Chapter 302
"I'm hungry!"

When he said Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived, and Li Yuanba, who caused Yang Lin a headache, appeared in front of him and repeated what Yang Lin had heard countless times.

"You're hungry, go to the kitchen to eat!" Yang Lin was very helpless. From a certain point of view, Li Yuanba couldn't be provoked.

In addition, from a practical point of view, he can't beat Li Yuanba, an eight-year-old kid can beat Yuwen Chengdu, and it is estimated that even Yuwen Chengdu will be hanged and beaten in a few years.

Li Yuanba is really unreasonable, besides Lu Bu, Li Yuanba is the second incomprehensible person Yang Lin has ever met.

The last time Li Yuanba fought Yuwen Chengdu, halfway through the fight Li Yuanba slipped away when he was hungry, otherwise Yuwen Chengdu might not be able to beat Li Yuanba.


Yang Lin was even worse. Doesn't this mean that he has to retreat today? He brought food for three days in order to surprise the army, but you, Li Yuanba, ran out in one day.

"Personal guard! Personal guard! Take out the meal I prepared for him!"

But fortunately, the Nanhua Shanren left behind a Sumeru ring, which can hold many meals made by rare and exotic animals, and it can still satisfy Li Yuanba at critical moments.

After all, meals made from the meat of powerful beasts are often more filling than ordinary food.

"You are a good man!" Li Yuanba praised vaguely.

Seeing Li Yuanba gobbling it up, Yang Lin couldn't be happy at all. The contents of the Sumeru ring were basically gone, and he didn't know how to satisfy this big appetite next time.

"Someone is coming! Can you help me beat them?"

At this moment, Li Yuanba was like an angel in Yang Lin's eyes. The reason why he couldn't defeat Wagang before was because the people at Wagang could always hold up the generals under him, so that Xu Maogong could concentrate on commanding.

Now if Li Yuanba can make a move, Wagang will not have enough manpower, and even if Xu Maogong is stronger than him, it will not help.

It's not that he hadn't thought about this before, but he wasn't sure of Li Yuanba's purpose in coming to the barracks, who knew whether Li Yuanba was considered an army supervisor or not.

What's more, Li Yuanba used to come to him for only one thing, and that was to eat.

The last time Yuwen Chengdu forced Li Yuanba to stay, the two had a big fight. If Li Yuanba hadn't voluntarily backed down when he was hungry, something might have happened.

As for Qin Qiong?The value of being an undercover agent lies in persuading him to surrender. If Qin Qiong were to turn his back on him, no one would be able to stay in Wagangzhai, or he would add a few more enemies in the future.

From the very beginning, Yang Lin didn't expect to make Qin Qiong turn against him. He still wanted to maximize the profit. He would not use Qin Qiong's lore move unless it was a last resort.

On the other side, Luo Cheng and Xiong Kuo Hai fought inextricably in front of the two armies.

A cold-faced cold gun, a purple-faced king, generally speaking, they are all people of the same level of strength.

Among the eighteen heroes of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the first is the same grade, the second and the third are the same grade, and the latter are basically the same grade.

Even if there is a difference in strength, the gap will not be as obvious as across levels, and there will be no problem with dozens of moves and hundreds of moves between each other.

Especially for the fourth to ninth grades, strictly speaking, the gap is not very big.

Even Xiong Kuo Hai was faintly restrained by Luo Cheng. The two sides fought inextricably, and the soldiers on both sides saw their blood boiling.

"Found you, chop suey!"

A roar rang out, accompanied by a mighty divine power. The angry voice caused the two people who were fighting to separate quickly, and they all felt that the horror was coming.

The huge momentum made the originally enthusiastic soldiers feel the heaviness from the heart.

While roaring, Lu Bu suddenly appeared with Fang Tian's painting halberd in his hand, and directly knocked Luo Cheng into the air with a powerful sweep.

Luo Cheng hastily resisted but couldn't resist at all. He disappeared from sight at ten times the speed of sound.

"There are still you trash, get out and die!"

A few huge Fang Tian painted halberds fell from the sky, and precisely aimed at the four people watching the battle underground.

The terrifying power made all the generals who saw this scene silent. A top-notch master of internal qi separation has never made a move in Lu Bu's hands. This gap in strength is too terrifying.

Even Lu Bu still had the strength to launch an attack on the other four internal qi separation bodies.

Yu Wencheng was dumbfounded. He thought that his strength after practicing hard could shorten the gap between the two, but he didn't expect the gap to become wider and wider.

He could defeat Luo Cheng, but he definitely couldn't do it so easily and comfortably.


Luo Yi was about to go crazy. He was supposed to sharpen his own children, but why did such a terrifying guy come out all of a sudden.

"you wanna die!"

The space in front of Lu Bu suddenly distorted, a gun shining with silver light pierced the space, and Luo Yi, who was shining with beams of light, threw the gun at Lu Bu with hatred on his face.

"It's up to you!" Lu Bu sneered, what is an old man pretending to do by relying on secret methods to break through the boundary.

"Then let's try it." After finishing speaking, Luo Yi shot out suddenly, and the silver gun stabbed at Lu Bu with endless killing intent. Just looking at the twisted space of the gun head, one could tell how powerful Luo Yi's moves were.

"That's it?" Lu Bu appeared beside Luo Yi at a faster speed, and Fang Tian drew a halberd like playing table tennis, directly hitting Luo Yi into Gao Tian.

"The rest of the people will be left to you to deal with." After leaving a sentence, a golden-red light and shadow was drawn in the air, and it went straight into the sky.

"Not good! I'll help the old man!" Seeing this scene, Pei Yuanqing immediately entered the boundary-breaking state and chased towards the sky.

"I'm sorry, this road is blocked!" Zhang Fei stopped Pei Yuanqing with a grinning grin, and no one around him competed with Zhang Fei.

There is no other reason, only because Pei Yuanqing is too young, only 30 years old, all generals who have reached the breaking point are not [-] years old, and they are not just bullying the small when they do it.

But Zhang Fei is different. Although Zhang Fei is tall and thick, and there is no sense of disobedience among a group of middle-aged people, but I have to say that Zhang Fei is only in his early twenties now.

"Boom!" With a heavy blow, Pei Yuanqing realized that the black man in front of him was definitely not a simple opponent.

"Tsk tsk tsk, boy, you have great strength!" Zhang Fei was amazed, except for Dian Wei and Xu Chu, he had never seen that person's strength so tyrannical.

Guan Yu approached Qin Qiong, and Yan Liang approached Shan Xiongxin, both of them wanted to express their anger for their children with their own hands.

As for the truth?What nonsense, big fists are the last word.

Cheng Yaojin looked at Wen Chou and Zhou Tai, a group of military generals who approached with malicious intentions, and his courage was about to shatter, so he took the lead.

Xu Maogong didn't dare to delay, so he hurriedly commanded Yu Chigong, Ding Yanping, Zuo Tiancheng, Lai Huer and other remaining Wagang generals to raise their clouds and refuse to continue fighting.

He didn't know the strength of these people on the opposite side, but there was another Yu Wencheng on the opposite side who didn't make a move.

(End of this chapter)

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