Chapter 622 Decoy
"This battle can be regarded as their graduation exam. If they perform well, they can also lead the army alone in the next battle against the Huns."

After watching Zhuge Liang and the others leave, Xun Yu was slightly moved. Young people grow up very fast. Even if they can't surpass them immediately, they can't easily ignore their existence.

Xianbei is just a small trouble, but being able to deal with Xianbei already means that Zhuge Liang and others can deal with any situation below the battle of the empire.

To be able to achieve this step, the Han Dynasty must also allow them to grow independently.

After all, the flowers in the greenhouse cannot withstand the wind and rain, and they must be completely independent. When the time comes, you can tell whether it is a dragon or a phoenix.

When that time really comes, their future achievements will depend on their own opportunities and performance.

Just like Jia Xu, it doesn't matter whether his ability can overwhelm everyone, but as the first advisor to follow Guo Hao, he is inherently invincible.

"The latest news from Guishuang, Guishuang made it clear that it will not block us during our attack on the Northern Huns, but there is a large-scale army gathering in the direction of Congling."

Guo Jia spoke slowly, began to change the topic, and was overtaken by the people behind. This is not a topic worth talking about.

"Guishuang stands still? Does that mean Anxi wants to intervene in this war?" Li Ru responded quickly.

After all, he could always get first-hand information about the Congling area.

He is also more familiar with the situation in the direction of Congling.

"They seem to have resolved their internal troubles and re-named the Parthian Empire."

"I remember Jiang Boyue said that Parthia and the Northern Huns once fought together?" Jia Xu raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Hmph, the Northern Huns are really going back more and more!"

The counselors present were all human beings, and they immediately wanted to understand the reason why Parthia intervened in this war.

"The appearance of the Habayashi Army last time should have given Partia a taste of the military power of our Han Dynasty. How much money did the Northern Huns spend to make them tempted?"

Chen Xi frowned and said that there is no friendship between countries. Anxi and Rome are not against each other, and they had a fight with Guishuang some time ago.

Now that I have to provoke the Han Dynasty later, is it true that I have lived enough and plan to drag the entire Eurasian continent into the quagmire of war?
"Prepare for a rainy day, let Xu Rong be careful, as long as Partiya dares to intervene, then fight directly."

Guo Hao snorted coldly and made the final decision.

"Northern Xiongnu, our Han family is determined, even if Guishuang and the others come together, they will not be able to keep the Northern Xiongnu."

"Can Great Britain be used as an ally?" Xun Yu asked after thinking about it.

"Impossible. Great Britain and Parthia have a common enemy, Rome. Before Rome falls, it is impossible for the two sides to turn against each other." Li Ru shook his head and denied Xun Yu's idea.

"It's just a knife hidden in a smile." Chen Gong spoke out in support of Xun Yu, "Success or success is a divisive plan."

"It's not right. It's not necessary to damage the relationship between us. Great Britain is beyond our reach. Let's think about how to deal with Parthia."

Chen Xi shook his head. He still has a package of economic plans on his side, which requires the cooperation of Great Britain. Such a meaningless matter does not need to damage the trust between the two parties.

"Parthia also doesn't have a military spirit, but I heard that the imperial guards of the seven royal families have two brushes. Among them, the undead royal cavalry and the undead imperial guards are rare defensive units that can rival the Xiliang iron cavalry."

"And the foundation is stable. A group of talents emerged in the previous battle with Guishuang."

Li Ru gave a brief introduction to Parthia's combat effectiveness, and counselors who had never read the relevant information also had a preliminary impression of Parthia.

An image of being slightly stronger than the Northern Xiongnu and weaker than the Han Dynasty is vivid on paper.

"Split the two sides? Is there enough troops in the west?" Ju Shou, who was silent for a while, pointed at the vital point.

"Xu Rong's ability is trustworthy, and Ma Teng also brought a large number of Qiang people to assist, so the strength of the troops should be safe."

"On the contrary, we need to make some adjustments to our marching route. Try to block the route of the Xiongnu fleeing westward, lock the battlefield in the eastern region, and prevent Xu Rong from being attacked by the enemy." Li Ru nodded and said.

Jushou didn't say anything, thinking that when he and Xu Rong were fighting against each other, although Xu Rong was the one defending the city, his abilities had already been affirmed by Jushou.

As long as there is no problem with the military strength, Xu Rong can completely stop it.

Of course, the premise is that Parthia does not have any military god-level figures. If there is such a person, Xu Rong is powerless even if he wants to.

Originally, Ju Shou didn't believe that there were military gods in this world, and even thought that the descriptions of some military generals in history books were too exaggerated, and at present they were at most Huangfusong's level.

But after he actually fought against Han Xin and the others, Ju Shou realized that he had a better future as an honest counselor.

Commander?So handsome ass.

With Tian Feng's cooperation, the loss was faster and the battle damage was even more embarrassing.

Being tortured and killed by the military god trio in different ways, it ended up being hospitalized with a cerebral hemorrhage.

From then on, Ju Shou never mentioned military strategy, thinking that he was a complete waste, and it was the last word to build the canal, and let the young people do the commander.

After everyone discussed it, various strategies and methods emerged one after another.

Everyone gathered firewood, and the flames were high, not to mention that the people sitting here were all counselors. It is not impossible to rely on spiritual talent to forcibly bring them into the position of the Northern Huns to simulate future development.

On the other side, Zhuge Liang and others got Guo Hao's transfer order and led a hundred thousand wolf riders straight to Xianbei.

Along the way, he also encountered many private soldiers from aristocratic families, Zhuge Liang was not polite, relying on the reputation of Yuan Tan, Cao Ang, Sima Yi and other aristocratic children, he directly recruited them all.

The wolf riders were too deterrent, they needed a bait to lure Xianbei to take the bait, and then killed him with one blow.

These things are all clearly stated by them. Those who are willing to follow along, and those who are not willing to send them directly to the main business to report.

The aristocratic family basically did not refuse, they themselves came to contribute spontaneously, they can die, but it is worthwhile to die.

This kind of plan to lure Xianbei into the bait and then destroy them all suits their appetite.

What's more, they are mere Xianbei, they have no fear at all.

However, the private soldiers of the aristocratic family are only scattered troops after all, and the combat effectiveness between each other is also uneven, so they are only used as support.

The real main force of bait is Ma Chao and his barbarian army, which should be called Ma Chao's headquarters now.

When Ma Chao came back from Great Britain, he abducted an entire army. These barbarians themselves came here to get ahead.

To them, there was no difference between becoming a leader in Great Britain and being a leader in the Han Dynasty. One and two followed Ma Chao and ran away.

There was not much reaction from Great Britain, it was just a corps.

After Ma Chao paid dozens of pieces of high-quality silk, this legion was packaged and sold to Ma Chao.

It is not a problem at all to attract Xianbei into the encirclement with such a dual-talented main force, coupled with the assistance of private soldiers from the previous family.

After all, the combat power and scale are worthy of the number.

As for being scouted by Xianbei's war eagle?Totally impossible.

With Lu Bu around, at least a war eagle who breaks the boundary is worthy of escaping from Lu Bu.

But does Xianbei have it?Obviously not, they don't even have many war eagles with internal energy, let alone the super power of breaking the boundary.

What's more, with such an existence, Wu Yunqi's encounter with Lu Bu would be more or less ominous.

"Qi, ants!"

Lu Bu put down the huge bow in his hand, looked at the fallen barbarians in the distance, and spat out in disdain.

The pressure on Lu Lingqi, who was following Lu Bu, increased sharply. Just by looking at her momentum, she knew that she was not weaker than her inner qi.

Lu Lingqi, who was quite satisfied with her own strength before, really collapsed at this moment. She thought that after she broke the boundary in the future, she could physically persuade Lu Bu to marry Zhao Zilong.

As a result, in the current situation, she still hoped that Zhao Yun could improve in martial arts.

This was the first time she had personally witnessed Lu Bu's lightning method, which instantly shattered all her fantasies.

It's like people have only heard that Mount Everest is the highest, but when you really come to the foot of Mount Everest, you will know what the highest peak is.

Some people just look up and understand that they will never be able to climb such a high mountain.

"Linger, what's wrong with you?"

Lu Bu asked with concern, the murderous intent and murder just now disappeared, his face was full of concern for his precious daughter.

"It's nothing! I was just thinking about Zhuge Kongming's reason for us to come here." Lu Lingqi shook her head, deceiving Lu Bu against her will.

Lu Bu looked at Lu Lingqi suspiciously, he always felt that Lu Lingqi had nothing to say.

In an instant, his evil thoughts towards Zhao Yun went up to a higher level. Since his lovely daughter was bewitched by Zhao Zilong's little boy, she is no longer close to him.

"Sure enough, I still have to beat Zhao Zilong to relieve my hatred?" Lu Bu thought silently in his heart.

"There is no special meaning. This is Zhuge Liang's gossip formation. The place we are in is the birth gate of the gossip formation. In the future, the Hu people will flee in this direction, so we need Marquis Wen to come and guard here personally!"

Sima Yi, who was with the army, explained.

Even he has to admire Zhuge Liang's talent. The gossip array and the five elements, and the gossip outside, show the vastness of the universe vividly.

Although his understanding of the universe is different from Zhuge Liang's, he has also been deeply inspired by it.

The same Zhuge Liang also highly recognized Sima Yi's level, and specially put Sima Yi and Lu Bu in the place of Bagua Zhenshengmen.

The purpose is to kill the gossip formation directly and wipe out all the enemies caught in the formation.

In this regard, even if Zhuge Liang is stationed here by himself, Sima Yi and Lu Bu must cooperate.

Just as a few people were thinking, a firework exploded in the distant sky.

"Ma Mengqi has already started fighting the barbarians, Marquis Wen, please restrain your abilities!" Sima Yi said decisively.

Then he directly turned on his talent, ignored the enemy and us, frantically blocked all legion talents and spiritual talents, and then turned them off instantly. This is also the signal agreed by everyone.

If you take a bird's-eye view from a high altitude, the [-] wolf riders are divided into eight troops, guarding all directions, and it looks like a huge gossip.

"Get up!"

After being notified by Sima Yi, Zhuge Liang decisively launched Xun You's talent, and with the help of the Eight Diagrams Array, Xun You's talent was diffused.

I have to say that every time Zhuge Liang uses this talent, he feels that Xun You's talent is very suitable to be an assassin.

They have done tests, and only godly generals who have reached the level of Lu Bu and Guan Yu can detect Xun You's approach from a long distance. In addition, even Zhao Yun will be touched by Xun You to a distance of ten feet around his body.

It is really a necessary ability to kill people and sell goods at home.

When he was in the desert before, Zhuge Liang used this talent to ambush Fu Ward. At that time, the Eight Diagrams Formation had not yet fully formed, but the effect was still very good.

With the help of Xun You's spiritual talent of eliminating his own sense of existence, a hundred thousand troops just disappeared on the grassland out of thin air.

Unless you're looking out of the cloud, you won't see any problems at all.

Especially once it reaches the range of the hidden cloud, it will be affected in an instant, as if it is trapped in an illusion and cannot be extricated.

When Zhuge Liang's side was getting ready, Ma Chao's side had already started fighting.

After receiving the news from the scouts, several leaders of the Xianbei army scrambled to be the first, and none of them would give up this opportunity to hunt.

Persimmons need to be picked softly, and Ma Chao, whose total strength is less than [-], is a very suitable target for them to show their strength.

If they are fifteen times the number of Han troops, and they dare not take the initiative to attack, then how can they lead the troops, just go back to herd and be done.

Several leaders insisted on their own opinions, and no one could convince anyone. Everyone wanted to take the opportunity to eat Ma Chao's group, and then establish their own tribe's leading position in the entire coalition army.

"Okay, since everyone is unwilling to back down, let's all take this Han army as our goal, each depending on his ability, and the tribe that gets the leader's head of the Han army will be the commander of the coalition!"

Bu Yiyi had had enough of the endless wrangling, and directly offered his final conditions.

The leaders of several other tribes thought about it and agreed to this proposal. After all, the purpose of their coalition this time may be to plunder the border counties of the Han Dynasty.

"Huh, is it finally coming?" Ma Chao let out a breath, quietly observing the barbarian scouts wandering in the distance.

Zhuge Liang had made it clear to him earlier that this battle was their ticket to enter the Han-Hungarian battlefield, and they would be the ones who would divide up the achievements of the Northern Huns in the future.

It's not a problem to become a marquis or a prince. If they lose, they can only watch Chen Xi and others divide up the merits, and leave a little soup for them.

Of course Ma Chao is unwilling to accept this kind of defective product. He has already been named a Marquis, but his reputation as a Marquis is not justified.

What's more, he promised his headquarters to let them all join the official establishment of the Han Dynasty and become citizens of the Han Dynasty.

Strictly speaking, these people are just his personal soldiers, no different from the family's private soldiers around him.

To achieve this, one must have great merit, which is why he resolutely took over this role after he was aware of the risks.

(End of this chapter)

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