Chapter 648 The Future
"As long as the effect can be guaranteed, Gongda, how are you preparing? Huh? Where's Gongda?" Chen Xi circled around, but didn't realize that he was looking for Xun You.

"I'm here!" Xun You appeared in front of Chen Xide expressionlessly.

"Gongda, why don't you make a sound when you walk?" Chen Xi was startled, he didn't find any trace of Xun You at all.

"I'm ready, the Shesheng Battalion is already in place!" Xun You said flatly, ignoring Chen Xi at all.

"Gongjin, are you ready?" Chen Xi nodded and continued to ask.

"No problem, as long as the opposite person appears in my field of vision, my spiritual talent will take effect immediately." Zhou Yu didn't say much, just said lightly.

His aura of mental retardation is also a big trump card against the Northern Huns this time. Correspondingly, he will be on the front line, trying to put mental retardation auras on all the officers of the Northern Huns.

So even though he was capable of being one of the commanders, he still chose to follow Sun Ce's army to maximize his spiritual talent.

After all, as long as the halo of mental retardation can make more Northern Huns officers mentally retarded, the faster the Northern Huns will be beaten to death.

Just after the Han army started, the Northern Huns discovered the movement of the Han army through strange reconnaissance methods.

The Northern Huns, who had been stable for many days, were not surprised when they received the news.

As early as when the weather suddenly changed, they already had doubts, so they woke up and made arrangements in advance.

It has to be said that the undead soldiers do have merits, at least they ignored the temperature and provided favorable conditions for connecting the various ministries of the Northern Huns.

Therefore, after receiving the news, the Northern Huns organized everyone in a short period of time, and even arranged a line of defense scatteredly relying on the hundreds of thousands of people who had taken refuge in them.

Of course, the main problem here is that they did not cover up anything at all on the Han side. They just used this method to force the Northern Huns to fight them.

"Hateful!" Attila gritted his teeth in hatred when he saw the news that the first line of defense in his hand was less than one million.

When did Zahu actually become a vassal of the Han Dynasty, not their Northern Huns, and Zahu's combatable soldiers were not as many as their Northern Huns headquarters, so what's the point of fighting.

But fortunately, Zahu itself is a chess piece that can be discarded. When the time comes, relying on the necromancers of the second line of defense, they can still use these waste of Zahu.

"Have the residents of the Zahu tribe gathered?" Attila asked coldly.

As his deputy, Atilin nodded silently. They didn't feel any discomfort, and Zahu should sacrifice his life for the Northern Huns.

The hundreds of thousands of miscellaneous Hus on the first line, under the leadership of their Northern Huns warriors, will buy them enough time to complete the arrangement of the second line.

"It seems that the Undead Empire has other thoughts. They seem to have the intention to negotiate peace with the Han Dynasty!" Atilin said after hesitating.

"Hehehe, it's exactly as I expected. These dead people are just untrustworthy, but their wishful thinking will never come true!" Attila said with a sneer.

The characteristics of the undead are doomed, and it is impossible for them to reach an agreement with the Han Dynasty.

The flourishing Han Dynasty would never accept the demands of these dead people. After all, the culture of the Han Dynasty is safe in the soil. Even if Chen Xi and the others are advocating cremation, there is no good effect.

This is something deeply rooted in the nation, and it cannot work without a long period of time.

"It's broken!" Although it seemed calm on the surface, Attila's alarm bell was sounded in his heart.

"Go to work, call Hu Yanchu!" Attila, who was heavy in his heart, did not show it, but chose to discuss the next step with the smart people in the Northern Huns.

After Hu Yanchu came in, seeing Attila's expression, he already understood everything.

Things are going for the worst.

As the only intelligent person with spiritual talent among the Northern Huns, Hu Yanchu has miraculous abilities.

It is almost the same ability as Gou Shuang, the prophet, with the support of the will of the empire, Hu Yanchu made tens of thousands of attempts, but the best they could do was to withdraw nearly half of the people.

None of them have been able to achieve a victorious ending, which is why they chose to merge with Parthia, which is already the best future they can see.

And no matter how distant the future is, Hu Yanchu has no way to see that he is a human being after all, not a god.

Even with the support of the will of the empire, the will of the empire itself is a defective product, so how can he find a way to break the situation in this deadly situation.

"Is there any other way?" Attila asked calmly.

"Unless Guishuang sends troops, the possibility of our army escaping is extremely low!" Hu Yanchu's face was pale. In the future he had observed, after the undead empire was shaken, the possibility of them escaping was extremely low .

But there is still a variable, that is, Guishuang sends troops, and it is still necessary for the northern and southern nobles to send troops at the same time, so that the future of their northern Huns will be turned into safety.

In addition, the Northern Huns are doomed to be annihilated in the future when the undead empire has been shaken, leaving no one behind.

"Send someone to contact Guishuang, present the letter of credence, and apologize! Promise a huge profit and let Guishuang send troops!"

Attila almost gritted his teeth and said this sentence word by word.

Compared with the outcome of being completely annihilated by the Han Dynasty, he would rather lose the face of the Xiongnu Empire to Guishuang.

Anyway, it has already reached this point, so there is nothing to worry about.

The deep blood feud with the Han Dynasty, and other things are secondary things. They would rather bow their heads to the former trash Da Yueshi than let the Han Dynasty succeed!
They will be like ghosts, haunting the Han family life after life, even if they die, they will make the Han family restless.

Attila is ready, if Guishuang refuses, he will directly copy all the Huns' inheritance and give it to Guishuang.

At that time, let the Han Dynasty and Guishuang Parthia bite the dog together, and the souls of their northern Huns will look at the Han Dynasty in the sky.

"I should die here too, but it's nothing. At least our descendants of Kunlun God will have a way out because of my choice today, and there will be a chance to grow stronger again in the future. All sacrifices today are worth it." Attila sat on his throne and thought silently.

Hu Yanchu clutched his head and forcibly activated his talent, and began to observe the future of the Northern Huns, but as before, there were no survivors.

The future he can observe is becoming more and more similar, without exception, the Northern Huns are destroyed.

(End of this chapter)

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