Chapter 538 Victory

With the last loud noise, Lu Bu fell from the sky in a panic.

"It's really annoying to have clouds and can't let go of your hands and feet!"

The sheep god is big, and under the condition of no cloud, Lu Bu would have already opened the plasma sea.

It's a pity that under the cloud, he still can't do that. He can only fight steadily with Yangshen.

Resentful, Lu Bu annihilated the corpse of the sheep god on the other side, and he was considered a good opponent if he could fight him for hundreds of rounds with luck, so let him die with dignity.

By the way, the sheep gods themselves have countless resurrected hands. After all, they are kind-hearted gods who attach great importance to their own safety.

But it doesn't make any sense. For Lu Bu, any backhand is a blank sheet of paper.

The gods are all destroyed, so what do you use to resurrect them? If you resurrect, you are still the living dead, and there is no difference from being dead.

"Strange, there seems to be a weak chicken here just now, why is it gone?"

After Lu Bu calmed down the turbulent internal energy for a while, he used his internal energy to give himself a concave shape, restoring his original handsome appearance.

After tidying up the image, Lu Bu suddenly remembered the weak chicken he had perceived before.

Although it is said to be a weak chicken, but at least it is a body with internal qi, and he still wants to cook together.

Originally, he didn't pay attention to opponents of this strength, but in a war he would kill all the soldiers, not to mention the separation of internal energy.

But after unfolding his divine sense, he found that there was no one around, so Lu Bu gave up.

He probably ran away a long time ago. Anyway, the city was blocked, and he couldn't escape by running away.

"I didn't expect to win so easily!"

Sitting in the city lord's mansion of Sanyang City, Xue Rengui let out a long breath, even though he had absolute confidence, but this battle ended with such a big victory, Xue Rengui couldn't help but relax a lot.

"It's just a little strange. It's unbelievable that a Goryeo with this kind of heart can invade Youzhou with millions of troops. Maybe it's because the main force of Yuangai Suwen went to the front line and was unprepared." Yu Wencheng said while pinching his chin.

"Never mind him, as long as we win!" Sun Ce waved his hand nonchalantly.

"Yes, it's good if you win!" Xue Rengui said with a smile. "This battle depends on the efforts of all the lords. I will definitely play the imperial court and ask for credit for you!"

"Gentlemen, please drink this cup together!" Yu Wencheng also let go of his thoughts, raised the wine bowl in his hand and said loudly.

"Hahaha, cheers!" Zhang Fei couldn't wait and responded immediately.

While everyone was toasting to celebrate, Yuan Gai Suwen also received the news.


The wind in Luoyang cannot blow to Korea.

But the wind of Goryeo can blow to Yuangai Suwen's heart.

"What did you say!" Yuan Gai Suwen angrily grabbed Li Zaishi in front of him.

"Damn Lu, Sanyang City is lost, the God of Goat is dead, and the north is all over!" Li Zaishi was held up in the air by Yuan Gai Su Wen in a state of despair.

The eyes are completely full of fear of the Han army, which is really terrifying.

"What happened, how did the God of Goat die so easily!" Yuan Gai Suwen suppressed the anger in his heart, and questioned Li Zaishi in front of him.

He hasn't completely got rid of Yi Sun-shin's entanglement here, and the north immediately exploded. How many troops were dispatched by the Han Dynasty.

The three cities on the border did not last even a month.

The march will take several days, right?

War is no child's play. The first two cities can be said to be unprepared, but Sanyang City has nearly [-] soldiers and top gods stationed there. How could it fall so quickly.

Even if he leads an army to personally attack it, it will take a month to take it down, right?

No matter how unbearable it is, at least give him time to withdraw his troops and return to Koryo King City.

Now that Sanyang City has been lost, maybe the other side has already marched towards Koryo King City, so what should he do next?
"There is a god on the opposite side, the real god. The sheep god is being manipulated by the opponent, and he has no power to fight back!" Li Zaishi's eyes were full of horror.

He dragged himself along, even disguised himself and escaped from Sanyang City, and flew back after traveling more than half of Koryo.

But all of this did not witness the horror of Lu Bu dismembering the sheep god.

"There are four or five gods on the opposite side, and there is also a super god. The sheep god died in his hands. Our army is powerless to resist!"

"Sanyang City, with so many troops, even if there are many gods on the opposite side, it shouldn't be so easy to be captured!" Yuan Gai Suwen was no longer angry, Li Zaishi's words calmed him down a lot.

Now is not the time to pursue responsibility. Judging from Li Zaishi's current information, the Han Dynasty is really terrible.

Yang Shen is already a top god, but Li Zaishi said that he is helpless, that opponent should not be underestimated.

"The opponent has two divine guards. One can only ignore the city wall under the clouds, and the other can't be seen as special, but the combat power it displays pushes all the legions of our army."

"There are also those barbarians who almost took out their old cards and dispatched more than a dozen and a half... barbarian warriors, they can't stop them at all."

Li Zaishi's face was full of pain when he recalled it. If he hadn't pretended to be dead, he might have died in Sanyang City.

Five or six gods killed officers everywhere, and no one could stop them. The battle between the two sides can only be described as explosive killing.

At the same time, he also had great doubts about calling Breaker a god. If he really was a god, how could he die so miserably.

"There are nearly 60 people on the other side, and the north has already fallen. When I left, I even saw Hu people from the big tribe moving towards us. The north is really over!"

Li Zaishi continued to talk, but Yuan Gai Suwen was no longer in the mood to listen. He realized that he had to be a strong man to cut off his wrist.

The Koryo royal city must not be lost. Once the Koryo royal city falls and the Koryo king dies in the hands of others, then everything will be over.

Without the constraints of the contract, those gods would be completely disintegrated, and Goryeo would lose all its territory, which was a truly fatal ending.

"Lee Jae-seok, I order you to bring 20 troops here. No matter what method you use, you must contain Li Sun-sin here. Do you understand?"

Yuan Gai Suwen held Li Zaishi flat and stared at Li Zaishi's eyes.

Li Zaishi was no longer the same as when he faced Yuwen Chengdu. The moment he chose to steal his life, Lu Bu became a nightmare that he could never erase in his life.

The strength that had originally reached the half-broken boundary quietly fell at this time, even worse than the original strength.

"Yes! Great against Lu!"

Li Zaishi had an expression of resignation, he knew the consequences of staying.

The 20 troops against Yi Sun-shin, even Yuan Gai Su Wen did not dare to guarantee it. There is no doubt that he was abandoned, and this was his punishment.

(End of this chapter)

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