Chapter 337 Battle
"I feel that something is wrong with that so-called immortal." Han Xin half-closed his eyes and was a little thoughtful. He didn't believe that this was an accident. He was tricked by the so-called immortal Zhang Liang and Xiao He.

Bai Qi met a certain immortal who wanted to die again, and he would not believe that there was no connection between them.

"Boy, how did you come back to life?" Han Xin asked angrily.

Huo Qubing thought about it. When he was sent away from the capital by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, he seemed to have met a demigod.

"It's a Taoist fortune teller! He made a fortune teller for me! I can't think of anything else." Huo Qubing frowned and said, if Han Xin hadn't mentioned it, he would have forgotten about it.

"Should it be done by a giant military strategist, Mr. Jiang?" Bai Qi said interrogative sentences in an affirmative tone.

"Why?" Han Xin felt like being manipulated by black hands.

"Of course it's because we are valuable... It seems that we will see many old friends in the future!" Bai Qi smiled casually. Anyway, he has never been defeated, and the opponent is the same.

"So... old friend!" Han Xin became excited. He heard that there was a small boat on the Wujiang River back then. Maybe Xiang Yu can be resurrected, and he still has a chance to fight Xiang Yu.

"Qi, let's talk about you after fighting with the young master first." The young Huo Qubing obviously didn't have the city of Han Xin and Bai Qi.

"Come, come, bastard, you think I'm afraid you won't succeed!" Han Xin was not a resourceful person, so he immediately threw away his thoughts and decided to deal with Huo Qubing.

It wasn't until the two of them really used Bai Qi's mental state to develop that they discovered that this secret technique seemed to have a big loophole.

Although the two people's knowledge of logistics is not bad, they can't carry on in the face of the other's criticism. As for commanding the troops, which is very precise and really affects the rules of the battlefield, the two of them are at their fingertips, and there is no problem.

If normal people set the rules in this way, then this realm of mental imagery is like a collection of bugs, which can basically be said to be full of loopholes and meaningless.

It can be replaced by these three big bosses to design the war deduction. According to the rules of the game, the degree of fidelity is infinitely close to [-]%. Anyway, the three people don't think there is any problem with command and dispatch.

The battle between the two sides was firmly stuck in the logistics area, even when Bai Qi joined in.

Both sides understand that if they want to win or lose at this level, they must use a unified reality.

It is meaningless to just fabricate according to one's own mental image. After all, Han Xin directly squeezed millions of military souls, and Huo Qubing directly started with hundreds of thousands of miraculous troops. Such a peak fight.

In the end, the irritable two people just lost their minds, directly set the logistics limit, and each led the power of a country to fight. The map is the land of the thirteen states of the Han Dynasty.

As soon as they got started, the two basically knew the ending, but the ending was quite different from what they expected.

Huo Qubing trained a bunch of soldiers, and then led a direct blitzkrieg to blast most of Han Xin's territory with his elite troops. happened.

With 40 soldiers in hand, Han Xin was held up and beaten at the border for two years. The beating made Han Xin almost sick. The uninnovative command method and rigid military style on the opposite side made him extremely painful.

Especially the unlimited logistics, let Han Xin siege battle to the point of vomiting, tung oil rolling wood Leishi is Han Xin's nightmare, a normal siege battle is over in a month, even this kind of national level battle, a year is useless.

After fighting for more than two years, he was abruptly stopped on the Great Wall of the border and could not enter at all, wandering repeatedly in nightmares.

It wasn't until Huo Qubing gave him all his territory to pieces that Han Xin was relieved.

Without Han Xin, even with unlimited resources, no one in Han Xin's rear could defend.

But Han Xin is different, he can feel that the opponent is at least a half-war god, because no matter how much he belittles the opponent, it can't cover up the fact that he can't get in.

After the fight, the two retreated from the realm of mental imagery, Han Xinman looked at Huo Qubing with a sneer.

"You kid is playing with me, right? I thought my heart was dark enough, and I asked Zhang Liang and Xiao He to do the logistics for me. I didn't expect your heart to be even darker!"

Huo Qubing was a little embarrassed, and he didn't expect this situation to turn out like this.

Bai Qi also scratched his head and looked at the two people. It was originally a fight between two people, but in the end, a third person joined in abruptly.

"Who is that guy who fought with me for more than two years?" After going to the battlefield, Han Xin obviously calmed down a lot. For them, going to the battlefield with emotions is basically courting death.

He couldn't get angry after watching what happened before after the fight. On the contrary, he was very interested in the guy who faced him head-on.

"My uncle Wei Qing, the great general of my time." Huo Qubing said proudly. His uncle was the second only hero in his heart after Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

"One school of two army gods? Your family is outrageous." Even Bai Qi was taken aback. One school of two army gods is rare. To be precise, I have never seen it at all.

Unlike Huo Qubing who followed the way of God and Han Xin whose victory or defeat is unknown, Wei Qing who supported Han Xin used the cloud-qi system, completely touched the threshold of the military god, and reached the upper limit of the cloud-qi system.

If it was just like this, the opponent would definitely not be able to beat him, but both Han Xin and Bai Qi knew that a guy who had reached this level in his forties, and with Huo Qubing by his side, would definitely be able to break through to the God of War.

Although it may not be as high as their upper limit to cultivate two ways concurrently, they are still real military gods, and there is a gap like a gap with the command of the large army.

"How did you die?" Han Xin began to be curious. He is a dual-army god, and his uncle is a general. No matter how you look at it, Huo Qubing should not have died young.

Although both Han Xin and Bai Qi are middle-aged, Bai Qi was at least 70 when he died, and Han Xin was about [-] or [-] when he died.

But Huo Qubing is still too young. The two of them can tell that Huo Qubing is at most 25.

"I took my personal guards and smashed an imperial will! Then I was backlashed by the imperial will, and I died of self-doubt!" Huo Qubing said embarrassingly, and it was really unclear why he died.

At that time, how can I say that he was also full of internal qi, reached the upper limit at that time, and died for no apparent reason. Apart from suspicion of the will of the empire, it cannot be said that he committed suicide.

"The will of the empire!" Han Xin touched his chin. He had participated in the construction, but never fought.

(End of this chapter)

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