Chapter 616

For Chen Gong, who has unlocked his spiritual talent, many things are clear at a glance.

The world map continued in his heart, and the possible areas of the Northern Huns were undoubtedly revealed.

As long as a large enough circle is organized, the Northern Huns will naturally have nowhere to escape.

"Let me, Chen Gongtai, turn the pages of this rich and colorful page!"

In the information dissemination system built by the Han Dynasty, military affairs have always been the fastest, and Chen Gong's strategy has been unanimously approved by the counselors in the north.

This is how the super plan called Flying Daggers started.

"The Huns invaded?" Xu Rong from Liangzhou silently looked at the information in his hand.

"It's really shocking that the Bingzhou Army has such a background!"

As one of the most famous generals in Liangzhou, Xu Rong has always been proud of Liangzhou.

In other words, the three frontier states are all proud of their own power.

"Is the task assigned to us just to eat a dime?" Ju Yi couldn't believe it.

Are you kidding me, Xiandeng is one of the super army souls of the four great armies of the Han Empire.

Liangzhou is also a big state where the three states in Bianjun are fighting for the first, but now they are assigned such a weak opponent?
"It's not Liangzhou, it's us, only our Congling power!" Xu Rong shook his head and said.

"What do you mean?" Ju Yi frowned.

"Di Qing, Xu Huang, and Le Jin listen to the order! I order you to be the vanguard, and each take a headquarter to go north, patrol along the borders of Great Britain and Parthia, and kill all the barbarians who refuse to surrender."

Xu Rong didn't answer, and started assigning tasks directly.

"Because of the ban on the hearing order, bring 15 elite troops to cooperate with the vanguard to block the key passage in the northwest direction."

"Issue an order to let Li Que, Guo Si, Fan Chou, Zhang Ji and others bring the Xiliang iron cavalry to retreat from the front, cooperate with the large army to defeat Ding Ling, and then completely block the north of Congling!"

"Ju Yi listens to the order, and you will cooperate with the commander in command of the large army, and deal with the Dingling army head-on!"

Xu Rong didn't delay at all, and quickly issued orders one after another, placing every power in the right place.


The generals gladly accepted the order to fight the Xiongnu, that was a shining achievement, and the Northern Huns were defeated in the first World War, and everyone might be able to become a marquis.

When the second generations of the majors were taken back to continue their secondary education, these veterans seemed so calm.

Soon someone discovered the loophole in Xu Rong's arrangement.

"What about Fu Wo De in the south? Who will stay in the camp?" Di Qing frowned again and again. In his opinion, Xu Rong shouldn't have made such an obvious mistake.

"It's okay, even if the camp is lost, it's okay. The Northern Huns are the focus. When the time comes, I'll wait for the army to gather and get back to the Congling camp." Xu Rong waved his hand.

Although a lot of thought was spent on building the camp, it was nothing compared to the Northern Huns.

"As for Fu Ward, there is no need to worry. Li Junshi sent a letter asking me to write a letter to clarify the matter of the Northern Huns. Fu Ward must not dare to act rashly."

Li Ru's guess was right. After Fu Ward got Xu Rong's letter, he directly gave up the plan he had made before.

No way, he now belongs to Guishuang, so he will naturally be bound by Guishuang's environment.

In fact, strictly speaking, if the Han Dynasty and the Xiongnu hadn't beheaded each other for hundreds of years, the Da Yuezhi and the Xiongnu would have been the blood feud.

After all, the head of the King of the Dayue clan is still in the hands of the Northern Huns as a wine glass, which is a great shame, and the Northern Huns also attacked a handful of Guishuang before.

Guishuang's hatred for the Northern Huns has not diminished at all.

The upper echelons of Guishuang are all descendants of the Da Yue clan, and this feud is no different from Zhang Liao's family feud. Naturally, they will not hold back the Han family at this time.

Between Guishuang and the Han Dynasty, it was at best a friction, and the Huns were everyone's common enemy.

No matter who fights the Xiongnu, they Guishuang must help the scene.

As the center of the country, Luoyang reacted even more fiercely. Yuan Shao, who was under house arrest, and Cao Cao, who was half-civilian, also returned to battle.

Chen Xi felt a headache when he looked at Yuan Shao, who was in Nantian Yizhu's true colors, why didn't he realize before that Yuan Shao was so talkative.

I think back when Yuan Shao walked out of the mansion and came to the government affairs hall, he surprised everyone in the government affairs hall.

The reason why Yuan Shao is said to be under semi-house arrest is because after the court is stabilized, Yuan Shao can go anywhere except Luoyang.

But Yuan Shao's family knew about his family affairs, if he really ran away, Jia Xu and Li Ru would never let him go.

Especially Jia Xu, holding clear evidence that Yuan Shao intended to kill the emperor, not to mention killing Yuan Shao, even killing the Yuan family together would not be a problem.

Winner and loser, Yuan Shao knew very well that leaving one life for himself was already the limit, and if he wanted more, Jia Xu would definitely blew himself up and dragged Yuan Shao to die with him.

However, Yuan Shao, who claimed to be a model in the world and the leader of a famous family, couldn't sit still when he heard the news of the Northern Huns.

Even if he was about to die, he stepped out of his mansion, came to the government affairs hall, and asked to see Chen Xi.

To be honest, Yuan Shao still has great strategic value. After thinking for a long time, Chen Xi persuaded everyone to let Yuan Shao participate in this war.

After all, Yuan Shao's monarch talent is of great strategic value. It is equivalent to a weakened version of the combination of Liu Bei and Cao Cao. It can not only reduce the loss of subordinates, but also enhance the ability of subordinates.

This bonus may reduce the number of deaths of Han soldiers.

Compassion does not command soldiers, but it is definitely not giving up its advantages and insisting on letting the soldiers go down to die.

Although I don't know the specific combat power of the Northern Huns, it does not prevent everyone from working together to calculate the general situation of the Northern Huns.

Combining the information from all parties, Chen Xi and the others easily inferred that the Huns had the largest force.

It's nothing more than recreating the glory of the past, re-enacting the grand occasion of the 24 kings, and producing 24 imperial guards and an over-numbered army soul.

Of course, this army is far from the peak of the Huns.

At the top of the family, there are 40 people who control strings, and a rough estimate is 40 Imperial Guards. That was an era before the recovery of the world's essence, and it was worthy of the reputation of the First Empire.

Not to mention that there were Zhelanqi and Hun royal guards at that time, one with three talents and one with army soul.

At that time, the army was terrifyingly strong.

Of course, in the face of the Han Dynasty Empire Double Wall + Han Wudi, a super group that has been counted in history, it is not wrong to lose.

Chen Xi and the others walked along the path of wolf riders. Chen Gong's strategy was very good, but he put wolf riders in a very dangerous situation.

The wolf riders will eat until the Northern Huns finally have to fight back, and many people will die, which is completely unnecessary.

Chen Gong and Zhang Liao did not bring those single-talented soldiers out of this consideration.

But it is far from necessary to do this. The current Han army is strong and strong, and it has not yet reached the point where it is necessary to let the soldiers die.

50 troops were raised from the vicinity of Luoyang, under the joint command of Lu Zhi, Zhu Jun, and Cao Cao, and Chen Xi and other advisers dispatched from the flanks.

After joining the Bingzhou army and the wolf cavalry, they can push the Huns casually.

(End of this chapter)

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