Chapter 308
"Ray... Ray! Ray! Ray!"

On the silent battlefield, a crazy voice suddenly sounded.

"Yuanba, are you okay!" Yang Lin looked at Li Yuanba who suddenly went mad, and wanted to reach out to comfort him.

Li Yuanba completely ignored Yang Lin's staring at the sky. Yang Lin's hand just rested on Li Yuanba's shoulder. It flew out and rolled all the way on the ground before stopping.

"Cough, cough, cough!" Yang Lin lay on the ground with cold sweat on his forehead. He was only slightly injured. After all, Li Yuanba just instinctively waved his hand.

"Hurry up, hurry up, Chengdu, stop him!" Seeing Li Yuanba's increasingly ferocious face, Yang Lin panicked, why did this ancestor get stimulated.

"Marshal Yang, are you okay?" Zhao Yun helped Yang Lin up and looked at Li Yuanba, "Why is this guy by your side?"

"The general's direct descendant has the sun token of the general, but I don't know who it is." Yang Lin explained in a panic, he felt that Li Yuanba was going to be a moth.

"Marshal Yang, don't panic. This is the third son of the Li family in Luoyang. I captured him in Luoyang at that time. Although he was born with supernatural power, his internal energy is not high enough, so nothing will happen." Zhao Yun explained with a smile.

At the beginning, he was transferred back to Luoyang to hunt down the hidden beasts, but he did not expect to find out that it was actually Li Xuanba from the backyard of the Li family who made the noise.

"Roar!" With a roar, a beam of light shot up from Li Yuanba's body, and under extreme anger and fear, Li Yuanba escaped into the breaking realm.

"Hammer, hammer, hammer!" Li Yuanba, who was talking about hammer, rampaged in the camp, and Zhou Tai, who was blocking the way empty-handed, was punched flying.

"Don't hurt him, he belongs to the general, he's only eight years old!" Yang Lin shouted anxiously, this is a living ancestor, don't let anything happen to him on his territory.

Yu Wencheng originally took out the phoenix-winged gold-plated boring, but after hearing Yang Lin's call, he hesitated for a while, and put down his weapon.

It's really hard to take down Li Yuanba without a weapon, but Yang Lin's words really made him worry a lot. After all, he is a guilty body, and he shouldn't use a weapon to deal with a child due to emotion and reason.

Zhou Tai got up from the ground, the wound was healed, but the feeling of huge force penetrating through the body was still there, looking at Li Yuanba who was so powerful, he was a little surprised, "This tm is eight years old"

The youngest record for breaking the boundary, which had just been broken by Pei Yuanqing, was directly broken by Li Yuanba. Breaking the boundary at the age of eight made the generals feel magical.

They all know that the so-called beam of light is actually the oppression of heaven and earth on a person, so most people cannot maintain a normal state of breaking the boundary, even after breaking the boundary, they cannot last for too long, and fighting against the oppression of heaven and earth will consume too much energy. much power.

That's why Dian Wei defines himself as half-broken. The reason is because they can't maintain a broken state for a long time. The so-called broken state is actually an explosive state.

The reason why Lu Bu is tyrannical is that he really breaks the boundary. Unlike them who will be suppressed by heaven and earth, Lu Bu directly shatters the suppression of heaven and earth with his own unlimited power, so heaven also acquiesced in Lu Bu's superior strength, Lu Bu is no longer suppressed.

So the normalized Lu Bu and the others can still fight, but once Lu Bu starts to explode, they can only run as far as they can. Without a large army, no one will want to fight Lu Bu head-on.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Zhang Jiao. If he hadn't smashed a chain of Heaven's Dao from the inside, Tiandao would not be helpless against Lu Bu. After all, Tiandao's main defensive force is still outside, even if the internal test is adjusted. There is nothing Lu Bu can do about strength suppression.

Now that this beam of light appeared on Li Yuanba's body, it was also proof that he had entered the breaking realm.

Li Yuanba didn't care about them, and when they were in a daze, he rushed towards the battlefield between Zhang Fei and Pei Yuanqing.

Yuwen Chengdu hesitated for a while and chose to block the way. After all, Zhang Fei and Pei Yuanqing were masters who could not lose to him. Li Yuanba, who was insane, rushed in, and he might not come out alive.

"Pfft~" Yu Wencheng spat out a mouthful of blood.

One punch, just one punch, Yu Wencheng directly broke the defense and was injured.

Li Yuanba, who entered the boundary-breaking state, became even more confused, but his strength went up to a higher level, and Yu Wencheng was horrified to find that Li Yuanba's internal energy had also climbed to a terrifying level at some point.

"This is impossible!" Yu Wencheng couldn't believe it. He also cultivated the same path as Li Yuanba, but he was crushed by Li Yuanba.

But facts are facts, and it is an iron fact that Li Yuanba can injure him with one punch.

At this moment, Yu Wencheng's heart was broken. He couldn't imagine that an eight-year-old kid had surpassed him.

"Whose family's child actually broke the boundary, is he planning to intervene in my battle?" Zhang Fei frowned and looked at Li Yuanba who was rampaging towards them.

"What a disappointment!" Looking at Li Yuanba's ferocious face, Zhang Fei knew that this was probably an accident.

"Hey, boy, someone has interfered. I'll fight you next time." Zhang Fei hesitated for a while and chose to stop the fight. After all, he came out of his own camp. If he was interfered, he would lose face.

In this life, he didn't want to bully the few with more than he had teamed up with others to beat Lu Bu.

In fact, this is also the reason why he hated Lu Bu so much. He was worried about the fact that a group of people joined forces to beat Lu Bu, and he always wanted to find a chance to prove that he could beat Lu Bu to death to wash away this shame.

"Hum..." Pei Yuanqing snorted coldly, but he didn't continue to fight. After all, although he was conceited, he also knew that it was not a good thing to fight two. What's more, the black charcoal head in front of him was almost fifty-fifty with him, so he didn't dare to take it too seriously.

"Aha, boy, it looks like he's here to look for you!" Zhang Fei just pulled away from the ground when he saw Li Yuanba pass by him without looking back, and rushed straight to Pei Yuanqing.

Pei Yuanqing frowned, he didn't remember seeing Li Yuanba, and he didn't know why Li Yuanba rushed towards him directly.

"Hammer, give me the hammer!" Li Yuanba looked ferocious, as if he and Pei Yuanqing had a sworn feud.

"Hmph, I want a hammer, here it is!" Pei Yuanqing's face darkened, the mad dog he brought here actually wanted his own weapon.

Pei Yuanqing swung the hammer, and directly smashed it at Li Yuanba with a flying hammer. With the sound of wind and thunder, the hammer directly lifted a large area of ​​land.

I thought Li Yuanba, who had a ferocious expression, would take it hard, but unexpectedly, Li Yuanba avoided the front of the hammer very flexibly, and even held his hammer with his backhand.

Pei Yuanqing clearly felt the danger from Li Yuanba. The Li Yuanba holding the hammer was definitely not the same person as before.

The frowning Pei Yuanqing did not launch an attack, but just stared at Li Yuanba silently. He had a hunch that Li Yuanba's attack was definitely not that simple.

(End of this chapter)

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