Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 317 Liangshan Offensive and Defensive Battle

Chapter 317 Liangshan Offensive and Defensive Battle

"Zilong, you are so slow!" Zhang Fei's loud voice sounded, they had already cleaned up the miscellaneous fish and demons on the ground, and Zhao Yun finally ended the battle.

"Essence and qi are both cultivated to the extreme, and the strength is not weak." Zhang Fei said with a calm expression on Zhao Yun's face.

"Even if you don't capture it alive, it will be very troublesome for you to take down any inner qi separation body." Lu Bu sneered and said disdainfully.

Zhao Yun didn't reply. What Lu Bu said was right, he was born invincible, and it would be very troublesome to deal with anyone.

Seeing Zhao Yun ignoring him, Lu Bu got on the red rabbit and flew away to make fun of himself.

Zhang Fei stretched out his hand to carry away the demon lord who was bundled into a caterpillar, and patted Zhao Yun on the shoulder, "It's time to practice spiritual cultivation, you can't show your own strength, because no one in the world can threaten you, can you? Why don't you try to set it up?" If you die and come back to life, then you don’t have to look at that guy’s face.”

Others don't know, but Zhang Fei, who has been with Zhao Yun for a long time, doesn't know. Zhao Yun has the potential to surpass Lu Bu. All basic statistics are crushed by Lu Bu, but in a fight, Lu Bu can play [-] parts of his strength. , Zhao Yun can play [-]% in good condition.

"Put it to death and then live?" Zhao Yun was very silent, Wen Wu was the first, Wu Wu was the second, and if he wanted to climb to the top of the world, he knew he couldn't get around Lu Bu.

But it was too difficult for him to die and survive. After so many battles, even Lu Bu was injured to varying degrees, and he has no injuries so far, so you can see his condition.

"Think about it carefully. Your aptitude is so good that you have come to this day smoothly, but you can't beat me like this. Of course, even if I try my best, you and I are still tied." After Zhang Fei finally sent Zhao Yun a voice transmission, he stopped talking.

Martial arts can only rely on oneself after all, no matter how much you say, it is just a suggestion. Those who learn from me will live, and those who are like me will die. If you can't walk your own way, you will die after all.

If a person wants to be strong, God can't refuse or stop him, and the only thing that can restrain and imprison him is his own heart.

Zhao Yun could feel that his body was waiting, longing for the powerful power that could really let him go for a fight, the kind of power that was enough to hurt him, and every cell in his body was jumping for joy.

But so far, he has not suffered any injuries, which can be regarded as a kind of sadness for him.

He who has the best talent happens to have the best teacher Tong Yuan, Tong Yuan is the best in the world when it comes to teaching.

Zhang Ren, Zhang Xiu, and Zhao Yun, one family with four internal qi, are all generals who can fight.

Moreover, Zhao Yun is still Tong Yuan's closed disciple. With the accumulated experience of the first two apprentices, Tong Yuan's way of teaching Zhao Yun is also very unique.

The core essence is an invincible position, let's talk about the outcome of the debate.

Teaching the theory first, and throwing away the practice after Zhao Yun can infer other cases from one instance, seems to have great limitations, but with Tong Yuan's extremely rich experience, Zhao Yun has not encountered any situation beyond the scope of Tong Yuan's teaching so far.

It can be said that Zhao Yun basically took the exam with a complete set of answers, and the saddest thing is that Zhao Yun himself is still a top student.

"I hope there are such people abroad!" Zhao Yun sighed, feeling helpless towards himself.

The stronger the opponent's strength, the stronger he is, and the weaker the opponent's strength, the weaker he is.

If he didn't have a lower limit of strength, maybe even Hua Xiong would be [-]-[-].

Sun Ce, Tai Shici, and Gan Ning, who were on standby in Huangfusong's camp, turned their heads to look at the sky at the same time. In their sight, a pile of small black spots was infinitely enlarged.

"finally come!"

Huangfusong's expression became excited, the trick he had conceived for many years was finally about to see the light of day again.

"The whole army set off, aiming at Liangshan, which is [-] miles away, marching!"

Huangfusong gave the order coldly, and then watched a group of generals fall into the camp.

After Lu Bu, Zhao Yun, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Yuwen Chengdu, Huang Zhong, Yan Liang, Wen Chou, Zhou Tai and nine people greeted Huangfusong, they handed over the demon lord to Huangfusong's personal guards. The body can unearth a lot for them.

"Prepare, generals. The goal of this trip is the hole in the distance. It must be closed in one battle." The generals nodded. The task is indeed very simple, but it is a bit difficult.

If there is no cloud, the nine of them are enough to enter seven and exit seven, but unfortunately, no matter how thin the cloud is, it is still cloud, which greatly restrains them.

"Command Changshui to start washing the ground for cover! Command the player army to march slowly! Command Zhang Su to take the shield guards to lead the battle!" The three military orders issued.

The Changshui school immediately began to rain arrows to wash the ground. This is the water school newly established by Huangfusong, with a total of 3000 people.

A continuous howling sound continued, and when the howling sound calmed down, the arrow rain directly knocked down nearly ten thousand demons in front of them. Facing the rain of arrows, many dexterous little devils actually avoided their vital points, but there was nothing significance.

Changshui school sacrificed the explosion damage, but it still has a lot of explosive power, avoiding the vital little devil, and then being blown to pieces by the heaven and earth essence disturbed by the arrow, unless it reaches the level of inner energy The demons survived.

However, wherever Changshui went, there would be the sound of shooting, and dozens of long-horned demons that survived by chance were directly nailed to the ground by arrows.

Shesheng School, another brand-new masterpiece of Huangfusong, has changed the extreme practice of Sheshengying Duizi. The improved Sheshengying relies more on arrows and the assembly line technology organized by Chen Xi. Each arrow of the school is carefully crafted with engraved arrows.

Armor-piercing arrows come with a series of characteristics such as sharpness and penetration, and are sufficient to penetrate any known protective measures below the inner gas in the absence of clouds, but the cost is so expensive that a large group of people in the government affairs department collectively objected.

Anyway, looking at the cost made Huangfusong heartbroken, but Chen Xi was very satisfied. Although the cost exceeded thousands of times, for him, the effect that can be achieved with money is the best effect.

If it hadn't been for Huangfusong's efforts to stop it, Chen Xi would even have planned to develop explosive arrows, so that the shooting school would have the common characteristics of high precision, high speed, and high damage.

When Huangfusong saw the arrows that Chen Xi sent to the barracks, he was so scared that he didn't die of fright. Isn't this thing just a moving explosive barrel.

The arrow, which is so precise that it explodes, can indeed achieve the effect Chen Xi wants, but this thing is a hot potato for any commander of a large army, no, for any commander he has seen.

(End of this chapter)

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