Chapter 810 Five-Party Talks
In order to solve the problems of Japan, the major empires that were dragged into the water had to sit down with the Han Empire to discuss how to deal with the problems of Japan.

On the surface of the sea, Guo Hao led three masters, Lu Bu, Zhao Yun, and Dian Wei, and rode a tuanzi under his crotch to support a small boat to the platform that was set up on the sea.

Correspondingly, the four people from the Undead Empire also fell from the bone dragon.

"Empire of the Undead!" Guo Hao's eyes narrowed involuntarily. When he saw these guys, old and new grudges welled up in his heart.

"Han Empire!" The undead fire in the skull of the leading lich was also beating non-stop, and they still had a fresh memory of the Han Empire.

Especially the legacy left by the Xiongnu Empire made them jump a lot, and after becoming the well-deserved largest empire in the Americas, their fear of the Han Dynasty never stopped.

The inheritance alone can greatly increase our overall strength. The glory of the past is obvious, but such an existence has been crushed and completely killed.

Even the corpses were burned, and they planned to reincarnate Attila's undead into the disgusting and disgusting Han Empire. Who would have thought that not even a corpse was left behind.

When the two sides were confronting each other, the representatives of the orcs, elves, and humans hurried over. They seemed to be displaying their own abilities. Obviously, they were thinking of comparison. Compared with Guo Hao and the others, they were very low-key in the small boat. .

"How to talk about it?" shouted the orc with a bad temper. It would be hell to let him stay with the elves, not to mention the existence of humans and elites.

"Also, who are they and why are they here!" The orc pointed to Guo Hao and the others.

The Lich Soul lighted up for a moment, and it was a good move, the reckless orcs just have no brains.

Without you this stalemate is really hard to break.

Yes, yes, at this rhythm, let me show off my scheming first.

"Respected Monarch of the Han Empire, I am the Lich Monarch of the Undead Empire, and I would like to extend my highest respect to you!" No matter what the Lich thought in his heart, he still respected him on the surface.

The strength of the Han Empire deserves their respect, it has nothing to do with the position, it is respect for the strong, as the undead they also respect the strong, no matter what kind of strength it is.

He knew Guo Hao, he knew what Guo Hao looked like, and he didn't dare to neglect the master of an empire.

In the eyes of the Undead Empire, Guo Hao is the master of the Han Empire, and Liu Ying is just a puppet. Besides, both of them are married, and there is no difference in their eyes.

Let's use orcs to put eye drops on the emperor of the Han Dynasty first.

The orc who was left aside by the lich was furious, and was about to draw out his weapon and fight the lich.


"Grom, don't be impulsive!" The orc's companion stopped him.

And the orc in the cloak in the middle reveals his true face, his deep eyes seem to contain a universe.

"Sal, why are you here!"

Sandro couldn't believe it. There were only a few smart people among the orcs. He didn't expect this guy to come too. His plan was aborted, and it was impossible for him to start a fight with Thrall around.

In addition, their intelligence showed that Thrall should be in the court of the orcs.

"Okay, stop your farce, everyone has heard about the intelligence of the Han Empire, skip these unnecessary etiquette, let's talk about business!"

An old voice sounded, and the elf hidden under the robe also revealed his true face.

"Cenarius?" It was Thrall's turn to be surprised this time. "You actually left the land of dreams!"

"Hehehe, of course I can come if you can. Prophet, what you saw also told me in your dreams." Cenarius revealed his real body, and the shape of the four-hoofed antlers made Lu Bu and others look sideways.

"Okay, let's be honest, everyone is not here for these trivial matters!" The representative of the human race also changed his figure, and Anthony appeared in front of everyone.

"The Prophet Thrall, the Demigod Cenarius, the Archmage Anthony, and the Undead Monarch Sandro!" Guo Hao showed a surprised expression, they were all familiar characters.

"Not much nonsense, the envoys of Dongpu took away the sacred objects of mankind, we will launch a complete blow to Dongpu, as long as you don't come to interfere, other things can be given to you."

Anthony said calmly, but there was a murderous look in his tone.

"Our elves only need the saplings of the World Tree, and we can give you everything else!" Cenarius said plainly.

"As long as our family wants the son of the holy beast Nether, other things can be given to you." Thrall also said calmly.

When it was Sandro's turn, he was a little unconfident. Their Undead Empire was just attacked at a commercial port, and that was the only port they opened to the outside world.

However, compared with the other three, the loss seems to be insignificant.

"Why don't you take the opportunity to make Dongying people jump over the wall?" Sandro had an idea in his heart. Since Dongying wanted to die, he might as well take advantage of Dongying's hand and beat the other three families hard.

As for whether it will damage the relationship between them, just kidding, the four of them are almost out of their minds, so what is the relationship.

So his first reaction was to disgust the other three companies, instead of cooperating with them to fight against Japan.

"Then what is the meaning of the Han Empire?" Sandro did not express his opinion immediately, but raised the question to Guo Hao.

"We want to destroy Dongpu!" Guo Hao's tone was flat, as if he was describing a fact that had already happened.

"What if we must protect Dongying?" Sandro asked the question maliciously.

"Eastern Europe must destroy the country. For this reason, even if it is an all-out war, it will not hesitate!"

Guo Hao said categorically that the Han Dynasty would never stop the pace of destroying Dongying because of Dongying's extra foreign aid.

What's more, these four families are just being dragged into the water, and they will definitely not fight the Han Empire.

The four representatives, including Sal, squinted their eyes at the same time. Although Dongying is quite disgusting, to put it bluntly, Dongying is a mad dog. The dog jumps over the wall and bites people. They will not be so stupid as to fight for Dongying and others People work hard, they only want what will be theirs.

However, Guo Hao's attitude made them feel a little bit uncomfortable, everyone is an empire, you look like you don't take us seriously at all, isn't it too arrogant.

Even if you have heard your legends and know that your Han Empire is indeed powerful, this is not the reason for the Han Empire to despise them.

Without huge benefits, the glory of the empire cannot be underestimated, because the glory of the empire itself is a huge benefit.

"There is absolutely no need for swords and swords between us. I wonder if the Han army can do it for us. After Dongying is destroyed, we can return everything in full. We can also help the Han Empire!"

Sandro turned his eyes and acted as a good person, and began to bridge the atmosphere between the few of them, as if he hadn't provoked this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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