Chapter 519 Cavalry Siege
"It's amazing!"

Xiahou Dun looked enviously at Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Lu Bu showing off their power, while Xia Houyuan looked at Gao Shun and the camp with a dull face.

It's really uncomfortable for the two brothers to be stuck in this high or low rank, and they are full of desire for these world's top combat powers.

Whether it's Guan Yu's arrogance of breaking out of the city with a sword, Zhang Fei's head-to-head blood, or Lu Bu's violent crushing power, they are all completely superior to their strength.

But if they can accept their personal strength, they can't accept Gao Shun and the trapping camp on the other side.

Gao Shun's personal strength was not as good as the two of them, but facing a group of monsters who clearly surpassed the Imperial Guard, the battle between the two sides was like an adult boxing champion beating a schoolboy indifferently.

Chopping melons and vegetables indifferently, even without them reacting, the entire super army that could crush them was hacked to death.

"Let's go! Brother, it's time for us to contribute!" Xia Houyuan patted Xiahou Dun on the shoulder, envious of envy, but they still have to work.

Even if you are a background board, you have to be a qualified background board. If you can’t come out for a trip, you can really be a pure spectator.

"Yeah, let's go!" Xiahou Dun said dully, Xiahouyuan was right, it was up to them to contribute.

The leaderless Guangyang City was defeated very quickly after facing the attack of the Xiahou brothers. Guan Yu's slash not only smashed the city wall, but also shattered the fighting spirit of the defenders.

The Tiger God and the Mirror God fell one after another, which made the bad situation even worse. The Xiahou brothers broke into Guangyang City with almost no effort.

"Korea doesn't seem like an empire! This kind of fighting will and social atmosphere is the upper limit of this country!" Zhang Fei said sullenly.

He went up to the top before, but he didn't keep his hand, and beat the so-called tiger god to death. Originally, this kind of rubbish god died as soon as he died, and it was nothing.

But turning his head, Gao Shun walked over behind Lv Bu with the captured Jingshen. Lv Bu captured the captive alive, but he only had a dead body in his hand. Zhang Fei was very depressed by the situation of judging. .

He was crushed by Lu Bu again, and this situation was caused by himself, which made him very depressed.

"Indeed!" Gao Shun couldn't help but nodded after listening to Zhang Fei's words. Just because the mirror god fell, he immediately lost his will to fight. This kind of mentality is simply a ticking time bomb on the battlefield.

Even Lu Bu couldn't guarantee that he could survive every time on the battlefield, let alone these foreign gods who were far inferior to Lu Bu.

Once one or two fell on the battlefield, the entire battle situation might collapse as a result.

After just one battle, Gao Shun and Zhang Fei realized Goryeo's flaws, which were almost fatal to some extent.

"What should we do next?" Guan Yu stroked his beard, looked at Guangyang City that had been completely occupied by the Xiahou brothers, and asked slightly confused.

"Let me see, Junshi Jia gave me a kit before, saying that if I can take down the city, I will open it and do it!" Lu Bu scratched his head and took out a kit from his arms.

"Protect the environment and the people, and impose benevolence."

There are only eight large characters on the letter in the kit, and nothing else.

"Protect the environment and the people? Impose benevolence?"

Lu Bu looked at the letter in the kit with a strange expression on his face. This should be done after the occupation, right?Shouldn't they be evacuated from this place after a week?

"Smart people like Jia Junshi just go around and around when they talk, it's really confusing!" Zhang Fei's head is bigger than two.

"Follow Master Jia's orders. I have some experience in this matter, why don't you leave it to me?"

Guan Yu didn't understand what he meant, but after all, he was with Liu Bei, and he still had a lot of experience in how to display benevolence, so he took the initiative to take over this task.

The rest of the people looked at each other and agreed helplessly. They really don't understand this.


At the same time that Guangyang City fell at the speed of light, Fei Xiong on the other side also arrived at their destination.

"Hey, hello, how do we fight such a high city?" Gan Ning looked at the high city in front of him with a heartache. He didn't expect their destination to have such a majestic city.

From a certain point of view, the majesty of this city is almost comparable to some important checkpoints, and just looking at it makes people have no desire to attack.

"Hahahaha! Gan Xingba, you haven't seen us flying bears fighting, have you?" Hua Xiong patted Gan Ning's shoulder carelessly.

"I haven't seen it! Even if I saw it, can you still attack the city with cavalry?"

Gan Ning slapped Hua Xiong's hand away with a look of disgust, regretting his behavior of following Hua Xiong, why not go to ambush with Yu Wencheng and the others.

Now squatting here with nothing to do is too uncomfortable.

"Hahaha, you're right, our flying bears can attack cities with cavalry!" Hua Xiong laughed loudly, people who haven't seen them will not understand the strength of their flying bears.

It can be said that in terms of siege, they are definitely the most powerful of all cavalry, even the Habayashi Army cannot compare with them.

"Can you really use cavalry to attack the city?"

Yan Liang on the side was also very puzzled. Although he was an opponent of Hua Xiong when he followed Yuan Shao, he had never seen Feixiong attack the city.

"Hahaha, of course the cavalry can't attack the city, but we Feixiong can!"

Seeing that everyone was suspicious, Hua Xiong didn't take it seriously, as long as the facts were crushed in their faces, they would naturally believe them in due time, no matter how much they said now, it would be useless.

"Okay, the two generals Yan Liang, Wen Chou and I will attack together. After we open the city gate, Gan Xingba, you and your men will come in directly from the gate of the city and attack Huanglong!"

Hua Xiong began to divide the battle plan carelessly, Gan Ning was deeply suspicious of this, but Hua Xiong would not make fun of his own life, which made Gan Ning extremely confused.

No way, can someone really attack a city with cavalry?
Hua Xiong didn't talk to Gan Ning any more, he just fed the horse with bean cakes to let the horse recover faster, then turned on the horse and reined in the horse to face the Xiliang cavalry behind him.

At this moment, Hua Xiong's eyes were full of determination and nostalgia, he saw countless figures on Fei Xiong's army soul.

The bold Dong Zhuo, the proud Li Ru with a light smile, Li Que, Guo Si, Fan Chou, Zhang Ji, Duan Yan, Hu Zhen who have been grabbing food in the pot with him all the time...

All the comrades who fought with Hua Xiong in the past came to Hua Xiong's mind one by one, and the stories that might have been forgotten in the past suddenly all surfaced at this moment.

In the past, he only had to obey orders, but now those people are not here, it is his turn to lead the pride of this Xiliang iron cavalry, it is his turn to lead the flying bear to forge their invincible name.

Hua Xiong was a little nervous. This was the first battle he had led the army alone since he took over Feixiong.

For him, and for Feixiong, it was a very meaningful test.

(End of this chapter)

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