Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1095: Yuan Shao's Enemies

"It's finally over!" Chen Xi smashed his head on the table in the government affairs hall.

"Zi Chuan, are you sure it's okay?" Jia Xu looked at the list that Chen Xi had relayed just now.

Everyone has a photographic memory, and there should be no problem with this kind of retelling, but the content on the list makes him a little strange.

Especially the price of jade, how could it be so low?
Chen Xi rubbed his head. He had already slipped out to fish, but he didn't expect that he would be arrested and come back to work overtime for this reason.

"No problem. Didn't you look at the price in the silk column? The needs of the two countries are always in conflict. I never thought that the people in Parthia would be so shady!"

Chen Xi would think of the uncontrollable excitement shown by the other party after he gave a double price, which made him realize in an instant that the price had been lowered.

Only later did he know that after Parthia changed hands, the price was more than ten times, and it was still priceless, and even Parthia didn't give Rome good things.

The silk brought back by the envoys from the Han Dynasty could not even meet the needs of the elders.

Silk is more expensive than clothes. After clothes are made, the speed of damage is simply appalling. Especially in Rome, who likes to wear them every day to show off, the damage will be even faster.

At the current price offered by the Han Dynasty, no matter how much it sells, Rome is willing to eat it.

Yan Liang knew that his opponent must not be using a mace. The opponent had changed his weapon and then used his strength as much as possible.

Even if he used the epee technique, the opponent still hit him numbly.

Tang Zhou smiled wryly outside the manor, he himself didn't want to wade into this muddy water.

"Here!" Yan Liang and Wen Chou answered with clasped fists, they were already prepared.

Jia Xu didn't say anything else, just left this sentence, and left.

"It's decided. Marquis Wei, Marquis Wu, and Marquis Shu each have their own missions. I'm afraid Guishuang will be difficult to settle down within ten years. We don't have any extra manpower to deal with Rome. Now that the land is in my hands, I will do the same." I don't even want to go out!" Chen Xi said flatly.

As for jade, Rome couldn't understand jade culture at all, so it simply gave a high price in their eyes, but in the eyes of the Han Dynasty, it was frighteningly low.

However, this is also the meaning of trade, exchanging what is needed can make the economy flow well.

"It's better than staying here for the rest of my life!" Yuan Shao smiled.

If it wasn't for Guo Hao's claim, he would have caused Yuan Shao's death in an accident.

"Have you already made a decision?" Jia Xu put down the list in his hand, his face became more serious.

This broken place in Central Asia will become the domain of aristocratic families, and a hundred schools of thought contend, but in the end they are all pioneers for the king.


So Yan Liangwen Chou gave up everything and ran directly to Yuan Shao's side to wait.

This is also the reason why no one attacked Yuan Shao. For the current Han family, man-made disasters are more terrifying than natural disasters. If Yuan Shao dies, even Jia Xu can't estimate the consequences, so he can only support him.

"How many puppets do you have?" One person asked indifferently.

Therefore, it is very important to provide a stage for young people to practice. This generation cannot do it, but the next generation and the next generation can always do it.

What's more, this is also to give everyone a buffer time.

After taking a deep look at Chen Xi, he walked directly towards the place where Yuan Shao was under house arrest.

But when he saw the gleam in that person's eyes, he realized that he had no choice.

But the opponent just raised the mace in his hand and took Yan Liang's attack.

Or the battle of Parthia's destruction left the countries with lingering fears. Even with the military power of Rome, it narrowly won by three points in the face of three miracles. If it weren't for Caesar's action, Rome might really overturn.

In Yuan Shao's manor under house arrest, a group of uninvited guests broke in directly.

Including the Han Dynasty, they all believe that there will be no more wars to destroy the country in a short time.

This is his catastrophe. After passing through and taking up the post, if he can't pass it, everything will come to naught.

"Wen Chou, I'll stop him, you go back!" Yan Liang took a deep breath, and the Great Xia Dragon Sparrow slashed at the opponent with a mighty force.

"I'll fight him, you can figure it out yourself!" The strong man roared, then swung his mace, and hit Yan Liang head-on and face-to-face.

But there was no way, he decided to follow Yuan Shao after all, as the host, he could only speak to comfort Ji Ling beside him at this moment.

From a certain point of view, maybe this thing is a large quantity and a good price.

This is a pit, a pit that shields the Han Dynasty and shares the pressure for Great Britain, but it is the last straw for him.

When seeing these two people, Jia Xu knew that Yuan Shao could not die.

And now there are nearly fifteen Boundary-breaking levels outside, and this is just the beginning, he doesn't even dare to think about what will happen next.

Obviously self-protection, even a bright future is in sight, but Jia Xu still made up his mind.

"Use it, we are not the only ones around here, give them a sample!" The other person sighed, there was no choice.

After all, it is a place to raise Gu, Li Shimin, Li Jiancheng, Ardashir, Temujin, Cao Ang, Cao Pi, Liu Chan, Sun Quan, Yuan Tan...

"When the time comes, let Sima Lang and Zhuge Jin take the lead and take those merchants to the commercial area over there to sit in charge. As for the army, we don't need to send them, just let Rome maintain order!" Chen Xi said casually.

Chen Xi has already seen that the war between Li Shimin and Cao Ang is just an appetizer, the real war will be in the future, between Yuan Shao and Great Britain.

What he has done is not much better than Yuan Shao's. If Yuan Shao must be killed, the Yuan family will definitely take him down with him.

The brand on him is bad enough, if you don't wade through these muddy waters, just follow the general and keep the happiness of the world.

Wen Chou swept across with a big gun in his hand and directly smashed a row of puppets. These puppets were not weak in speed and strength, but for the two generals who stood at the top of the Han Dynasty, it was not even a warm-up.

There are only so many breakthroughs in the Han Empire. Even if there are folk masters, if they add up, fifty of them will die.

They will all be nourishment for these young sovereigns.

Yan Liang felt numb in his hands. It is rare to see this kind of player who uses pure strength. He doesn't need too much skill and speed. The strong man swung a huge mace and smashed at Yan Liang's head.

And his eyes drifted to behind Yuan Shao, where stood two generals.

After Yan Liangwenchou chopped down all the puppets, a rough and strong figure broke the wall of the manor and rushed in.

Everyone is trying to solve these problems, and the most reliable way is to use generations of people to drag each other to death, while maintaining their own strength, wait for the other party's own problems to erupt.

Everyone has to share a share of the Parthian inheritance. Even if Guishuang and Great Britain didn't get any benefits, the Parthian generals are also good recruits for them.

"I understand..." After reading the letter, Jia Xu's mental strength shook slightly, and then completely destroyed the letter in his hand.

"Wen Chou, these guys are puppets, be careful!" Yan Liang roared.

"We don't send people to take care of it?" Jia Xu frowned. He didn't quite agree with Chen Xi's decision. This kind of commercial area still had to be in his hands, as long as he had enough people.

"The last general is here!" The two generals behind Yuan Shao clasped their fists in response.

If Yuan Shao can get an amnesty, so can he, which is a good thing for him.

There are many people who broke away from the Yuan family, but there are also many people who are still steadfast followers of Yuan Shao, such as Shen Pei, Guo Tu, Yan Liang, and Wen Chou.

Yuan Shao and Yuan Benchu, even today, still have considerable appeal, which Jia Xu has always been afraid of.

The current Han Dynasty is very good, and Jia Xu doesn't want Yuan Shao to escape from house arrest alive.

He turned his head to look at the two people beside him, unable to see their faces clearly, but Tang Zhou knew that these two people were forced to be involved in this turmoil just like him.

"Fuck off, let the notification go on, inform the young people in place, Parthia is the battlefield for them, let's all show their talents, if the upper limit is double talent, they should also try it!"

"He Fang Xiaoxiao!" Yan Liang yelled, and slashed down with the big knife in his hand, beheading several uninvited guests with a ray of light.

"Three hundred!" Tang Zhou's face was as usual. They were all covered with the effect of will distortion. Whoever asked the gods to apply it, even if they were gods, they would never be able to see through it.

The uninvited guest didn't answer, but rushed to the house behind Yan Liang.

This is also the reason why Yuan Shao has not died so far.

"Dawdling, get the hell out of here!"

"This is the letter of appointment. One month at the latest, come to the government affairs office to report."

And not only young people from the Han Dynasty and Parthia, Rome, Great Britain, and Guishuang will send corresponding young people to fight.

Chen Xi was a little surprised, but still took out a letter from the cushion under the ground and handed it to Jia Xu. It was written to Jia Xu after Guo Hao discussed with him about Yuan Shao, and it was always under Chen Xi's ass.

There was an unnatural smile on Zhang Xi's face. The pressure was indeed too great. Yan Liangwen's ugliness was in the light, and they were in the dark, but now there are too many perceived enemies.

"How many people are here today?"

For Guishuang and Great Britain, this is a natural target for recruitment, because both Rome and the Han Dynasty are enemies to Parthia.

"Crack!" Yan Liang swept the big summer sparrow in his hand and slashed at the opponent's body before he realized something was wrong.

A lot of things didn't happen until they were revealed.

"It's okay, make some concessions, and Yuan Benchu ​​and the others will see that there will be no problems!" Chen Xi waved his hand.

After Rome absorbed the nutrition of Parthia, Great Britain became the best hunting target, and Yuan Shao, who was on the land of Parthia, became a thorn in his side.

"Relax, they can't use their full strength, there is still a chance!"

Yan Liang, who could directly open mountains and crack rocks with a full blow, could only leave a gap on the ground with the light of the knife at this moment.

As for Yan Liang's counterattack, he relied entirely on the huge mace to block it. He did not compete with Yan Liang in skills at all, but only in strength with Yan Liang.

"Hehehe, I'm really looking forward to it!" Chen Xi looked into the distance.

"My safety is entrusted to you!" Yuan Shao said calmly, he knew that by tomorrow night at the latest, many people would come to kill him, no matter what the purpose was, they would all come to kill him.

"Hehehe, one month? I want to see who can kill me!" Yuan Shao sneered and looked at Jia Xu's leaving back.

"Tsk, people say that Jia Wenhe only wants to protect himself, but now it can be seen that it is a fallacy!" Guo Jia approached Chen Xi with a playful smile and said.

"Yan Liang, Wen Chou!" Yuan Shao called softly.

"Yuan Benchu, you should know what you're going to face. Now let me ask you a question, are you willing?" Jia Xu looked at Yuan Shao in front of him, and asked this sentence flatly.

The Parthian generals who have gone through the decisive battle, in any country, are the generals of the middle and upper classes, or the generals who are not powerful enough cannot survive to the present.

"..." Jia Xu was silent, he wanted to object, but he had no right to object, or he had no position to object.

For the Four Empires, there is nothing more telling than a win or loss between young people.

"I understand what he means, I will stick to it before Guishuang falls!" Yuan Shao sighed.

There were as many as fifteen boundary-breaking auras nearby, and he didn't dare to think where these people came from.

"I don't agree!" Jia Xu shook his head, as Guo Hao's first adviser, he has the qualifications.

"I hate guys who are born with supernatural power!" Yan Liang resisted the strong man's attack speechlessly.

Chen Xi pushed Guo Jia away, and said to the official in charge of recording.

Yuan Shao in this world is not stupid, he is still a pillar of the sky in everyone's eyes.

Yuan Shao's unstable factors have always been deeply scrupled by Jia Xu.

Ji Ling in the manor was sweating profusely on his forehead. Yuan Shu sent him to rescue Yuan Shao, but now he felt that let alone saving Yuan Shao today, he might die here too.

Instead of letting Rome or other people occupy it, they would rather give that place to Yuan Shao. After all, Yuan Shao is also a courtier of the Han Dynasty. Although he has wolf ambitions, the slogan he shouted at the beginning was also on the side of the Qing Dynasty.

After Xu You handed over the fragments of Heshu Luotu to Chen Xi, he approached Yan Liangwenchou and explained everything to them.

It is night now, and although the cloud array in Luoyang City has not been fully opened, it still has a strong suppressive force for these generals.

That night!

Twenty rounds have passed, and the strong man is still waving the mace, and there is no sign of decay at all. It seems that he is determined to smash Yan Liang into the ground.

Yan Liang wanted to kill the opponent directly, but his attention was attracted by the outside. It was easy to kill a strong man, but the blank period after the outbreak might lead to accidents.

So he would rather be smashed himself than wait for the next development of the situation.

On the outer wall, several figures appeared one after another.

"There is an enchantment in the room, let's stop them, you guys find a way to break it!" After talking, several figures fell directly into the inner courtyard, and went directly to Ji Ling, Wen Chou, and Zhang He.

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