Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 489 Encirclement and suppression

Chapter 489 Encirclement and suppression
Onion Ridge, forward base

Li Bai, who got rid of the clouds, quickly rushed to Congling. As a master of breaking the boundary, his flying speed was no less than that of any treasure.

Li Que and his team had just started their chase, and Li Bai had already landed in the forward base.

"Who is coming?" Gao Chong greeted him immediately, Li Bai's aura was so strong that he was the only one who could fight against him in the entire camp.

"...I am Xiliang...General Fan Chou asked me to come!"

Li Bai wanted to say a name, but the Sixth Heavenly King of Xiliang was too confusing, so he could only use Fan Chou's name in the end.

"Fan Chou?"

Gao Chong frowned and thought for a while. He didn't seem to have any impression, but Li Bai's appearance was indeed the dress of a Central Plains person.

"General Gao! Let him come here, General Fan Chou is one of the commanders of the Xiliang iron cavalry!" Zhuge Liang poked his head out and passed the sound transmission. He can use Li Bai's talent, so he still agrees with Li Bai's identity.

Li Bai cupped his fists towards Gao Chong, and hurriedly fell into the camp, while Deng Ai, who was in charge of guarding the camp, had already raised the cloud.

"Where is General Xu Rong? I have an emergency request to present to General Xu Rong!" Li Bai carefully scanned the surrounding environment, and he was relieved after seeing the familiar figure of Xiliang iron cavalry.

"General Xu Rong went to the main base behind, and I am currently in command of this place!" Zhuge Liang shook the token that Xu Rong gave him.

After Li Bai confirmed the truth, he immediately told Zhuge Liang about the war.

"General Li and the others actually went to the north? It's a good opportunity!" Zhuge Liang's eyes flashed. According to the information provided by Li Bai, they sent troops from Congling to catch up!

"General Gao! Quickly notify General Jiang Wei and General Lu Lingqi to come to discuss matters!" Zhuge Liang immediately called Jiang Wei and Lu Lingqi.

The most able to fight in the camp is the Xiliang Iron Cavalry Headquarters with less than [-] troops, followed by Lu Lingqi Headquarters and Jiang Wei Headquarters. Halfway interception and killing can only be done by the most elite troops.

Jiang Wei and Lu Lingqi soon arrived at Zhuge Liang's camp. The two of them trained their soldiers every day, but they didn't go too far.

It is on the nearby high slope, the higher the altitude, the greater the pressure on the soldiers, and the better the training effect. Generally, except for the missions, most legions train there.

"Camel riding!" Jiang Wei said through gritted teeth.

"It is indeed an extremely powerful army. Even in the face of the Xiliang Iron Cavalry, its combat effectiveness cannot be underestimated." Li Bai added that since he joined the Xiliang Iron Cavalry, this is the first time he has seen such heavy casualties.

"Without further delay, let's set off quickly, and this time I will lead the team myself!"

Zhuge Liang's face was full of grudges, and his first plan to go bankrupt since he took power was also a big blow to him.

Now that he has the opportunity to make up for it, of course he will do his best!
He didn't do it all to make up for it. In order to stop the camel rider in advance, he had to use his spiritual talent to activate Xia Houyuan's talent. This kind of action against time has a speed-boosting legion talent effect, and can reach the destination faster.

"General, please let me go together!" Li Bai stretched out his fists and said.

"Mr. Guan doesn't seem to be good at conquest. Why don't you follow General Lu?"

Zhuge Liang frowned without leaving a trace. Although Li Bai's talent can go online, there still seems to be doubts about Li Bai's identity. It is better to stay by Lu Lingqi's side to observe.

As for Lu Lingqi's safety, he wasn't worried at all. Lu Lingqi had made a deal with him. Not only did he have Lu Bu's admission ticket, but also the horse Chitu. Most of the time, he didn't have to worry about her safety at all.

Therefore, Zhuge Liang resolutely arranged Li Bai by Lu Lingqi's side, even if there was a problem, Lu Lingqi could counter it.


On the other side, Fu Ward was counting the number of people with a painful expression on his face. It can be said that they were hit hard by the Xiliang Iron Cavalry, and many soldiers might not survive to the end.

"General, the loss is too great. Our side killed more than 1000 people, and the number of wounded reached [-]. The enemy's loss was only more than [-], and most of the dead were recruits. In this battle, our army Big losses!"

"Besides, many brothers... may not be able to hold on anymore!" The soldiers in charge of counting looked pained, and it was foreseeable that their casualties would at least increase by more than 2000.

"Han Empire!" Zasali yelled at the enemy bitterly!

He was really unconvinced this time. Fu Ward gave up a layer of blessing, which was the weakest period of their camel riding, and ended up running into troublesome enemies.

If it wasn't for having dealt with the Xiliang iron cavalry once before, and knowing the general situation of the Xiliang iron cavalry, otherwise, this wave would have been killed directly.

"The enemy army is really strong, especially the group of elite veterans. Their strength is obviously higher than ours. Thanks to the small number of opponents, we really can't escape this time!"

Fu Ward was not angry at all. The other party did not resort to tricks, but defeated them head-on. As a believer in war, he had a natural respect for the strong.

"It's just that the battle damage ratio is too high. Can the unbound camel ride really reach this height?" Fu Ward was thinking about something else.

The outrageous fighting power of the Xiliang iron cavalry gave him many new ideas about the way the camel cavalry would go in the future.

"General, they are still chasing behind. If this continues, many brothers will not be able to hold on! What should we do?" Zasali asked with an ugly expression, and he saw the appearance of small black dots near the horizon again.

Just as Zhang Ji guessed, Xiliang iron cavalry was tired, and their camel riding was even more tiring, and because of the gap in defense between the two sides, there were many wounded on their side, and sooner or later they would die due to lack of treatment.

"Keep running, as long as we reach the desert area, we will be safe!" Fu Ward took a deep breath, and he felt the twinkling of the death star.

A possibility he didn't want to speculate lingered in his mind.

If all this is in the plan of the Han army, will there be ambushes on their way back?

"I have no choice! I can only rush over!" Fu Ward looked at the soldiers under his command, his lips trembling slightly, but he couldn't say anything after all.

It's just a guess of his, if it comes out, it will be a devastating blow to morale, maybe even the last chance of life will be gone.

The soldiers were brought out by him, and he must bring them back.

After approaching the desert area, Fu Ward's ghosts came out.

Although he didn't see the enemy, his sixth sense frantically warned him that the endless desert in front of him seemed to be their burial ground.

(End of this chapter)

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