Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 329 Awakening of Mindset

Chapter 329 Awakening of Mindset

"Report! General, our army's vanguard has encountered a strong enemy and has been defeated now. Please make a decision!" The little leader of the White Lotus Sect reported.

"How many people are there in the enemy army?" An Lushan was not surprised. The Taishan mountain range was originally the old nest of the Yellow Turban, and it was normal to hide some remnants.

It's just that he was a little curious. At least [-] to [-] demons in the front line were all gathered from Liangshan. If they want to defeat such an army, they must at least be an elite army.

But the elite army did not honestly go to the frontal battlefield to attack Liangshan, how could it be in such a place.

"Only about 2000 people!" The little boss replied frankly.

"2000 people..." An Lushan's face darkened in an instant. This number of elite troops reminded him of a certain army that drove him like a bereaved dog.

"Go find someone to inform General Uesugi Kenshin and the leaders, and I will lead the troops to check the situation." An Lushan made a decision after thinking about it.

There was so much commotion on Liangshan before, they didn't need to look to know that the brains of the two sides were out of their minds, that is not a place to turn back, let's go all the way to the dark, he doesn't believe that legions like the Sunriders can still flood Everywhere.

The Habayashi Army on the other side had already killed him, and they rushed down to get close to them and realized that these guys in front of them were not human beings, but more like some kind of monster.

The Habayashi army who noticed this became excited. They no longer played any breakthrough arrow formations, and directly pulled out a flying geese formation, and it was a completely elongated wild goose formation.

Basically, this formation cannot be used in battles of equal strength, because the elongated formation ensures the engagement rate of soldiers, but also minimizes the error tolerance rate. Once the bottom is pierced, the legion will be cut off from it. One point and two halves.

If the adjustments are not made in time, the cloud may not be able to maintain the atmosphere after the army formation is in disarray, and at that time, it will be that they have dug themselves into a ditch.

But what kind of army is the Habayashi Army? A typical high-level artist is bold. In order to pursue killing speed, he directly uses this inappropriate formation to fight.

Anyway, they are confident that even if the military soul and the three talents come, it is absolutely impossible to cut them into two ends. This is the confidence brought by strength.

The Habayashi Army rode around on horses that were walking on the mountain like walking on flat ground, and everywhere they went, there were corpses everywhere. How could the poor little devils be the opponents of these perverts.

The horses of the Habayashi Army are war horses that are stronger than ordinary horses. The reason why they can scurry around in the mountains is entirely because the Habayashi Army forcibly endows these horses with the ability to scurry in the mountains.

Fighting against such a completely idealistic opponent, how can the little devils who are only at the level of miscellaneous soldiers and cloud energy be opponents, and they can only be slaughtered by the two thousand Yulin army one-sidedly.

Even if a few demons with horns and wings appeared occasionally, it was just an attack by a legion of the Habayashi Army.

The Habayashi Army formed a small team in threes, threes, fives, and fought steadily. Relying on their super basic quality and completely unreasonable idealistic strikes, they killed seven in and seven out.

The second generation at the top stood completely dumbfounded. This was the first time they had seen a truly powerful army fighting. Even someone like Lu Lingqi hadn't seen the trapped camp make a move.

Of course, even if you are trapped in the camp, there is still a considerable gap between the current Habayashi Army and the current Habayashi Army.

The [-] Habayashi Army will perform miracles first, and maintain the level of miracles every day. If we say that the normalized Habayashi Army is set to S.

Then the Habayashi Army in the outbreak state is S+++, each plus sign represents a multiple of the outbreak, and the outbreak state is almost 8 times that of normalization.

In the face of such terrifying combat power, the demon army with only miscellaneous soldiers and clouds is completely a piece of meat on the cutting board. The difference lies in how the Habayashi army wants to handle them.

This is the first time they have seen the heroic appearance of the decisive battle army, and everyone has fear and longing for a while.

"A man should be born like this!" Chen Qingzhi looked at the Yulin Army with fiery eyes, what an honor it would be to be able to lead such an army.

"Will generals open mountains and cut rivers, legions mow unparalleled, and wise men really occupy one-third of the land?" Even Zhuge Liang, who has always been calm, can't help but doubt life.

After witnessing the peerless power of generals and the horrific massacre of legions on the battlefield, he had unspeakable doubts about wise men who were also one of the elements of war.

"The first is to attack the enemy, the second is to attack the diplomatic relations, the second is to attack the soldiers, and the next is to attack the city!" But just a moment of doubt, Zhuge Liang once again strengthened his mind.

"However, after I go back this time, I will also apply for a foreign release! The progress in Taixue is too slow, and there is no time to waste!" Zhuge Liang's eyes were firm. slip away guy.

"Fa Xiaozhi? Did you realize this a long time ago?" Zhuge Liang was a little speechless.

In fact, he had a similar view for a long time, but he was unwilling to leave his comfort zone, and he thought that he could improve by learning from others in Taixue. Now after watching the real top-level confrontation, Zhuge Liang realized that he could not waste any more time.

Taixue is very good, but it is not suitable for a real genius like him. To put it bluntly, other teachers in Taixue except for Huang Fusong have long been inferior to him. His real test place should be the Government Affairs Office, and Chen Xi Competing these people on the same stage is what he should do.

"It seems that you have also realized it!" Zhuge Liang also chuckled when he saw the expressions of Pang Tong and Sima Yi from the corner of his eye.

For them, Taixue's water is too shallow, and they should swim in the real sea.

No matter how black and white it is, it is undeniable that Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong, and Sima Yi are the top group of wise men in the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty. indefinite.

Jia Xu, Li Ru, Lu Su, Xun Yu, Guo Jia, Xi Zhicai, Chen Qun... Such a group of wise men really have their own strengths, and they are really equal to each other.

Even if Zhang Zhao was questioned about foreign affairs, and Zhang Zhao, who was asked to surrender, was more than enough to govern several states, but their eyes restricted their ability, so that they could only show so much.

But now that Guo Hao and Chen Xi have forcibly opened their horizons, it is really hard to compare their level with each other.

However, if Zhuge Liang can become the Zhuge Wuhou who is worthy of the ten philosophers in both the civil and military temples, then he will indeed have the ability to compete with Chen Xi. After all, an all-around monster with 100 attributes, even if you are a single-attribute super god, you can’t mess with it at all. rise.

Anyway, Zhuge Liang is the only golden talent discovered by Guo Hao, Lu Bu, Chen Xi, and Zhuge Liang, apart from these three, even Guan Yu and Zhao Yun are only at the level of purple with gold.

(End of this chapter)

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