The armies of the two sides were intertwined, and Penelance frowned and watched every place, but he was depressed to find that the young man on the other side was really different.

Although he was young, his command and defense skills made him have no chance to attack at all.

It was as if a mountain was lying in front of him, and his usual means could not achieve any effective gains at all.

He made several shots to induce, but the opponent was completely unmoved, and the entire army was full of calmness and reliability.

And on the contrary, as Tiefutu led the troops forward, the huge loophole formed by the natural retreat of the soldiers at the junction of the Roman front army and the central army was caught by the truly experienced Han Dynasty elite.

Of course, this flaw was left by Penilance himself, but when Yue Fei made no mistakes in other places, the flaw he left by himself really became a flaw.

Originally, Penelance just wanted to use this loophole as a trap to induce Yue Fei to change his overall style, and then followed Yue Fei's loophole during the change period, relying on accepting the outbreak of the command line, directly beat Yue Fei to death.

But Yue Fei was invulnerable, and the well-arranged trap turned into a loophole to restrain himself at this moment, which gave Penelance a bit of a headache.

Especially after the commander of Tiefutu saw an obvious opening, he led Tiefutu to charge towards that opening without hesitation.

This judgment is very accurate, but sometimes the accuracy in front of the eyes is not accurate in the true sense.

He was still trying to provoke Yue Fei, and he took practical actions.

Penilance directly dispatched an angel legion to get out of the melee, and then went off the field directly, leading the angel legion towards Yue Fei.

Yue Fei changed the formation of the Four Elephant Army from extremely quiet to extremely dynamic. The army that was originally as motionless as a mountain, with no flaws in it, began to charge forward in an instant, and the galloping momentum was like a landslide.

Fortunately, it was not meaningless for Herani to rush in, at least he forced Penirance to start changing first, and this was a very familiar process for Yue Fei.

He mobilized the Paladin Legion and the Zealot Legion to the front to curb the momentum of the Iron Buddha, and then nailed the three angel legions like three nails to the frontal battlefield.

However, facing the pressure of Han Xin's more than 300 command lines for a long time, he can completely support Penirance even with less force.

And once it is pierced through, the circulation of the cloud will be cut off, which will also cause an irreversible disadvantage, so his bottom line is here.

Penilance looked at Yue Fei who had no disadvantages when attacking, and put away the last trace of contempt in his heart. He no longer regarded Yue Fei as a young man, but completely dealt with Yue Fei as a life and death enemy.

And when Yue Fei started to attack, his level directly dropped a lot, revealing many not-so-big flaws, which made him start to suppress Yue Fei.

"Yue Fei, I'll teach you a trick. Don't think about wiping out your opponent with one trick unless you're sure of winning!" Penelance shouted loudly with the arrogance of a senior.

This is what Yue Fei mainly learned from Han Xin, and his main focus is defensive counterattacks, as well as the integration of military tactics and military situations.

There are still some problems with his command foundation. These are problems that cannot be solved in the illusion of the military god. Only in real wars can he improve quickly, otherwise he can only grind his skills through water.

Even Yue Fei was silent when he saw it. At this time, the command was weak, and he could almost just watch the two sides fight each other.

Originally, any commander of a large army would never appear in such a face-to-face place. This is no longer brave, but stupid.

"Change!" Penelance sighed, and then directly started to shoot.

Penilance narrowed his eyes, since Yue Fei didn't have any flaws caused by his mistakes, he should open one himself.

It was precisely because of this reason that Jin Wushu fell into his hands so abruptly.

Penilance's method may be very clever, but in the hearts of the Tiefutu soldiers, Yue Fei is the god.

"Young man, let me give you the last one. Senior is still senior after all, just go back and practice!" Penilance taunted not far from Yue Fei.

"Soldier situation?" Yue Fei also sneered, and then rushed towards Penelance with his personal guards.

"It's really amazing!"

He has figured out the details of Yue Fei, he is young, cautious, and has great potential, but after all, he is not as good as him now, or he is stronger.

"But just because you are so strong, it makes more sense to directly defeat you!"

But whether it was Penelance or Yue Fei, they were already on top at this moment. Both sides completely abandoned their worries and devoted themselves to how to win.

They didn't realize the crisis was coming at all, but they were immersed in the excitement of about to start killing.

"I want to see if you can bear the pain of failure. I hope you don't just fall down like this!"

And then the violent changes in the cloud made all the Tiefutu soldiers feel the great changes in all aspects of physical fitness.

Although there are various auxiliary means, there is a law of command that will not change, that is, the closer you are to the soldiers you command, the greater your command ability will be greatly improved.

But Yue Fei has actually started to improve now, that is to say, in such a formal battle, the opponent actually came with the attitude of improving himself.

Yue Fei's outer front line arranged on both sides to block the opponent's charge collapsed immediately.

"Then I'll be the whetstone!" Penelance was startled and angry, and finally laughed back angrily.

Although the Tiefutu is still advancing continuously, it is a world-changing change from before.

If Penelance can increase the pressure on the command line a little more and push Yue Fei from the offensive to the defensive, he will find that Yue Fei will not have any problems on the defensive end.

This is also one of the reasons why Yue Fei is the commander-in-chief this time. Huangfusong may be stronger than the current Yue Fei, but Huangfusong has no room for improvement.

Penelance directly decided to slap Yue Fei with a heavy hand, and the compromise was a compromise, but there are some things that cannot be compromised.

At the same time, as the last team arrived at the position, the Han army commanded by Yue Fei had once again included Iron Buddha Tu into the system.

Even if placed in the Han Dynasty, he is a very good middle-level officer.

It's just that when defending, the Han Dynasty also seems to have a military god, which caused the opponent to be impeccable when defending, and his many offensive inducements were resolved by the opponent.

With Penelance's roar, the hundreds of command lines that were originally squeezed on both sides of the front changed instantly, and the intensity of assault and formation surged nearly twice.

"Invasion is like fire!"

He is the deputy emperor of the Roman Empire, he is Penirence, he is the pillar of Rome, how can he lose to such an opponent.

Moreover, in the process of supporting Penelance, Yue Fei's basic command is rapidly rising, and only pressure can bring a stronger forward momentum.

The Roman spearmen and Roman heavy infantry who had retreated into the central army were placed in front of the Iron Buddha almost without doing anything in this formation reversal, directly interrupting the rhythm of the Iron Buddha's charge, and the Iron Buddha. The traveling speed of the Stupa has been reduced by as much as [-]%.

"Penilance, let me teach you a trick, don't have too much confidence in your trump card before you are sure of your victory!" Yue Fei sneered and also took over the ninety-odd command lines on both sides.

However, his military dignity instantly became furious. He could compromise, but on the battlefield, he would never allow others to use himself as a stepping stone.

Although Tie Futu's light attack directly pierced into Rome's formation, it was completely different from what they thought.

In fact, Yue Fei also understood at this moment that there was still a gap between himself and Penilance, and that the defense was impeccable. It was completely the muscle memory of being beaten by Han Xinbaiqi and the others. Sometimes the order was just right without turning his head.

Helani, the commander of Tiefutu, couldn't understand why he had the upper hand, but still followed the law of war and attacked through the flaws. Not only did he not get any benefits, but he also suffered heavy losses.

Yue Fei became more and more cautious. He didn't believe that Penelance was a foolish move by his old man. He was more willing to believe that this was the price Penelance wanted to gain a more terrifying advantage.

He was able to become the commander of Tiefutu, and he was not even replaced by Yue Fei, his ability is obvious.

Who is Han Xin's biggest opponent, of course it is Xiang Yu, and Xiang Yu is playing pawn situation, Han Xin's own pawn situation is slightly worse, and his cracking ability is absolutely superb!
After all, who made Xiang Wang almost the number one soldier in the ages, and Han Xin's ultimate goal is this thing. Without King Xiang's strength, the situation of the soldiers is against Han Xin. I am afraid that one will kill one, and two will kill. One pair, all without pant.

Now Penelance is hitting exactly what he does best.

It was just that the front of the Roman army was hit by a thunderbolt in an instant, and a large part was sunken in an instant. The elite troops of the Han army followed up the Iron Buddha and began to try to penetrate the Roman army again.

Although Penilance is not a god of war, he is also the commander of a large army standing at one of the apexes of the world.

The Roman army began to move violently, and it was still undergoing deflection changes, that is, jumping from stability to change.

Although he is more willing to sacrifice the life of the Iron Buddha, but that is just willingness, and it does not mean that the Iron Buddha can be discarded at will. What's more, only by continuing to make fuss around the Iron Buddha can Penelance make further mistakes.

He would rather create a loophole by himself to increase Rome's casualties, and also wanted to seduce Yue Fei to attack proactively, but Yue Fei was completely unmoved, as if he had fully understood his calculations.

It is best if both parties consider it.

Penelance led the Angel Legion directly to the front line. The original more than 100 command lines fell to more than [-] in an instant, but the power exerted and the speed of command orders became faster.

The drastic change in the army formation directly caused Tie Futu to encounter a force several times that of his own in a very short period of time.

The commander of the Tiefutu successfully captured the fighter plane, combined with the agility of the upper cavalry and the powerful ability of the Tiefutu to charge into the formation.

So Yue Fei also naturally began to change his formation, and then tore a gap from other directions, and began to meet Tiefutu.

To make matters worse, the gap they tore open was also directly closed. They lost connection with the large army of the Han Dynasty and were completely surrounded by the Roman legion.

This is also Yue Fei's understanding of the four phenomena, the transformation of a mountain into a fire, and the transformation of a raging fire with the help of a landslide.

Because of Penilance's move, the Han Dynasty has an advantage, but it takes a lot of time, but any rash move will turn this advantage into a disadvantage.

But Penilance doesn't know this at the moment, he just wants to smash Yue Fei's dog's head.

"Even so, can you still hold your breath?" Penilance sighed helplessly as he looked at Tiefutu, who was about to rush to the Chinese army, and Yue Fei, who was still maintaining a defense as firm as Mount Tai.

The pressure we are facing directly has not decreased, but directly increased.

It's a pity that he was facing Rome led by Penny Lunsi, especially when Yue Fei took the initiative to use the Iron Buddha as bait.

If the military strategy can't overwhelm you, then I will add the military form.

"Kill!" Herani's spirit was shaken. Although he didn't know what happened just now, it was obvious that Yue Fei was trying to scoop them up.

The big rock in Penilance's political heart has fallen, and he is really a little afraid of fighting the Han Dynasty now.

And in this patient competition, he was inferior after all. If he really didn't make a move, the Iron Buddha would have pierced through the Roman army, and it would be a heavy blow to Rome's morale.

Theoretically speaking, rushing into Rome's flaws should easily penetrate the opponent like other cavalry, and then lead the army in to defeat Rome easily.

Theories are usually for other people to see, and those gods who are really at the pinnacle of the King's Landing era usually play these theories as a ball.

Even if he raised the pressure to two hundred, it would be of no avail, because Yue Fei could maintain a defense for a quarter of an hour under Han Xin's command line of three hundred.

But facing Penirance, his thoughts and thoughts are like a blank sheet of paper on which Penirance can write anything he wants.

He didn't expect Penelance's trump card to be this, but it happened that this was what he learned from Han Xin at the beginning, and it was what he was best at at the same time.

When the two sides are very different, you can also consider keeping your hand.

However, Penelance doesn't dare to be careless now. Although he feels that he is a little better than Yue Fei, it is not a hundred million points, but a point in the real sense.

If you don't take it seriously, you might be stepped on by Yue Fei as a stepping stone.

Penelance had reason to believe that if he lost to Yue Fei today, the next time the two met again, it would be Yue Fei who stepped on him and beat him.

Whatever he says today, he wants to give Yue Fei a setback and make Yue Fei depressed for a while. This kind of young opponent is really terrible.

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