Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 802 Empirical Mistakes

Chapter 802 Empirical Mistakes

Although he was a bit unwilling, Takeda Shingen didn't cause any trouble. Finding the main force of the Han fleet was his most important task.

If you really let a main fleet log in at will, that would be a really bad thing.

The mobility of the navy is doomed. In the absence of confrontation by the same forces, the coastal cities will be destroyed.

That kind of loss is not something they can bear. A large part of Japan's food comes from fishing, and there are a series of things such as salt industry distributed along the coast.

After being completely blocked, they can still grit their teeth to hold on, but if the coastal cities are smashed, then something really big will happen.

After breaking through, Tai Shici and the others were very upset. Dongying showed more things, so they were forced to lose two boats.

"The opponent's firepower is not weak, and their speed and numbers are not weak, and their reconnaissance methods are mysterious. This battle is not easy to fight." Tai Shici frowned.

They still don't know how they were exposed, so that they were almost besieged on the coast.

"It should be some kind of secret art of light and shadow. Only this kind of thing will not be deceived by my talent for confusion!" Ling Cao was very troubled. If he couldn't find a way to solve this problem, his performance would drop to freezing point.

"The other party's way of hiding is also very strange. With our secret detection techniques, it stands to reason that within a radius of twenty miles, it is impossible for anything to hide from our detection!"

Wenpin also found it strange that they didn't make any contribution this time, and they also suffered a loss for no reason, which was simply unacceptable.

After returning to the main fleet, the three reported the situation to Zhou Yu.

"The unknown secret technique of light and shadow manipulation, this is of great research value!"

Zhou Yu touched his chin and thought that he could almost guess how the other party did it, but how to spread this secret technique to such a wide range made him a little curious.

"It seems that Dongpu is not useless, this kind of technology can be absorbed!"

"Since the other party is looking for us, then send them a signal. I want to see how the Japanese fleet is doing!"

Following Zhou Yu's order, an eye-catching army attack soared into the sky, and Takeda Shingen, who was not far away from them, directly observed this signal.

"The Han Empire is so confident, why did it take the initiative to invite war?" Takeda Shingen smiled lightly after seeing the signal.

He looked at the sea chart and found that Zhou Yu and the others were in a sea area without any islands nearby.

"Is it an upright showdown?" Takeda Shingen thought, this method of combat suits his appetite, but from the perspective of Japan as a whole, he can't do it.

A war of attrition is absolutely unfavorable to Dongpu. This is the consensus among all Dongpu daimyos and generals.

"The general's Han room is indeed in that sea area. The light and shadow have already seen their figures. It is the possibility that there is no phantom in the entity. The other party is waiting for us!" Ninjahui, who is in charge of scouting, reported.

"Interesting, approach in a triangle!" Takeda Shingen calmly ordered.

Although he believed in the ninja's reconnaissance, he believed more in what he saw with his own eyes.

After the Han army's fleet appeared in the watchman's actual observation, Takeda Shingen laughed out loud. The Han Dynasty is very confident, but it seems that the command experience is not very sufficient.

Using the essence of heaven and earth to prop up the cloud defense in advance can indeed save a large part of the ship's own cloud reserves, but it also makes the fleet a conspicuous target.

This is not a good thing, but for him, this is an excellent opportunity.

"Let Amaterasu come to the world again, all for Dongying!" Takeda Shingen said plainly to the Amaterasu priest beside him.

"God Amaterasu, come down!"

Amaterasu priests cultivated by hundreds of temples began to rely on the fleet's clouds to prepare. A small dot appeared over the fleet, and then quickly burst into a blinding white light. As the red dot grew bigger and bigger, the color As the red color faded, the surrounding sea water even began to boil, and countless fish and shrimp were cooked by the high temperature.

"Prepare the cloud to accelerate, and wait for Amaterasu's divine power to dissipate, then you can move forward and launch an attack"

Takeda Shingen calmly watched Xiaodian fly towards the fleet of the Han Dynasty, and ordered casually.

As for the hundreds of priests on board who had lost their breath of life, he didn't even look at them. War always requires sacrifices. Anyway, these priests have already enjoyed it, so it's time for them to sacrifice their lives for Dongpu.

"Bofu, break it!" Zhou Yu's face was ashen, he never thought that Dongying would have such a skill.

Looking at the hundreds of meters of scorching ball of light flying over from the opposite side, Zhou Yu wished he could directly strangle the opponent to death, instead of fighting a good naval battle, he would throw each other with this kind of unskilled big move with me, right?

Although Zhou Yu's face was livid, he didn't panic. The opponent's attack looked magnificent, but it was the same for the entire fleet.

But the opponent's loss from this move is absolutely very small, while they are losing a lot.

They were counted at this time, at least one-tenth of the cloud gas reserve would be lost, which might have a troublesome impact on the ensuing naval battle.

Because what the other party draws is the essence of heaven and earth, and what they draw is the cloud energy reserve that comes with the battleship, so it is not a star or a half that will directly lose a little bit.

In fact, it was also Zhou Yu who made an empirical mistake. On land, in order to ensure the hit rate, it is usually necessary to launch long-range strikes within a medium-range distance to maximize the hit effect.

But after he propped up the cloud defense with the essence of heaven and earth, the entire fleet is a huge target. In this case, what kind of hit is considered, just use the most powerful moves to greet him.

The blazing ball of light was mobilized by Zhou Yu to directly shatter the ball of light, which can be called a small sun, under the control of Sun Ce. Under the high temperature, the entire sea surface was covered with scorching steam.

Zhou Yu is not a person who suffers. After being calculated, he immediately launched a counterattack.

The main naval guns made by the Mo family immediately began to roar, and the moment a bright glow was released from the bow, the big ship that was riding the wind and waves was even shocked, and everyone on the battleship felt the reaction from the front. force.

This is still supported by the cloud defense, and the special effect of the etching on the ship returns a part of the force, otherwise the reaction force will be stronger.

The moment Takeda Shingen saw the bright light, his conditioned reflex generally increased the output of the frontal group defense. This move allowed him to resist Zhou Yu's counterattack very well.

"Interesting attack, but relying on this kind of attack to get back to the situation, there is still a long way to go!"

In the final analysis, naval warfare has become a war of attrition for cloud gas reserves.

How to maximize the effect of the limited cloud is the responsibility of these naval commanders.

And now there is no doubt that Japan has the upper hand.

(End of this chapter)

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