Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 306 The Terrible Daughter Slave

Chapter 306 The Terrible Daughter Slave

"What? What did you say?" Guo Hao, who was in an unknown location, was shocked when he received the news.

To be honest, when he received the news, Guo Hao collapsed incomparably, as if he had died.

Who can tell him why Lu Bu and others appeared in Yuzhou?At that time, they were seriously considering the distance and the inconvenience of Lu Bu and others, so they didn't mobilize Lu Bu and others.

As a result, after you told me that there are god horses, these guys are as fast as rockets, and it doesn't take long to cross the entire big man plate. Isn't this shocking.

Doesn't this mean that as long as the troops are in place and a bridgehead with sufficient supplies is built in the Western Region, they can completely launch attacks on other surrounding empires.

This kind of more than a dozen internal qi separation bodies, several boundary breakers all arrived at the same place to start destruction is too terrifying. Doesn't this mean that they can completely make a certain legion's strength far exceed several times, it is too much Desperate.

Think about it, forty or fifty internal qi fragments were suddenly killed out of one imperial guard, how can this be beaten.

But Guo Hao just thought about it, how could it be possible to transfer all the generals to one place, if he really did this, he might be beaten up by guerrilla methods.

Besides, on a large-scale battlefield, it is useless to sprinkle dozens of internal energy separation bodies, but it is worth seeing dozens of broken boundaries.

However, the speed of these generals can greatly increase the speed of building bridgeheads in the Western Regions. To build a base that can support a war, it is impossible to station without enough generals.

The countries in the Western Regions, like the Hu people, are fearful of power but not virtuous. Before they have been completely civilized, it is necessary to have absolute force to suppress the local area.

Moreover, a national road leading directly to the Western Regions is also indispensable. The reason why Yao Chong, a capable minister, has been nailed to Beiliang City is to open a direct national road from Beiliang City to the Western Regions as soon as possible.

It is too slow to rely solely on the Western Region's own construction. Only the continuous transportation of materials from the Central Plains can help the bridgehead enter a state of self-sufficiency as soon as possible.

It can be said that after clearing the domestic rebels, the next step is to focus on the development of the Western Regions and the East China Sea. The development of these two places will even determine the future direction of the Han Empire.

"Forget it, since Zichuan needs to end the war as soon as possible, then this battle should also come to an end." Guo Hao thought for a while, and finally sighed helplessly.

In fact, the reason why he didn't mobilize the troops on the frontier was not because of the Huren and Qiang people, but because he planned to train more soldiers. The upcoming battle of the empire was too short of troops.

According to the information they have and what Jiang Wei has seen and heard on the Roman Resting Field, if you want to avoid being mowed, you must at least have dual talents. However, the combined strength of the Han Empire is only about 100 million. The proportion is less than one-half.

If you don't take advantage of the chaos to train your troops, the price of training troops on the empire's battlefield is simply not too high.

"Send an order to the idle generals in various places, rush to Qingzhou and Yuzhou battlefields, and end the war within a month!" Guo Hao reluctantly gave the order to the dragon team from the forum, and let the players in each region convey it on their behalf.

It's a pity that Chen Xi's spiritual talent can't bear it anymore. If Chen Xi is allowed to hibernate at this juncture, it will be fatal. It's better to end the battle as soon as possible and use meritorious deeds to forge Jiuding. Many details still have to be controlled by Chen Xi .

In fact, with the participation of players, the economic construction of various countries has been greatly improved. Even if it is a little out of date, there is no problem in the general direction. It is entirely possible to add a few capable ministers to tinker Instead of Chen Xi's plan.

But the ideal is full, the reality is skinny, there is a big gap between Chen Xi's handling and Chen Xi's not handling.

All regions began to build private temples for Chen Xi. Although the images were different, some were dragons, some were foxes, and some were just a portrait made of stones, whose face could not be seen clearly, but worshipers were still very devout everywhere.

It is because of worshiping Chen Xi that the weather will be smooth and the weather will be smooth, and the farmer will have a good harvest, the livestock will prosper, and the children and grandchildren will be full.

According to the control group experiment of some players, the development of the county government that agrees with Chen Xi will be several times higher than that of the county government that does not agree with Chen Xi, covering almost all aspects of life.

In places covered by Chen Xi's spiritual talent, the survival rate of livestock and the degree of crop harvest are several times higher than in normal places.

The livestock that were also allocated from Luoyang, where Chen Xi's spiritual talent covered, may give birth to several animals in one litter and all of them are in good health. In other places, there is a [-]% to [-]% chance of premature death, which is simply magical.

What's even more exaggerated is that Cookie has been researching for a long time, and the yield per mu has increased by two stones. When the same method is used in two places to conduct experiments, the place covered by Chen Xi will increase the yield by two stones per mu out of thin air.

Chen Xi can be called the real version of the land god and dragon king. He has squatted in various temples, and his ranking in the temples has been increasing. It is estimated that in more than ten years, he will be able to directly kill the major temples. Take the lead by yourself.

"What the hell is this place!" Guo Hao had a headache, and he planned to go to Qingzhou.

Huang Chao's army retreated in a row under the attack of Lu Zhi and Zhu Jun. There was no decent resistance at all. It was estimated that they would be wiped out in half a month, so he directly planned to go to Qingzhou. awesome.

Even if Huangfusong arrived with an army, he failed to take down Liangshan, forcibly turning Liangshan into a place for players to practice leveling.

He originally ran to help, but got lost on the way. He didn't even know where he was. In desperation, he had no choice but to head east. As long as he went north along the sea, he would definitely reach Qingzhou.


Lu Bu, who was above the sky, had finally had enough of playing. The reason why he kept fighting back passively was because he saw a brand new style of fighting from Luo Yi, a fighting style that focused on skills and supplemented by internal energy.

This is of no use to him, he has already embarked on the path of overcoming all dharmas, how could he turn around and learn Luo Yi's skills.

He was thinking about Lu Lingqi, and Luo Yi's skills gave him the hope of helping Lu Lingqi on the road to becoming a strong man.

As a daughter slave, Lu Lingqi would think of a way to get the stars in the sky, but it was too difficult for Lu Lingqi to become a strong one.

The road opened up by Lu Bu before has already reached its limit, that is, the skill-type inner qi separation. This is driven by his ability to break through the boundary. The upper limit of Lu Lingqi's walking on this road has been locked. It's just a body with internal qi, which has always been the most worrying problem for Lu Bu.

But now he sees a new hope from Luo Yi, a hope that can make up for his daughter's congenital deficiencies, and is expected to break through the boundaries.

People are compared to others, and people are pissed off. Hua Xiong's realm, which has been hard to find for decades, is like a toy in Lu Bu's hands. If you want to arrange it for Lu Lingqi, you can arrange it for Lu Lingqi.

If it weren't for Lu Bu's awareness of his own strength, knowing that Lu Lingqi's wish to be number one in the world is doomed to be false, maybe Lu Bu could do something.

 Five chapters owed last month (1/5)

(End of this chapter)

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