offensive, and then the barbarian army would defeat the Han Dynasty by boiling frogs in warm water.

In fact, Alnubis also knows that this talent is not really repeated in the future, so he has been hiding this trump card.

However, this kind of external power obviously had no effect on Yue Fei, and the front of Alnubis was abolished in two or three strokes.

Although relying on the talent of the monarch, he gave him a high-level look, but there was only one look.

Almost forgot, he is not the Duke who is against Severus now, but the Duke who surrendered to Severus.

The gap is too big, Alnubis can't beat him, he guessed, he originally wanted to rely on Alnubis to see Yue Fei's reality.

Yue Fei calmly dispatched the front army to attack and completely suppress the Roman barbarians in front.

"Alnubis, you are defeated, lead the troops to break through, come out and meet me, these barbarians let them spread themselves to two sides, this kind of battle is not something they can participate in!"

He is a god breaking world, and his life expectancy is estimated to be several hundred years old. After 20 years, he will be considered a mature man. Anyway, there is no one in Rome who can match him at present, even Severus.

If relying on the monarch's talent to be invincible, Alnubis would have defeated Severus long ago.

Although they don't have much organizational structure themselves, both the Roman Mystery and the Eagle Banner have brought them undeniable blessings.

It's a pity that the previous script was staged as scheduled, but Yue Fei didn't plan to cooperate with the script written by Alnubis.

Xiandeng didn't exert the greatest effect, and he was secretly happy in his heart, but as a result, the battle line collapsed.

"If you impose this concept on the soldiers, then when the script goes completely berserk, they gain false fighting spirit and confidence, which indeed make up for the shortcomings of the barbarians, but when they encounter the unknown and confused, they will be defeated faster."

He hadn't taken Parthia so seriously before, and Parthia was more difficult to deal with with the Legion of Miracles, not the command of the Grand Army.

But I didn't expect that the gap would be so large, which put a lot of pressure on Penirens himself, and it was unlikely that he himself would beat Alnubis so badly.

What followed was that the Roman Barbarian Legion commanded by Alnubis was dismantled into a pile by Yue Fei like mechanical parts that had been disassembled hundreds of times without knowing what happened. scattered legions.

Almost luck, the opponent took the last step, and his end will not be much better than the current Alnubis.

Yue Fei recalled the game between himself and Bai Qi, and then looked at Alnubis in front of him, with the eyes of a dead man.

Caesar's previous actions shocked him, and he could only think of learning from Caesar at the moment.

He was angry from the heart, but he could only follow Penirance's instructions and lead the elite barbarians to break out in the direction of Penirance.

"Nigel, take care of Alnubis, and then you go to the left wing, he goes to the right wing, this battle is not easy!" Penilance stared at Yue Fei for a while, then smiled, and then began to give orders.

Yue Fei looked at his achievements and sighed. In his opinion, there were still flaws. If the opponents were Han Xin and Bai Qi, he would not be able to unfold so smoothly, and would only be interrupted by the opponent's variations at the moment of unfolding.

"Albinus, right? Step back and let Penilance go up by himself!" Yue Fei greeted Albinus directly.

At this time, Albinus' face was ashen, and he no longer knew how to answer.

He was really a little delirious at the moment, and Yue Fei's simple and rough combination punched him directly, causing him a strong psychological shadow.

Both sides now need a step down, but the difference is that one is a fact and the other is a one-sided fact.

With better luck, after 20 years, the other party did not take the last step, and he can still hold it up.

In the Battle of Northern Xinjiang, Huangfu Song did not serve as the commander, but Ju Shou and Tian Feng were the core.

"Rush towards us, and I will meet you!" Penirence didn't care about Alnubis' despair. A talent wants to bridge the gap in command. Do you think your name is Caesar?

"Mobilize the corps at the junction of the left-wing corps and the central army to retreat, the flanks extend forward, the right wing retreats, the rear army's spearmen shrink, move to the central army, and defend with swords and shields."

He didn't communicate with Yue Fei, but he believed that after setting up the formation, Yue Fei would make the same choice.

"Boy, you are very strong, but if you want to win against me, wait until later!" Penilance's eyes were full of fighting spirit.

Among them, the most conspicuous ones are undoubtedly the five Eagle Banner Legion of the church.

What the barbarians are most afraid of is the blow to morale. Not all of them are invincible warriors.

"After going back, I'm going to learn from Julius Caesar!" Penilance looked at Yue Fei, thought slowly, and at the same time gradually became excited.

Yue Fei smiled, and directly transferred Tiefutu, Huben Battalion, Infantry Battalion, Shesheng Battalion, and Changshui Battalion into the frontline army, and then he also took a stance with Penelance.

Just like fighting generals, what is fighting now is the commander-in-chief of both sides.

The central army was not Yue Fei's most random choice, but it was also a middle-to-high choice. It cut off the connection with Alnubis' army in an instant, causing delays in dispatching.

Of course, those are things for later, now he needs to face Yue Fei.

The military formation is changing almost every moment, and the opponents that every Han soldier faces must be the most suitable opponents for them.

Yue Fei successfully got stuck in front of the new organizational structure formed by the opponent's next dispatch, forced the opponent to make mistakes, and followed the artificially created loopholes to insert a team into the opponent's army.

If he was there back then, Jushou would definitely have died among Yuan Jun. It is because this guy's ability to match Tian Feng is too perverted.

Penilance intends to use these as the basic combat power to compete with Yue Fei.

"Still not perfect!"

Speaking of which, Jushou was not killed by him back then, because he didn't integrate into Guo Hao's inner circle back then, when Jia Xu's family dominated.

The soldiers were not familiar with the changes on the battlefield, but Yue Fei was familiar with them. He simply let these people arrive at the position they should arrive at according to the command, and then gave them certain blessings. mistakes.

This method almost dismantled the frontal organizational structure of the barbarian army commanded by Alnubis in two or three strokes.

Penelance's expression was unprecedentedly serious, and relying on Palmiro's light and shadow control, he preached to Alnubis.

Only with motivation can one progress. He has not felt such pressure for a long time.

It’s good to use this ability as intelligence gathering for yourself, if you use it so openly, you’re courting death.

Jushou's practical skills are actually very weak, and Li Ru can hang him up and beat him, which is probably the threshold for commanding a large army below Zhu Jun's level.

Xiandeng's head start made them doubt all the barbarians they saw just now, and they hesitated for a while, and then Yue Fei's powerful dispatch gave them another head-on blow.

From his point of view, he is still dispatching the Legion to fight passionately with Yue Fei, and then completely tear the Han Dynasty apart according to the script.

Then Yue Fei, who adjusted the flanks and dispatched the army to guide the barbarian peripheral troops to make mistakes and chaos, added a series of very rhythmic operations to the front, but it was dazzling to normal people.

As for the specific order, it still depends on the command flag and drum beats, and the light and shadow operation will not be developed in a short time.

The embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed by an ant nest, and one hole was enough to send Alnubis to his death.

"Get the script ahead of time? I just tore up the script for you!" Yue Fei sneered and looked at the barbarian army that was starting to lose touch.

"If you make a move, the two sides will fight to the death!" Li Ru rolled his eyes.

Arranged casually, every time it blocks Alnubis' dispatch first, in fact, Alnubis can't do any dispatch at this time.

The current barbarian soldiers don't know the generals, the generals don't know the soldiers, and the middle and bottom command basically destroys the regiment. His orders can't command the army at all, and the army is still fighting according to his previous script, and they don't understand the seriousness of the problem at all.

The reason why Jushou was able to take on important tasks was because of Jushou's talent and the Xuanxiang army that Jushou had mastered.

After not being dissected and promoted back then, Jushou's Xuanxiang, coupled with his and Tian Feng's talent cooperation, the positive blessing is basically the same as the Roman parliamentary guard.

After analyzing and upgrading later, it will become even more perverted, but there is no target worthy of all efforts, so it is still impossible to determine its true upper limit of blessing.

Speaking of which, the Xuanxiang Army Formation was played a bit crookedly by the Han Dynasty. Since it was fully disclosed, although there have been various wonderful effects, even every civil servant who can be called the top has customized a bottom-of-the-box army for himself. array.

The effect is so wonderful, and it is quite easy to use, but in fact, if you think about it, these bastards are actually going astray, and they only pay attention to special effects, not the blessing of the legion itself.

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