Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1101 Female Soldiers

In fact, Chen Xi is also helpless. In his opinion, money can be earned, and if people are gone, they are really gone.

If it weren't for the perversions of super elites, Chen Xi would have replaced all arms with shield guards, and directly killed the opponent with krypton gold ocean.

This is a trap, either the opponent will be dragged into the economic competition by him, or the opponent will develop in terms of power shock and penetration.

In the former, he is confident that he can directly destroy the opponent, while in the latter, they only need to form a bunch of legions targeting strength-type arms, and they can counter it.

Ruishi is good, killing all kinds of troops with one sword, and you can't even touch the opposite side.

At least from the perspective of the Parthia, Guishuang, and Roman legions, they currently do not have the ability to temporarily change talents on a large scale.

Shaking your head, get those thoughts out of your head.

Chen Xi also understands that shield guards are at best used as a basic unit. The shield guards converted from veterans of the infantry battalion back then were all relatively weak in the Imperial Guard, not to mention miracles.

Theoretically, the talent of self-adaptation can allow shield guards to reach a level of omnipotence and invincibility in life-and-death combat.

It's not the self-adaptation included in the decathlon like wolf riding, but the specialization of self-adaptation, which works better and faster.

"If I remember correctly, the original plan should be to replace Han Shizhong in the northern line of defense with Xu Rong?"

"Lu Bu?" "Wrong!"

The panic just now was to deceive Jia Xu and Guo Jia, obviously he succeeded.

"No, without him, after all, there is a fundamental conflict with Yuan Shao, and he should go to the northern border. The undead empire will not harass us, and we will give them a little trouble instead!"

"Who the hell is it?" Guo Jia covered his head. He tried to cooperate with Jia Xu to push him just now, but he didn't succeed. Now he is in a daze.

"Here!" Jiao shouted echoed in the school grounds.

However, Jia Xu deduced some of the most likely existences, and then began to gamble on luck.

Moreover, the lineup is very luxurious, and Chen Xi is also looking forward to it. Although he knows that many of them are just for fun, the resulting network may really allow them to do something.

"Okay, I'll take a step first! I still have to talk to them!" Chen Xi ran out of the government affairs hall, and then ran back towards his home.

"There are six more people, I can't guess it, so don't blame me!" Chen Xi smiled sinisterly, the scope was too wide, and there were many accidents, so that when he saw the list, he thought it was ridiculous, and he didn't believe Jia Xu. He and Guo Jia can guess in this out-of-the-box situation.

But theory is just theory after all, and it's still a question of cost performance. The growth cycle of such a legion is too long, and there is basically no way to expect extravagance after dual talents.

It was no secret that Luo Cheng wanted to go out to the battlefield. Everyone knew that those people were the ones who intercepted and killed Yuan Shao, but everyone tacitly let this matter go.

"Luo Cheng?"


Chen Xi nodded. He didn't mean that at first, but when the three of them approached him, he realized that he was wrong.

What's more, the three of them didn't come up with a temporary idea, but they started it with Dong Bai's leadership, and the participation of She Taijun, Wu Zhao, Lu Qiling, Ma Yunlu Bridge, Sun Shangxiang and others.

It is the same as in the technological society, where women can participate in more work. In this world of internal energy, there are also a large number of talented women among women.

And Chen Xi can, and the success rate is 90.00%. As long as he wants to, he can train a million shield guards at any time.

"I, Qin Liangyu, will be the commander, and Hua Mulan and Mu Guiying will be the deputy commanders. We will fight each other and let the world know that a woman will never give up to a man!"

He had no reason to stop these people, so he agreed to the application of the three, and allocated a sum of money to them by the way.

"There are two more..." Jia Xu pondered for a moment.

Xu Rong and Ju Yi are also older than him. If these two choose to make progress, it is impossible to stop them with the character of a general.

"Zhao Yun?" "Wrong!"

Just like yin and yang Tai Chi, there is yin in yang, and yang in yin.

If there is no logic, if you want to find six more, then you are really looking for a needle in a haystack.

On the whole, they should be heading in the direction of optimization. How could Chen Xi make such a decision.

It's just that there are some things that need to be disciplined, such as changing the defense zone, it is for future consideration.

Skills, smelting, and willpower are all troublesome.

Even if you let Han Xin, Huo Qubing, and Bai Qi get started, you can't turn the militiamen into double talents without fighting.

He can feel at ease to catch fish and show off!

"Xu Rong!" Jia Xu squinted his eyes, and then decided to take a gamble. Although his talent can analyze and deduce things beyond the limit, the analysis and deduction must also be based on a certain foundation.

"Intellect doesn't match people's hearts!" Chen Xi also sighed, and spread his hands, "The mess thrown back by the general is the same as Ju Yi!"

As long as it proves that a woman can hold up half the sky, she can also become a monarch in the future, and Liu Ying is the goal she yearns for.

They formed an association and recruited many talented female fighters.

Such things as stratagems are three-point days destined to depend on hard work.

It's just that at this stage, due to the turmoil of domestic population loss, Chen Xi is unwilling to overdraw so many people in advance.

Qin Liangyu stared intently at the female soldiers off the court. She knew that it would be very difficult to train these female soldiers, and the delicate thought meant that the integration would be more difficult, but she was willing to try it.

Of course, Chen Xi didn't think that being expensive was the shortcoming of the shield guard, it was the strength in Chen Xi's eyes.

"Zhang Xiu, Wen Yang!"

"Tang Zhou?" After being backlashed, Guo Jia seemed to be a little confused. When Luo Cheng was denied, he brought up another name who had a grudge against Yuan Shao.

After all, the innate gap between women and men is not as big as other gaps in this world, and maybe they can really make a difference.

All the female soldiers in the audience had internal energy, and those who were able to make it this far were all recognized by Qin Liangyu and others.

"Although Parthia has perished and Congling has lost the characteristics of a frontier base, Huangfusong and the others are already saturated enough. Xu Rong can obviously play a greater role in other places!"

"Well, at a certain level of consideration, the shackles on women need to be liberated."

"Sisters, from today onwards, we are members of the Women's Battalion, let's play together!" Qin Liangyu stood on the stage and yelled at Fang Qiu.

It was also here that Chen Xi discovered that he still had rigid thinking all along.

The Golden Armored Warrior Legion is still in Beigui, so how could Tang Zhou, the obvious commander, go to other places.

In the past, he was only willing to include women in the bureaucracy system, because female officials did many things better, such as urban greening layout and so on.

Jia Xu frowned, Zhang Xiu was his oversight, but who is Wen Yang?

"Dianwei?" "Wrong!"


Guo Jia also frowned and said that this unreasonable arrangement made him and Jia Xu feel very uncomfortable.

In this regard, they are very confident. In this era, the Sanxing of the Han Dynasty has already planted some deep-rooted things in people's hearts, especially when the overall era is improving, there will be absolutely no rebellion.

Just like Lu Qiling, they all have extraordinary talents in cultivation.

This is his fault, he overestimated Chen Xi's lower limit too much.

Lu Qiling from the audience looked enviously at Qin Liangyu on the stage.

Some openings cannot be opened indiscriminately.

"Why did he go?" Jia Xu frowned. Although he guessed it himself, he couldn't accept it. He would rather guess wrong.

However, until all the documents on Chen Xi's desk disappeared, they did not guess the names of the remaining two.

"Zhang Xiu felt that following Li Que and the others didn't make much progress, and he planned to lead the other troops out of his own way. Li Ru also supported him, but he was not considered a younger generation, so he simply put it on Yuan Shao's side. !" Chen Xi clapped his fingers and explained.

The corner of Chen Xi's mouth twitched slightly, as if he wanted to shatter the list in his hand and start playing tricks, but he finally held back, he still has a chance to come back!
"The three of them? Do you want to form a Detachment of Women?" Jia Xu saw something deeper. These three can be said to be representatives of the Detachment of Women.

"As for Wenyang, this has nothing to do with me. It was picked up by the general on the road. I heard that it is a breakthrough. The force is very good!"

Although most of the female officers skipped their tickets and only worked for one to two years, the effect was still very good.

When everything on Chen Xi's desk was cleared, the two of them still had no clue. It's not like they didn't suspect the younger generation.

Some men are not suitable for the battlefield, and some women are also suitable for the battlefield.

Among all the women I have come into contact with so far, she is the only one who has this kind of qualification, so when Lu Qiling and Ma Yunlu approached her, she agreed without hesitation.

What they really didn't adapt to was Han Shizhong. Even Zhuge Liang and the others needed to rotate due to political considerations. As a result, Han Shizhong was able to firmly hold the command position of the northern defense line. This needs an explanation.

To be honest, she also wanted to be the commander-in-chief of this legion, but the child was too young, so she could only give up this idea and turn to logistics with Ma Yunlu.

After getting the shield guard, Chen Xi can also proudly say that he is also a big boss who can stably rub dual talents.

However, it generally takes at least ten years of training to go from a single talent to the Imperial Guard. Even with various supports, it can only shorten the journey to double talent. Getting to the Imperial Guard is not just a matter of quality.

Those who can be put on the list by Chen Xi must have their own merits. Since Wen Yang has no memory, he must be from the younger generation. Obviously, he is not a simple person.

Chen Xi smiled, and put the stack of documents back on Jia Xu's desktop.

Jia Xu froze for a moment, then nodded, if this is the case, it makes sense.

Chen Xi also wanted to see if the female soldiers could play a more powerful role.

"Wrong, he still went back to Beigui. When he came back, he just reported the problem to the Taoists, but he was arrested." Chen Xi shook his head.

In particular, Chen Xi's expression has already shown that these people are all accidental products.

Being able to pass the training without fighting and rubbing double talents is indeed the level of a big boss.

There are countless generals in the Han Dynasty who have achieved internal qi separation. Even if he wants to fish some people out of this vast sea, it is extremely difficult.

Chen Xi smiled treacherously, he was waiting here, Wen Yang was killed halfway, it was impossible for Jia Xu and the others to know.

"There's him!" Chen Xi raised his eyebrows, wondering if he was playing off?

But most of them went to the Youth Bureau. Those who went to Yuan Shao were usually middle-aged and elderly. After trying names like Cao Ang and Jiang Wei, they turned to idle generals like Cheng Yaojin.

But it's a pity that his identity was a bit weak after all. When Dong Bai brought Lu Qiling to the door, she knew that she had no choice but to blend in.

talk?What the hell, they didn't set off until the general came back anyway, so it's good to leave this kind of thing to Guo Hao.

Wu Zhao looked at Qin Liangyu with complicated eyes. She originally wanted to use the strength of the Wu family to gather a group of generals who were also female and start to establish a place in Central Asia.

Of course, they don't believe that these people can support themselves, even if they are willing, the soldiers under them will never follow Han Shizhong.

"Ahem, cough, it seems that I guessed it right!" Guo Jia coughed twice, and put the three stacks of documents on the table in the field.

Both Chen Xi and Jia Xu's face twitched, Guo Jia actually activated his ability in this kind of place, it must be too hard to catch fish.

Rational irrationality is mostly due to emotional choices.

Even with the protection of the will of the empire, they are sure that Guo Jia will definitely not feel well at the moment.

However, although the initial plan was aborted, she still has a follow-up plan. Before that, she must help the Women's Camp achieve real results.

"Always feel fooled?" Guo Jia touched the documents on the table, feeling his head hurt even more.

"If that's the case, there's really nothing you can do!" Jia Xu said as he threw a stack of documents into the arena.

"Mu Guiying, Qin Liangyu, Hua Mulan!" Guo Jia said three people together.

And Luo Cheng, who has the most obvious performance, is obviously very suitable to be released.

Looking at the extra workload in front of him, Jia Xu's mouth twitched, and Chen Xi got caught in it, which was a big loss.

Jia Xu didn't speak, and silently opened a document, and was blinded by geese after hunting geese all day long.

It is precisely because Liu Ying supervises the country that they can be active in various fields.

As she spoke, she turned her eyes to Alleria, an elf officer exiled from another continent, and it was the addition of this elf officer that allowed them to further arm their combat power.

Although magic is not as powerful as a counselor, it is still a very useful power.

Wu Zhao felt the source of the magic in his body, which had the same root as the inner energy, but the direction of the magic was closer to the existence of immortals.

The most important thing is that it can be used under the cloud, although the power will be weakened, but there are always some extra means.

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