Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 346 Ambush and Anti-Ambush

Chapter 346 Ambush and Anti-Ambush
"Report, General, our army's scouts found an army flying a different banner from our Han Dynasty a hundred miles away. They are suspected to be Korean rebels!" A scout reported to Yan Liang.

"Very good. Is there any suitable terrain nearby to set up an ambush? Let's catch them by surprise!" Yan Liang frowned and asked.

"There is a mountain pass [-] miles ahead, and there is a large reed marsh suitable for ambushes," the scout accurately reported.

"The whole army speeds up, prepare for an ambush in advance!" Yan Liang roared, and rushed forward first, and then the troops under his command also moved.

The scout is a veteran of the Luoyang Shesheng Battalion. Over-the-horizon is the same as instinct. It can be used as a radar. It is the personal guard Liu Yu stole from the Central Guards.

This time, Liu Yu didn't save any money to deal with Goryeo. This kind of veteran who has been tempered for many years is still served by Liu Yu. It's outrageous, but it's easy to go thirty or fifty miles beyond the horizon.

Since they basically have no one who can ambush Liu Yu, it is precisely because of these veterans that Liu Yu can gain a firm foothold. Naturally, he has increased his investment. The regular troops of the Central Guards are outrageous.

Although the combat ability may be a little weak due to years of negligence in warfare, but who would use such a treasure to fight.

"Don't worry about Junyi!" Yan Liang was in a hurry. Zhang Xi is also known as the general of Hebei Sitingzhu with him, and their relationship is really good. Can't help but worry about Zhang He's safety.

However, Yan Liang's rationality told him that Zhang He would never be defeated so quickly, but in just seven days, nothing would happen to Zhang He if he defended the city.

"Report, General, General Zhang Yun has sent a message that the enemy has begun to storm the city, but the current situation is stable, please take a picture of the general!" Another messenger reported.

"Wait, why did you send the news that Junyi was under siege?" No matter how slow Yan Liang was, he still realized something was wrong.

"Report to the general, this alien Hao Xiaobai has already contacted the alien in General Zhang's city, and please give instructions to General Yan!" The messenger patted his chest and said.

"So that's how it is!" Yan Liang also realized that he was notified to come to Youzhou by the same route before, but he didn't realize it for a while.

"Very good, send an order to Junyi, our army will arrive soon!" Yan Liang nodded with satisfaction, it would be much more convenient.

"Does the general have any other instructions? The interval between this method is huge, and I'm afraid we can't send messages frequently!" Hao Xiaobai was a little embarrassed. It took him several hours to come and go, so it's okay for them to pass on important information. It's useless for them to use it as a chatting tool.

After all, it is extremely troublesome to pass information to each other, and you have to work in groups of two. After passing the news, one person has to stay in reality and wait for a reply. If it is not important information, it is really not worth the loss.

Even if the state grants them subsidies, their progress in practice will be greatly delayed. Everyone can understand that only when their personal strength improves these days can they get more power and benefits.

It's okay to be an orderly once in a while, but if you often serve as an orderly, it will be a bit of a loss.

"General, the opponent will enter this area in thirty miles!" The clairvoyant veteran reported to Yan Liangcheng.

"It's finally here!" A sneer flashed across the corner of Yan Liang's mouth, since he was sure that Zhang Xi was fine for the time being, he was not in a hurry.

"General Yan, don't be careless, the opponent's army is neat and imposing, I'm afraid he is not a good person!" The veteran cast a glance at the confident Yan Liang and advised him.

"Hehehe, old man, read the information carefully, and I will let you see the power of this general in a while!" Yan Liang didn't say much, after all, he is not a soldier from Hebei, if the veterans under Liu Yu in Youzhou can listen to him It's hell.

But it doesn't matter, it is enough for these soldiers to obey orders and dare to fight, and the remaining victories will solve everything.

"I hope so!" The old soldier sighed in his heart, but soldiers take obeying orders as their bounden duty. He believed that Liu Yu would not mess around. With Liu Yu and Gongsun Zan's double authentication, Yan Liang should have two brushes.

Gao Xianzhi on the other side looked at the precipitous terrain and nodded with satisfaction. This terrain is not bad, and it is also the only way to the city behind. Setting up an ambush here should yield some gains.

"Report, general, the enemy's flags were found [-] miles ahead, the number is about [-], they should be the enemy's reinforcements." The scout reported to Gao Xianzhi.

"Okay, let's lay an ambush here, and our army will attack them head-on when they come over!" Gao Xianzhi nodded with satisfaction, coming at just the right time.

However, the wrong information caused them to never have thought that someone would support them so quickly, let alone that the other party would find their tracks first. After all, they marched all the way here in a hurry, and in their eyes, there would be no more elite troops than them. up.

In fact, it is true that, as Yuan Gai Su Wen's personal guards, they are a guard army, and they are basically invincible in the territory of Koryo.

In their eyes, the bait thrown by Yan Liang came just in time, and it was already quite remarkable to be able to do this, and they never thought about other possibilities.

"Hmph, it's set!" Yan Liang looked at the Korean soldiers who had started to ambush, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

He intentionally left an army behind and marched undisguisedly, just to give Gao Xianzhi the illusion that he could ambush.

When the Goryeo soldiers thought the ambush was successful and started to attack head-on, he would definitely kill him with one move from the two wings behind Goryeo.

"Old man, you are really powerful. Are you interested in following this general?" Yan Liang looked at the key to the success of the ambush plan - the clairvoyant old man, and asked with admiration.

If this old man hadn't been there this time, they would have had no choice but to fight the opponent, not to mention being able to avoid the opponent's scouting direction so perfectly.

The old man threw Yan Liang the back of his head in disdain. He was Liu Yu's personal guard, so how could he mess with Yan Liang.

Yan Liang didn't take it seriously either. It's acceptable for a capable person to be a little arrogant. Wouldn't Lu Bu live well if he was so arrogant, so Yan Liang's mentality was still very good, and he wasn't annoyed by the old man's rejection.

"Report, General, the enemy has entered our army's field of vision." A scout said to Gao Xianzhi.

"Good! The whole army is ready,"

(End of this chapter)

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