Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 344 Youzhou Mobilization

Chapter 344 Youzhou Mobilization
"Huh, I'll give you a seat for all the generals!" After hearing the specific situation on the front line, Liu Yu finally had a warm expression.

"How much strength do you have?" Liu Yu asked after Gongsun Zan and the others sat down.

"More than [-] people were lost, and more than [-] people were injured." Gongsun Zan looked quite sad. If it wasn't for all the officers and men who stopped them with their lives, how could the people of the border counties escape unscathed.

Xue Rengui is really a strong general in the world. He stationed at the pass with weak troops and blocked Goryeo for several days, so that the people could retreat safely.

And it also gives time for the cities behind to react, which is why the border counties of Youzhou are still under the control of the Han Dynasty.

"Wei You went to summon the doctors of traditional Chinese medicine in the city, and at the same time began to mobilize food and grass to prepare for disaster relief in the north. Anyone who commits crimes will not be forgiven." Liu Yu didn't bother to talk nonsense, and immediately ordered the mobilization of materials and personnel.

"Yan Rou, go and gather your troops. You two, Zou Dan and Guan Jing, take people to the warehouse to get what you need, and set off overnight. The commander of this battle is led by Gongsun Zan. We must kill the enemy."

Order after order began to be issued in an orderly manner, until everyone was assigned to leave, only Liu Yu and Gongsun Zan were left in the hall.

"I have less than 30 soldiers in Youzhou, so you are sure of victory!" Liu Yu said, staring at Gongsun Zan expressionlessly.

"Enough is enough, I won't lose!" Gongsun Zan also looked directly at Liu Yu, showing his strong confidence.

From Gongsun Zan's point of view, if he hadn't mobilized the main force to go beyond the Great Wall, it would be impossible for the people from Goryeo to enter Youzhou at all.

However, Gongsun Zan knew that the army of Goryeo was not a mob, and he was under great pressure.

"If I can persuade Karasuma and Fuyu to send troops, the chances of winning will be greater?" Liu Yu raised an eyebrow and asked, Gongsun Zan's not losing has already explained a lot.

Seeing Gongsun Zan's disbelief, Liu Yu explained.

"Su Puyan and Fuyu Wang Jian are located in the Central Plains of the Deep Curtain, and I treat them with courtesy. If there were not some people who made trouble, I would have taken these people under my command a long time ago. There are 10,000+ people in total." He said. Then, Liu Yu sneered, and it was self-evident who some people were talking about.

Gongsun Zan was silent for a while and said, "If Karasuma and Fuyu can cooperate with each other, victory in this battle will be as easy as pie!"

"Hmph, Gongsun Zan, think about it for being rescued by the most despised barbarian!" Liu Yu threw up his sleeves and left, leaving Gongsun Zan alone.

"Am I wrong?"

Gongsun Zan was also a little confused. He originally thought that only the dead Hu people were good Hu people, but the current situation really shocked him.

"The dead Goryeo is the good Goryeo!" Gongsun Zan stood up angrily after being silent for a long time. Since barbarians are not rubbish, then Goryeo who raised troops is rubbish.

For the first time, the people of Youzhou discovered that the two heavens in Youzhou were standing together, and the two who were originally inseparable were actually inseparable.

And Qing Zhuang, who was originally entangled in who to join under his command, was overjoyed, so that they didn't have to worry about whether to follow the White Horse General or Youzhou Shepherd Liu Yu. They didn't want to be enemies with anyone.

And the two who cooperated for the first time mobilized the whole Youzhou thoroughly, and Yan Liang, Wen Chou, and Yuwen Chengdu who were transferred each led an army to the north first, and the pressure on the cities guarding the city was still very high. They must go one step ahead to support.

"When did your Bai Mayi come back?" Liu Yu looked at Gongsun Zan with an unkind expression. He only found out today that Gongsun Zan's bastard's trump card army actually went to the Xianbei territory to plunder. No wonder Gongsun Zan was defeated.

"We've made contact, and we'll arrive at the frontline battlefield tomorrow afternoon." Gongsun Zan was a little embarrassed, but he still explained.

To be honest, he is very glad that he accepted a player into Baima Yicong, otherwise he would not be able to contact Baima Yicong. The order he gave was to ravage Xianbei for a month, and now half a month has passed, who knows Where did Bai Mayi run to?

Even if he didn't lead the troops, but the generals under his command led Baima Yicong, the speed was not comparable to that of ordinary soldiers.

If there were no players, we would really have to wait half a month before seeing Baima Yicong, which would undoubtedly kill him.

"Hmph, the white horse is gone, I really don't know how you became this general." Liu Yu was furious, he really didn't expect Gongsun Zan to be so stupid.

"Baima Hulaoguan suffered a lot of losses in the first battle, and I made this decision in order to rebuild Baima Yicong as soon as possible." Gongsun Zan explained a few sentences and lowered his head helplessly.

Speaking of Gongsun Zan, he wanted to kill Zhang He, but unfortunately Zhang He was also an official of the court, even if he wanted to kill him, he was powerless, not to mention that after Zhang He came to Youzhou, he brought Gao Lan and two people to hug Liu Yu's thigh tightly.

If it weren't for Xue Rengui and his congeniality, he might not even have the right to speak in Youzhou.

But now he is also fortunate to have Zhang He and Gao Lan here, otherwise, Gongsun Zan would definitely have a bad conscience and be engraved on the pillar of shame in Youzhou.

"The information from the front has almost come back. The 20 armored men, I didn't expect that Goryeo has such strength. It seems that what the general said back then is true." Gongsun Zan said looking at the information.

"I've already contacted Karasuma and Fuyu. They are willing to raise troops. When will they do it?" Liu Yu said suppressing his anger.

"When Baima Yicong comes back, there will be a situation of two sides at that time. Once the enemy army is confused, Baima Yicong's entry will definitely be the final word." Gongsun Zan said after thinking for a while.

"I've always heard Baima Yicong that it's hard to break through once you're in a tight siege, isn't it?" Liu Yu asked puzzled. Logically speaking, Baima Yicong should be a light cavalry soldier.

And when he was in Hulao Pass back then, he also understood how Gongsun Zan was so emboldened when Bai Mayi, led by Zhang Xi, was defeated in the first battle by the Xiandeng soldiers led by Qu Yi.

"Don't worry, State Shepherd, I will personally lead Baima Yicong and justify his name!" Gongsun Zan shook his head and said, Zhang Xi was all to blame, and Baima Yicong lost the chance to be promoted.

Although for Bai Mayi, it doesn't mean much to be promoted or not, but it is a pity after all.

"Since you have confidence, that's fine!" Liu Yu saw that Gongsun Zan was confident, so he didn't bother to ask further questions. He believed that Gongsun Zan would not talk nonsense about this kind of matter. Since Gongsun Zan said that a white horse is righteous, then it can be done.

"That guy Qu Yi will arrive here in a few days. When the time comes, he will disrupt the formation and Baima Yicong will enter the field to reap the harvest." Gongsun Zan thought awkwardly. I have no opinion.

After all, Qu Yi was the white horse Yi Cong who dealt with him upright, so Zhang He could only be said to be stupid, but no one else could be blamed.

What's more, most of the people who died back then were soldiers from other states. In fact, he didn't lose much as an old soldier in Youzhou. He actually resented Zhang He, and cared more about Baima Yicong's promotion and reputation.

(End of this chapter)

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