Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 339 Hidden dangers in northern Xinjiang

Chapter 339 Hidden dangers in northern Xinjiang

"Is Zi Chuan really okay?" Xun Yu said worriedly. As the only counselor in the Government Administration Council with an explosive energy, he could deeply appreciate the gap with Chen Xi.

The mental strength provided by everyone in the government affairs department is not enough for Chen Xi to consume for a quarter of an hour, which shows how much trouble Chen Xi is facing.

"The general is coming back soon, and it should be much better by then." Chen Xi said drowsily. He really wanted to fish, but the reality was too severe.

With his current mental capacity alone, he simply cannot withstand such a large-scale natural disaster. If it weren't for the free mental power contributed by the people everywhere after enjoying the welfare policy, Chen Xi would have fallen into a deep sleep long ago.

After the war, there must be natural disasters, which is basically an iron law.

It's strange to say that natural disasters are not common in every prosperous age, but in troubled times, natural disasters are basically unlimited. This is the case at the end of the Han Dynasty. Endless battles brought endless natural disasters and even greater chaos.

The accelerated progress brought Dahan into a period of frequent natural disasters, which made Chen Xi's burden even worse.

After the war, minor natural disasters occurred in different degrees in various states. Basically, all the staff of the government affairs department were sent out, the purpose is to help Chen Xi relieve the pressure.

Even Lu Zhi and Zhu Jun received Li Ru's secret instructions to allow Huang Chao's army to exist for a longer period of time when necessary, and even spared Huang Chao's army to temporarily delay the progress of unification.

Chen Xi is basically thinking about the natural disasters in this period. Anyway, the worst situation is that he is asleep and natural disasters break out in several states. But with the previous foundation, there will be no big trouble after all. .

"It's advancing too fast, and the hearts of the people in the existing territory are not stable. Our plan for foreign expeditions must be discussed in a long-term way!" Jia Xu sighed, what if the Northern Huns pick trouble during this time.

His spiritual talent has made him understand a lot of things, especially the information Guo Hao told him about the Northern Huns through player channels, he has basically figured out the Northern Huns' thoughts.

At the latest for more than a year, the Northern Huns will definitely march south and return to the grassland occupied by the Hu people such as Xianbei.

At that time, they had to do it. If the Northern Huns were allowed to annex the Hu people to occupy the grassland again, it would be another endless bloody battle.

It's not that Jia Xu looks down on Xianbei, it's that the barbarians like Xianbei are really not enough to fight against the Northern Huns. Even if Xianbei now claims to dominate the grassland, in Jia Xu's eyes, it is just a fish on the chopping board, but he just can't spare it.

Once the country is stable, it will not take a year to clean up the barbarians on the grassland.

You don't even need to send more troops from the Central Plains. Di Qing from Liangzhou, Lu Bu from Bingzhou, and Gongsun Zan from Youzhou entered the grassland in minutes. Xianbei, the overlord of the grassland, doesn't have a legion with more than two talents. Body nothing more.

The strength on paper seems to be okay, but when it comes to fighting, Jia Xu guarantees with his little conscience that Xianbei is definitely not the enemy of the Han Dynasty.

Even the other Hu people on the Xianbei United Grassland are the same, Hu people are Hu people, and Gongsun Zan’s blood flowed in rivers in Youzhou.

However, it would be different if the Northern Huns got involved. Although the princes of the Central Plains basically sneered at the fighting power of the Hu people, it made sense at any time to pile up quality with quantity, especially after the Northern Huns took the lead. , is definitely a big trouble.

The sudden natural disaster made them all a little busy, not to mention the Hu tribe on the grassland who depended on the sky for food. Even if the main focus of the natural disaster was the Han Dynasty in the Central Plains, the aftermath alone was enough to cause heavy losses to the nomads. People are more food-deprived.

As soon as winter comes and spring starts in the new year, it will definitely be a barbarian invasion. It has nothing to do with faith and spirit. It doesn't need any strength at all, just to survive. By the time of spring, the barbarians will probably be as mad as the hungry green-eyed wolves on the grassland.

It is even possible to directly launch a tentative attack in winter, which is different from simple looting, and is more likely to reduce personnel.

Even if the Hu people fail, they will grit their teeth and persist in fighting to the death, not only to obtain enough supplies, but more likely to reduce the population to a sufficient level of support.

A natural disaster is enough to make all the nomads suffer, and then all the Hu people will migrate collectively, the small tribes merge into the big tribes, and the big tribes unite together, and start to attack the Great Wall in a mighty way.

Different from the usual looting in the autumn wind, this kind of large-scale war will almost affect the entire northern border.

Either grab enough food, or kill the population to the point where there is enough food, it's that simple and cruel.

Such an extremely cruel and bloody way is the wisdom of the Hu people to survive crisis after crisis. No matter how harsh it is, they can avoid genocide. Many tribes will even gradually merge and integrate the inheritance of their respective tribes together for common development.

In the face of hunger, all fear will disappear, and the fighting power of the Hu people may reach a new height.

After all, war is sometimes not only a competition of quality, but also a confrontation of will and belief. The danger of death is enough to make the barbarians burst out with terrible strength.

This is the power brought by death, but it sounds like a big trouble, but for the empire, especially the Han Empire, these are just troubles, far from a crisis.

After all, the power brought by death is the fear of death, and the power beyond death abounds in the Han Dynasty, which is far from a crisis.

However, the Northern Huns were different. The Northern Huns inherited the Huns Empire, and the Han Dynasty did not even despise them as Huns, but regarded them as opponents of the same status as themselves.

No matter how loud the Hu people were, they could not conceal their despondency after all. If they hadn't lost their way of life, they would never have thought of attacking the Han Dynasty.

Hundreds of years of oppression have made the Hu people understand the majesty of the Han Dynasty. Even if Xianbei is known as the overlord of the grassland, they still dare not deal with the Han Dynasty.

The Xiongnu Empire has long been torn apart. The Han Dynasty fought for three generations and successfully defeated the Xiongnu Empire during the reign of Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty. The Xiongnu Empire was also divided into two parts, the Southern Xiongnu and the Northern Xiongnu. The door dog, while the Northern Xiongnu fled far away from Mobei and disappeared.

But Jia Xu understood that the Northern Huns were training on the distant battlefield of Rome and Great Britain. Originally, they could launch a general attack in three years at the fastest, or ten years at the slowest.

But when all the Hu people in the northern Xinjiang grassland unite, the northern Huns will never miss this feast on the grassland.

After all, the Northern Huns were in decline. The Han Dynasty could drag the Northern Huns to death. They couldn't afford it. If they could use the power of the Hu people to fight against the Han Dynasty, they would never let it go.

 The condition of the vaccine is not good, and the quality is not good, so I may have to wait for these two days. Chapter 13, don’t worry, I remember.

(End of this chapter)

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