Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 335 The Haunted Weiyang Palace

Chapter 335 The Haunted Weiyang Palace
"Strange? Why do you feel that the three-legged Golden Crow is not very happy?" Guo Hao looked at the phantom floating behind him with a muttering face. This is a new use he discovered.

This can make the real fire of the sun stronger, and it will be more efficient than simply basking in the sun.

However, Guo Hao feels that the three-legged Golden Crow, which is connected with the fate of the country, is becoming more and more humane, just like a newborn baby gradually growing up. Sometimes Guo Hao can feel that the three-legged Golden Crow will do some humane actions.

This is very painful, Guo Hao pays special attention to his words and deeds every day, for fear that he will accidentally bring the national fortune of the Han Dynasty into the ditch.


The three-legged Golden Crow flew anxiously from the sky to Guo Hao's side, circled around, and finally got into his body and refused to come out.

Guo Hao didn't understand the expression of the Three-legged Golden Crow at all, and just treated it as the Three-legged Golden Crow throwing a child's temper.

Since he discovered the space passage, he has been stationed here with the Habayashi Army.

Yes, it was the Habayashi Army. Ever since Sunrider was discovered by the Habayashi Army, they had once again lost their status as a pro-guard, and were directly kicked by the Habayashi Army to serve as nanny for Zhuge Liang and others.

Guo Hao was in a cautious attitude towards the unknown world, and he also acquiesced to the atrocities of the Habayashi Army. The sad Sunrider was not happy for a long time and was driven away by the Habayashi Army again.

The two sides fought fiercely while Guo Hao was resting, and Zhuge Liang and the others were stunned. It was only at this time that Zhuge Liang realized that they once thought that the Habayashi Army was the peak of what they thought, and the actual Habayashi Army was far more than they imagined. of terror.

It seemed that it was their credit before. With their assistance, the Habayashi Army could defeat the demon army. In fact, without them, the Habayashi Army could still defeat the demon army.

But when Habayashi Jun really showed their fangs, they realized their mistake, co-authoring Habayashi Jun has never been serious.

It's just that they didn't quite understand why the Habayashi Army attacked so ruthlessly, and the general's personal guards were directly beaten violently.

After the chaos was over, the Sun Knights became their new nanny, and the Habayashi Army, who could stand guard as if nothing had happened after overthrowing all the Sun Knights, took over the general's defense work.

In fact, Guo Hao didn't rest, after all, with Dong Bai in his arms, how could he be able to sleep!
I could only hug Dong Bai and watch the chaos in the camp. The sun cavalry was at its weakest at night, and it was no accident to be beaten violently by the Habayashi army.

On the third day, Sun Qi was overwhelmed and took over the job of nanny and left this sad place.

It's not that they don't work hard, it's that the other party is not human.

At twelve o'clock in the noon, they even bribed Zhuge Liang to copy Guo Hao's talent, but they were still rubbed in the ground by the Habayashi Army.

Except for the recruits of the Habayashi Army, none of the veterans lay down, and the difference in combat effectiveness between the two sides was like a gap.

In this way, the Habayashi Army took over the identity of the Sun Knight and continued to defend this area.

Of course, Guo Hao is not an idiot either, he mobilized some legions from the Qingzhou battlefield to garrison, and the generals took turns to garrison here.

During this period of time, Guo Hao still has to stay at this place to garrison, the ghost knows what the space channel is, he doesn't want to trigger another epic event, it's better to kill it early in the cradle.

The eldest princess of Weiyang Palace always finds it strange that the will of the empire that Chen Xi handed over to her is constantly making noise, and there are still thunder clouds gathering in the sky. She doesn't know what happened, so she can only treat the will of the empire coldly like Chen Xi.

But after the will of the empire returned to calm, she always felt that something was wrong. Every time she was doing business in Weiyang Palace, she always felt that there were some strange eyes staring at her.

But she asked the Habayashi Army to investigate, and there is absolutely nothing weird in the entire palace, it can only be said to be her illusion.

But she always felt that it was weird, and she decided to find some professional people because she was still worried, so the eldest princess went to the worship hall to find an expert to help her.

Because Chen Xi and others have told her that the priests in the hall of worship are all really capable people, and you can ask them about matters in this regard.

"His Royal Highness, please go back, the old man is helpless." Zhang Jiao said sincerely, he really can't go to the palace, after being discovered by the Habayashi army, he will definitely end up hacked to death.

Although God Breaks the Realm's heart is immortal, but he really doesn't want to use his life to go to the Habayashi Army to try, whether the Miracle Legion can kill God Breaks the World.

"Princess, don't worry, it's definitely not those unclean things. The general knows about it. You can rest assured that this phenomenon will only happen in Weiyang Palace. You don't need to worry too much."

Zhang Jiao looked at the dissatisfied eldest princess, and reluctantly moved out Guo Hao to increase his persuasion.

When Zhang Jiao mentioned the general, the eldest princess Liu Ying could barely accept it, but the general was not there after all, so she couldn't ask for details, so she decided to stay away from Weiyang Palace.

She would never step into the Weiyang Palace unless she could not escape the court, it was too creepy.

But after a few days, the eldest princess stepped into the Weiyang Palace again.

No way, it's not a problem for her to throw all her things in Weiyang Palace, and without her leading the way, the Habayashi Army would never let people in the palace freely enter and leave Weiyang Palace.

Anyway, the main hall of Weiyang Palace is now also an important place for the court meeting, how can the idlers be allowed to run around at will.

The current Weiyang Palace is very empty, and it is completely the property of the royal family. As the only legal heir, the eldest princess usually does not like to go to the unsafe place in the harem, and spends most of her time in Weiyang Palace.

In addition, the eldest princess still planted a lot of exotic flowers and plants in the north of Weiyang Palace. She is usually very precious, so she just threw it away. With the guarantee of enshrining the priest of the palace, she still came to Weiyang bravely. intrauterine.

By the way, it sounds like Weiyang Palace is very small, just a palace, but if you really want to talk about the actual distance, no matter where you start to go to the main hall of Weiyang Palace, you have to walk several kilometers.

"Bastard Han Xin, get out of the way, I believed you because of something evil last time!" Huo Qubing, who barely recovered his human form, kicked Han Xin flying beside him.

Damn senior, he vowed that there is a way to contact the eldest princess, and let the eldest princess nod to release them from the national fortune.

In the end, no matter what he did, he didn't succeed, and forced the eldest princess away. Now that the eldest princess has gone and returned, Huo Qubing no longer wants to trust Han Xin, a little bastard.

Thinking about it now, how much water was in his brain at that time, so that he would think that a guy who died at the hands of a woman would be proficient in communicating with women.

(End of this chapter)

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