Chapter 555
The distance between the two sides was not far away, and Ma Chao followed Odin III's troops to the defense area of ​​the Sixth Eagle Banner Corps.

The Sixth Eagle Banner has already received the information and is ready, and both sides have special confidence in themselves.

The three defensive areas in the north of Rome were all guarded by the Eagle Banner Legion, with the Citizen Legion, and then with the Barbarian Legion.

The Sixth Triumphant Legion Yakino was a stable group. During the first battle, he was always worried about the barbarian's backstab. He was not the head of the legion at the time, but the painful atmosphere made him very uncomfortable.

Doubting the loyalty of his barbarians every day, even Rome can't bear it.

Well now, all the barbarians in their northern defense zone have been replaced by African barbarians. Although these barbarians are more speechless than European barbarians.

But the physical fitness is really good, especially these African savages have survived the African beast tide, and they don't need much training, they can be pulled into the battlefield directly.

It's not a war in the wild. He defends the city, so he won't abandon the city and run for his life.

Resist the pressure and wait for the follow-up reinforcements to come over.

Even Yakino still has the idea of ​​fighting out and killing people. Their sixth eagle flag is one of the eagle flags designed by Augustus himself.

And it was shaped by Augustus referring to the method reserved by Caesar, so it is not an exaggeration to call it the hand of the military god.

"General, there are challenges outside the city!" When Yakino was studying the city defense, a soldier came to report.

"It came so fast! It's already here just after receiving the information! How many troops have come!" Yakino frowned, and the other party had already called him within three days after receiving the information.

It is said that soldiers are expensive and fast, but this speed is too fast.

"General, there is only one legion! Now there are generals in the city who want to fight one-on-one!" The soldier quickly explained.

"Go, go and have a look!" Yakino was very puzzled, what the hell is the one-on-one fight, and what the hell is Great Britain doing.

When Yakino reached the top of the city, Ma Chao was challenging him underground.

As a young master of death, Ma Chao's level of aggressive generals is of course unquestionable. Opening and shutting up is the quintessence of the country.

"Traitors, villains, rebels..."

A young man like Yakino couldn't stand it at all, and flew into a rage after hearing a few sentences.

He was a young nobleman in the Senate, when had he been insulted like this.

Are the knights of Great Britain so shameless now? Aren’t they always advocating chivalry? Why is this guy so annoying today?

"Where's the city guardian? Isn't he going to fight one-on-one? Tell Yalika to go down and kill this guy!"

Although Yakino was angry, he also knew that his strength was not enough. The one at the bottom looked like he was at the level of internal energy, and his internal energy would be sent to death.

The city guardian named Arikana is still very confident in his own strength. Hearing Yakino's order, he jumped off the city wall and faced Ma Chao without saying a word.

"What a young guardian of the city!" Yalika showed jealousy, he had only stepped into the realm when he was middle-aged, and Ma Chao had already stepped into it at such a young age.

Ma Chao narrowed his eyes, and he could tell from the hand he jumped off that he was an internally separated body, but why was there no pressure? Don't be a parallel importer.

But Ma Chao didn't think about it, he was not afraid of anyone in the class of internal qi separation, and directly started to mock through the secret technique.

"Finally someone is here, old man, what's your name, I'll set up a monument for you in a while!"

"Arrogant boy, I'll save you a sigh of relief!" Arikana rushed forward without losing her breath.

"Interesting! Let's fight!" Ma Chao excitedly took out his tiger-head gun, and met Arikana head-on.

The soldiers on both sides shouted loudly, cheering and cheering for their own generals.

But just after two moves, Ma Chao realized that something was wrong. It was true that the opponent was an internal energy separation body, but why did he feel that he did not have the momentum that a normal internal energy separation body should have.

It's as if this strength is completely artificial, and every move is completely out of place.

Ma Chao was not careless. The repeated abuse in Great Britain made him very clear that there are strong people abroad, and the other side may be pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

The two sides came and went, Yalikana felt more and more powerful, and the battle with the kid on the opposite side made him clearly feel his growth.

"Blind penance is not advisable, do you still need the trial of battle?" Arikana was shocked. They basically practiced penance in Rome, and occasionally beat internal beasts, and the number of battles could be counted on one's fingers.

It can be regarded as the drawbacks of their cultivation system, of course, there are also the calculations of the Senate.

The empire needs stability. In this mode of penance, the progress of barbarians without cultural heritage will be much slower.

If the fighting growth mode is really activated, the ghost knows how many elite barbarians will pop up, and it's really hard to say what the last name of this Roman is.

Rome has no legion talent, it all depends on the brilliance of the eagle flag, rigidity is rigidity, but it is always smooth to follow the path of the predecessors.

It is different from the control and killing in the Han Dynasty, but here in Rome, it really teaches you step by step.

Although every Boundary Breaker will not get the talent of the Legion, they will get a kind of blessing, and the wind, fire, thunder and lightning are quite outrageous.

With Arikana's progress, Ma Chao finally confirmed one thing.

That is the inner qi separation body in front of him, a type that is completely unseen in the Han Dynasty, the type that has no talent and has to practice hard.

It's fine if the talent is outstanding. I haven't seen this kind of idiot who is not talented enough and still actively fighting. I have never seen it in the Han Dynasty.

He has seen the talented player Zhao Yun, the fighting player Lu Bu, and Ma Chao.

But this is the first time Ma Chao has seen this kind of stupid and unwilling to risk his life.

As the two fought against each other, Arikana's aura gradually increased, and Ma Chao, who often challenged the strong, still couldn't understand what was going on.

"go to hell!"

An angry thunder god phantom appeared behind Ma Chao. After confirming that the opponent had no fighting experience, Ma Chao soon understood how to fight.

Completely ignoring Arikana's attack, he directly thrust the Tiger Head Gun into Arikana's body.

"Qi, you actually escaped!"

Ma Chao aimed at Arikana's heart, but was dodged at a critical moment, and only stabbed in the chest.

Ma Chao himself was also stabbed a big hole in the abdomen, but Ma Chao ignored it completely and continued to attack Arikana with a desperate attitude.

Arikana, who originally wanted to use the secret technique to heal the wound, was a little bit late here, but this time he was out of luck, and was directly killed by Ma Chao on the spot.

The dying attack just barely left a new scar on Ma Chao's body.

Arikana, who was not experienced enough in combat, was quickly killed in the face of Ma Chao's offensive of exchanging injuries for lives.

There is not much difference in the basic qualities of the two sides, but there is a huge gap in combat experience and fighting will.

(End of this chapter)

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