Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 471 The tragic battle damage

Chapter 471 The tragic battle damage

If Shenxiang is compared to a company, then their control over Shenxiang is shares. Even if these shares are in the hands of gods, but these gods are all controlled by them, isn't it equivalent to still in their hands?

But now, part of the equal share shares was lost, and the part that belonged to him was lost, how could this make him not angry.

"You don't know who did it?"

A male and female voice sounded, and it was Yuedu who came. After he noticed the change in Shenxiang, he came to find Susano at the first time, in order to find out the situation.

Susanoo wasn't surprised by Yuedu's visit, the two of them are allies, so Yuedu's visit was expected.

"The direction of the disappearance of the godhead is the east, and something must have happened to the lord of Arakawa!" Susanoo's complexion was very bad, and he and Yuedu had jointly facilitated the expedition, in order to find a way out against Amaterasu.

So now that his main force is damaged, it will become clear who did it soon, and of course it was done by the person who benefited the most.

"Do you want me to use Yuedu to go backtracking? As a divine master, you should be able to see some clues!"

After being silent for a while, Yuedu suddenly said that he sensed a sense of crisis, if Tianzhao really did it, Tianzhao might have to attack them both.

When the total number is constant, of course, whoever has more gods in their hands will have the upper hand.

However, he and Susanoo were responsible for the expedition, and most of the personnel were naturally their personnel. If someone made a mess and sabotaged them, they would not be able to hold back.

"Use Yuedu to go back to me!" Susanoo said calmly, he must know why the Lord of Arakawa didn't get the godhead, which is related to their future plans.

"it is good!"

Strange symbols appeared in Yuedu's eyes, and then turned quickly, Susanoo seemed to have returned to the past, and saw the movements of countless believers and gods in the past.

He didn't resist, and devoted himself to the memory, intending to find the last memory of the Lord of Arakawa.

"found it!"

Susanoo finds the last memory belonging to Lord Arakawa in the marquee of memories.

You know, the godhead of the Lord of Arakawa has disappeared, if his movements are slower, maybe he won't even be able to see the final scene.

The picture only lasted for a moment, and Susanoo, in a rage, directly broke through the effect of Yuedu's backtracking.

The skill of Yuedu seems to be against the sky, but it can also work when it is not resisting. Once the same level starts to resist, the impact it can have is really negligible.

"Okay, okay! What an Amaterasu! What a power of the sun!" Susanoo laughed angrily. He saw the last scene, and he would not be mistaken for the sun-like power.

"I heard that Amaterasu lost part of its origin some time ago, and Amaterasu even found an excuse to come to Amaterasu!" Hearing this, Yuedu understood that the power of the sun is the symbol of Amaterasu.

Hearing Yuedu's words, Susanoo also calmed down.

"Let your gods be careful, it won't be the only one attack!" Susanoo looked towards the direction where Amaterasu lived, and there was a huge hibiscus tree standing between the sky and the earth.

"I see!" Yue Du nodded, turned and left.

"Since you are not benevolent, don't blame me for being unrighteous!" Susanoo's eyes showed endless fierceness.

"Send an order to God Attendant to find Honda Tadakatsu and Sanada Yukimura, and let them come to see me!"


Not to mention the intrigue in Dongying Gaotianyuan, Guo Hao made a lot of money in a wave of forced marches across the sea.

Not only did he catch a giant tortoise that could be used as a mobile aircraft carrier, but he also captured three internally separated bodies, and captured a godhead that can give people the power to control the ocean.

When he returned to the coast and arranged for manpower to take care of the giant tortoise's diet, Guo Hao discovered that it would take dozens of fishing boats in several shifts to handle the giant tortoise's diet.

But fortunately, according to the narration of the Lord of Arakawa, as long as the giant tortoise is not active, it basically only eats once a month, even if it is active, it only eats once a week, and it is not particularly difficult to feed.

Guo Hao expressed his understanding. It is normal for the biological version of the aircraft carrier to spend some money on maintenance. This small matter is understandable.

The giant tortoise is directly attached to the name of the coastal fishing ground, and then supervised by the local government, and finally reimbursed collectively.

It can be regarded as finding a moderate income method for the fishing farm. After all, fish are easy to hunt, but fish are not so easy to sell.

Even if Qingzhou produces a huge amount of salt, it can be developed into salted fish and sold to other states and counties, but the sales have not been so smooth. After all, there are many fishing grounds along the coast of Qingzhou, and their competitiveness is not that great.

Now there is an extra big customer who subscribes monthly for no reason, and the person in charge said that I am very happy.

Raw or cooked, big or small, this big customer is not picky at all. Where can I find such a small number of large but regular customers.

The person in charge of the fishery was happy, but Guo Hao's mood was not so beautiful.

"What did you say? Say it again?" Guo Hao looked at the leader of the Youyu Camp in front of him in disbelief.

"In this battle, our army beheaded more than 300 people, lost [-] brothers, and injured more than [-] brothers!" The leader of the Youyu Battalion reported loudly. In his opinion, the battle loss of one to five It is already a big victory.

"How is this possible!" Guo Hao still had an unbelievable expression.

"This battle is all due to the great general's divine power! The soldiers will naturally fight the enemy bravely!"

The leader of Youyuying excitedly flattered Guo Hao, but Guo Hao's expression became more and more gloomy.

"How could there be so many casualties! Explain it to me!" Guo Hao listened to the praise of the leader of Youyuying, and shattered the case in front of him with his palm.

Only then did the leader of Youyuying realize that he had misunderstood, so he hurriedly explained the situation.

Guo Hao frowned and asked the leader of Youyuying to go down to receive the reward. After all, he won, and he didn't need to vent his temper on the leader of Youyuying.

But his brows were tightly furrowed, looking at the battle report as if he felt restless.

It's not that he's a perfectionist, but that he had all the advantages in this battle. In the end, Dian Wei and Pei Yuanqing even launched a massacre together, but this advantage actually lost more than [-] people.

More than half of these losses were incurred when Yuyuying fought with the Fuma Ninja Army, only during that time Dian Wei had not yet participated in the massacre.

In other words, the more than 3000 Yuyuying soldiers who met the Fuma Ninja Army directly lost one-third of the manpower in just a short while. You must know that the Fuma Ninja Army only has less than 2000 people.

Moreover, it is still based on the right time, place and people and they are all on their side, which shows how big the difference in strength between the two sides is.

"Is the gap between single talent and double talent so big?" Guo Hao muttered to himself, the shadow of the imperial battlefield looming over his heart.

The entire Han Empire has less than 30 dual talents. It is simply impossible to defend the Quartet with such a number.

(End of this chapter)

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