Online game myth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 822 Dawn of Victory

Chapter 822 Dawn of Victory

Zhou Yu, who had mutated into one of the militaristic radicals, was very angry, but he could only be beaten by Cecilian.

Cecilian's self-circulation and cloud-air penetration system are not only arrays and secrets, but also other things, as well as the characteristics of Guishuang God and Buddha.

These are not things that Zhou Yu can comprehend in an instant, and Zheng He's ability to break out space barriers is already the limit.

After all, talent has its limit. Even geniuses like Han Xin, Huo Qubing and others need a process of learning and accumulation. Accomplishment can only exist in the storybook.

Cecilian on the other side is very satisfied with the development of the situation. It has been too many years, and there is too much sense of fragmentation after returning to youth.

When he was young, he didn't have the experience now, and when he had this experience, his body became old. Now that he has two in one, he also needs a process to adapt.

Before, because he had no opponents, he was very slow to adapt. Now that he has two opponents, Zheng He and Zhou Yu, he can feel that his level is moving towards the peak.

"Sure enough, I can do more when I'm young!"

Cecilian clicked on the ship, and countless chains of cloud and gas extended from the flagship, this time penetrating all the warships within the range regardless of whether they were friends or not.

In the past, he was inexperienced and couldn't do this. He was old and had enough experience, but he couldn't do it due to his physical limitations. Now he has finally made progress towards the ideal state that he had never achieved before. Making these things is even better than he imagined. Take it easy.

"If we can increase our efforts, what will happen?"

With Cecilian's whispers, the Han army fell into chaos. Compared with the opponent's strange dodge before, this time it became even more outrageous. The opponent seemed to be directly in another space and attacked them.

Only the soldiers of Dongying can hurt the Han army, but the Han army cannot touch the soldiers of Dongying.

"Sure enough, as long as the output is large enough, you can directly make the copy space, this is the real space barrier!"

Cecilian was very happy at this moment. After more than ten years of research, he was finally verified, which made him very happy.

The high-speed running brain once again felt excited.

If he used to think that his system was perfect enough and only needed a lot of time and research to be successful, it is different now. After Zhou Yu pointed out that Han Xin, Marquis of Huaiyin, had given up research in this area, he understood that this was a path. dead end.

He is no longer ignoring the various shortcomings of the original system, but looking at his own system with a critical eye.

"Dead end? No, there is still life!"

Cecilian, who had reached the peak state, examined his own shortcomings, and found that he now has the capital to correct these mistakes and omissions.

When a road has no shortcomings, it is a new road, and he feels that he can do this now.

Of course, this is just a feeling. The former Huangfusong also thought so. Wangshan ran a dead horse, and Cecilian could only comprehend such a fact after hitting a wall.

But if Wangshan ran to death, he was also advancing.

Cecilian, who was already a mountain, also began to improve.

Reality is not a game, not only the protagonist will improve, but the villain, the big devil, will also improve.

"Forget it, it's more important to kill you first!" After diverting his thoughts for a while, Cecilian looked at Zhou Yu.

Zhou Yu's hair suddenly stood on end, which was a harbinger of a fatal crisis.

Accompanied by Cecilian's will, the self-circulation reversed and ran away, and then exploded with a bang.

When the inertia is hindered, the self-circulation system cannot be maintained naturally.

After a roar, the unimaginable self-circulation shroud on the battlefield was directly detonated by Cecilian.

Accompanied by the terrifying concussion and explosion, the sea level under the self-circulation system was lowered by tens of meters, and then the shocking waves rolled back.

It is not a huge wave formed by secret techniques, but the power of heaven and earth in the true sense.

"Hahaha, let's feel the anger from the sea!" Cecilian laughed, then rebuilt a small self-circulation system, and then forcibly cut the Japanese fleet into another space.

Natural disasters are far more terrifying than secret arts, because they cannot be counteracted, they can only be resisted.

There are huge waves in all directions, and they are all photographed together.

This in itself is a kind of secret technique that kills everything, but when one party is placed in another world, the only ones who suffer are the Han army.

"It's too late, let's work together to support the defense, if we can save a little bit!"

Zheng He roared, and then began to build the defense of the cloud. If he was given a little more time, he would be able to prop up the space barrier. Even if it was not as delicate as Cecily's placement in another space, he would still be safe.

But after all, it was too slow, and the time was too late.

Cecilian has calculated this accurately, so he uses this trick. Being faster than you is his greatest advantage.

Staring at the Han fleet covered by billions of tons of seawater, Cecilian frowned at the sudden appearance of a double-layered spherical defense.

In front of this kind of spherical defense, a large part of the wave squeeze is actually transmitted to other places. Although there are inevitably some places that cannot be taken care of, most of them are successfully protected, and a lot of force is avoided.

The roar of the waves colliding, accompanied by the recovery of the sea level has stopped, and the shattered water mist forms a rainbow under the sun.

The entire Han army fleet has completely disappeared on the sea. Looking at the location where the Han army fleet disappeared, Cecilian can only see the remains of the smashed ships, but the number is far from the number.

As for the soldiers, under that kind of tide, if they broke away from the protection of the army formation, they could only die.

"It's not a big loss?" Cecilian raised his eyebrows, looking at the Han fleet floating out of the sea, a little surprised.

The loss in Cecilian's mouth was not big, but Zhou Yu and Zheng He were heartbroken beyond measure. It was because their speed was slower than Cecilian's that they suffered such a big loss.

Nearly one-third of the ships were smashed directly, countless soldiers died, and the cloud gas storage suffered heavy losses. These are all problems that they cannot avoid at all now.

Without saying a word, Cecilian directly released the space support, and then rushed towards Zhou Yu and Zheng He with the fleet.

Looking at this scene, Zheng He wiped the sweat and sea water from his forehead, thinking of retreating, and planned to lead the fleet to retreat. The disadvantage was too great, and he could no longer fight.

Just when he was about to issue orders, Zhou Yu's words held him down.

"Can't retreat, go up!"

"If you don't retreat, you and I will be buried here!"

"Look at the sea level, reinforcements are here!"

Hearing this, Zheng He was taken aback, and looked up, and sure enough, the shadow of the fleet had appeared in the distance.

Judging from the shape of the ship, it is definitely a ship of the Han Dynasty. The reinforcements they are waiting for have arrived!
(End of this chapter)

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